Thoughts about this?
Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism
WARABI>Oni>Miko>Satori>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>France>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Shadow the Hedgehog
Satori a best.
Miko and Warabro a best.
Amoutards can fuck off.
Oni is adorable.
yes she is.
Miko>Empress>France>Warabi>whip cunt>bear>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Satori>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Oni
Greenfags are still mad that their waifu can't have children anymore, after she got stabbed in the uterus
How anyone can like empress is a mystery to me, the show turns to complete irredeemable trash as soon as her arc starts.
Satori, Empress and White Loli were good girls.
OP of the year.
I want to marry Oni.
Warabi it top bro.
Satori is overrated.
Enjoyable show, but it could have been better without Amou.
Also, fucking awesome OP.
the bear was hot
Oni a cute
This is probably true, with Oni and Warabi in second.
Honestly I probably wouldn't have watched it if the opening wasn't top-tier.
I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the character art for most of the series, too.
I really should watch the last episode.
Liked it well enough when it aired but then just stopped at second to last ep for some reason
Alpha Mc that made me enjoy scenes with him more than scenes with the girls
Greatest love story ever told.
Manga translations when?
It may have been classic haremshit but I don't think I have ever seen a yandere done that well before or since.
PS green was hot
It was fun, Nomura was a great MC, the OP was amazing and rabbit a best.
Rabbit an ok
Very forgettable.
Most fun show in a while. OPOTY.
An action show that has no action scenes.
beautiful ending
More like battle harem high school show, but with ironic femdom + chad mc.
Translation never
At least I can read Vietnamese
Needs anal sex.
The action had absolutely no love in the anime, the one thing about this series is that all of it's fighting is based on real life sword fighting schools and techniques.
Better raws needed first
Amou was the greatest girl that season
Oni and Mikofags can go fuck themselves
I am not a lolicon
>Empressfags even exist
In every anime there is always a group of people to latch onto the worst girl and antagonize everyone else.
Amou a best.
I want to fuck Satori.
Coming Soon
Literally beaten by the dick.
and dick.
The green chick's voice was fucking creepy in a bad way and way too exaggerated even for an anime girl voice
My thoughts are that I am going to impregnate Empress repeatedly.
Kyoubou best girl
Is not bear
A show that was still enjoyable even after getting Silver Linked.
Nipple SUMOU
Smile protected.
Yet another show passes where I would gladly purchase the manga or source material if it was available in English. I really need to learn fucking Japanese.
I won't explain
Or say I'm sorry
>>tying up and brutally torturing someone for engaging in what you believe to be completely consensual sex after you invade their privacy.
Even if he had ACTUALLY fucked greenie and not just been drugged and sexually assaulted it they still have no fucking right to be pissed.
Those two can fuck right off, Warabi is bro tier at least.
Amou is better than oni in every way, even down to superior unarmed combat vs a fucking lame katana
best friend
S2 when?
Never. There's not even enough material for s2 in the first place.
This. It's always good when the MC is awesome, as well as the girls. Trinity Seven is the same.
>Amou is better than oni in every way
Amou isn't feminine, unlike Oni.
I want Miko to correct me!
they tortured him for breaking into the girls dorm again, not exclusively for the photo.
I liked it, Ninja was best grill.
I like the opening.
>Still mad at the beating
t. Onitard
>literally man-voice