What are Burger fighting in Mali for?
seen on /k/ btw
USA is interventionist due to being immature nation, it is a bad policy long term.
Jews, Radical Muslims, and Niggers mostly.
thread link?
Africa is rightful burger clay. Frogs btfo.
US troops have been in that part of Africa for quite some time targeting ISIS affiliated Muslim militias there in order to prevent them from expanding into Africa. If you're a fan of conspiracies you could also argue they're removing ISIS from the places where they shouldn't be.
You know what? Your pretty fucking upset my friend and I think your posting has given me just enough insight into what the fuck your problem is. You see, ever since your mother left, your daddy's been raising you in every regard to be his fucktoy sissy daughter. He works hard to pay for your hormones, makeup, and clothes, you show your appreciation by dragging him to bed as soon as he enters the door.You just love the taste of your daddy's sweaty cock after a day of eagerly waiting for him to come home. The wait is excruciating; yo're horny all day, and your transition is at the point that you can't even cum without his thick rod rubbing against your aching prostate. Often you spend the entire evening licking his gorgeous shaft and drinking his sweet precum. Once he eventually wills it, you sheepishly let go of him and stick your rounded ass out for him to ravage as he pleases. He pounds you into the sheets all night long, his massive member milking your little balls dry as you cry out and orgasm for the fifth time that night.Judging by how closely related you two are, it's almost surprising how his cock is so much bigger than yous! Guess that just goes to show that you were meant to be his daughter all along!
Jews probably have some financial interest there
nvm found it
Will the video give me PTSD?
who the fuck even knows anymore
I knew men who's entire platoon were wiped out in Iraq and in Afghanistan. Imagine 30 men all dead, all at once. Brothers, friends, siblings - all for Israel. Christian men. Ethical, non-degenerates who were fooled by 9-11.
> Mali is estimated to have in excess of 17,400 tonnes of uranium (measured + indicated + inferred). In 2012, a further uranium mineralized north zone was identified.
>Mali has considerable natural resources, with gold, uranium, phosphates, kaolinite, salt and limestone being most widely exploited
For control over north africa while china takes control of the south and east of the continent, and control of minerals
15 years fighting goat fuckers and inbreds so jews make money. What a waste of a life
I wish they did it for oil or whatever, at least that would make sense but they never seem to do that.
I don't recall any news stories about us losing an entire platoon of dudes at once. Fallujah wasn't that bad, even
The war in Afghanistan was about oil, but not to get cheap oil in the states, it was about controlling the oil to keep it from reaching Russia and China. Oil determines how big your industry, economy etc. can grow, this seems to be the same. The control of territory and minerals, an older failling superpower trying to keep resources out the hands of a younger rising superpower. It's sad to say, but these men aren't dying for anything special, they won't be remembered, they're just pawns of zog
They are doing it for oil, it's just not their oil. The Jews' oil from Iran and their natural gas from Russia! Putin is trying to give the kikes a better deal than Saudi and that's why they're so butthurt.
I also wish that the US troops were raping and pillaging somewhere for some dumb pro-burger reason but it's always some gay Israel problem. All this faggy war crimes and reparations shit really put a chilling effect on non-guerrilla warfare.
Control of drug routes?
Is he gonna be ok?
This is a case of tail wagging the dog. It's not that oil determines how big it can be, it's that bigger economies demand more oil. Oil isn't a zero-sum game, there's still fracking among several other ways of getting your hydrocarbons. Russia and China have plenty of their own oil.
Electrical power is only held back by Jews telling you that nuclear power is unsafe. At least le eternelle grenouille is antisemitic enough to rely on nuclear energy.
jews jews jews
In b4 the cancerous 12 year old SF experts arrive to critique the actions of the soldiers
All foreign wars that aren't outright conquest are kind of lame. The worse part of modern wars is that they don't seem to be designed with an end in sight, they have no goals other than denying enemy operations in their own shithole of a country.
Good catch Pole. I didn't even think of that, you may be right
There is plenty of that in the /k/ thread
whoa, big surprise!
>It's not that oil determines how big it can be, it's that bigger economies demand more oil
Yes, and projected economic and population growth will require oil, hence growth is to some extent reliant on oil. And now with rare earth minerals required in aircrafts and modern weaponry, and more modern electronics, it's going to be a bigger clusterfuck in Africa for control over it's minerals, whoever seizes the most will undoubtedly have a leading edge in the next century or two
Those fields are very far away from any port, you'd need a lot of pipeline running through uncontrollable, less than friendly territory. Unless the price of oil shoots back up, it's barely worth recovering.
Holy shit this shows everything
>US squad ambushed by ISIS
>One squadmate lying on the ground dead
>The remaining 2 try to flee because they know they're going to be swarmed by ISIS nigger savages
>Squadmate with helm cam gets hit and hits the floor
>Screaming in agony and writhing around on the desert floor for minutes
>Knowing he's going to die in this god forsaken desert completely at the mercy of black ISIS as his squadmate leaves him behind
>Last few moments of footage show an ISIS fighter looking down on him
>Film cuts
Holy. shit.
wtf : ^ [
why didnt they get in the SUV and get the fuck out of there, it was obvious they were going to get over ran
good thing theres that cum gargling ""singing"" throughout the entire shit video
is this a new one? i thought one of the guys was a black guy, and Trump got into a fight with her wife about his name or somethign
It's because he is lying, Iraq and Aghanistan have had so few casualties that even if 1 soldier dies it makes the news.
You're right about pipelines, but new ones get built all the time, like the trans-saharan gas line to be completed in a couple years. Aren't these wars about long term strategy afterall? The former secretary of state, John Kerry, back in 2013 admitted that Arab countries are willing to pay for the Syria invasion. We know Arab countries also badly wanted a pipeline in Syria. Now our secretary of state is the former CEO of ExxonMobil (the largest oil company in the world). Algeria, btw, probably would be the best path for oil delivery as they are strategically allied with the US and EU.
>(((US troops))) have been in that part of Africa for quite some time aiding ISIS affiliated Muslim militias there in order to help them expand into Africa. If you're a fan of conspiracies you could also argue they're planting ISIS into places where they shouldn't be.
You mean US is running an isis training camp. Look closer and you will find also Israeli involvement in the training camps.
When finished, US will ship the fighters to what ever they need to mess up next. Propably Iran.
being so uneducated that you don't understand the parallel between Washington and Plato being made.
I just tried to post a link to the video, twitter is blocking that.
Except for that time an american FOB was overrun to the point they had to have CAS called in on top of their own heads and not a man in the platoon wasn’t wounded.
Americans are terrible at war.
they are stifiling our free speech, they wont let us show the world whites getting hunted down in Africa
That was unironically hard to watch
> Casualties and losses
> 8 killed, 27 wounded (US); 4 killed (ANA)
150 killed (Taliban)
you watch the whole thing? the guy screaming in pain then getting executed gave me some major feels. then they looted the bodies including the socks. fuck
kek 150 taliban, how do they count? why not 50000 gorillion like jews?
South Algeria is more or less in a state of civil war.
Nigger have a surpopulation problem and become explosive.
Nigeria is safe I guess.
>Underwater pipe lines across a tectonic fracture
>they are stifiling our free speech, they wont let us show the world whites getting hunted down in Africa
They don't want to show USA troops dying, it's terrible for reccuritment.
Did you know that Israel attacked the USA on 9/11? And I have proof: youtu.be
The US act as a military police since they are the only global superpower. Politicians think it's a good idea to let young soldiers die for some godforsaken shithole kilometers away from their homeland because of "human rights" and "terrorism." But instead of actually raping them with napalm they insist on letting soldiers die of attrition. Same fucking shit happens with the Bundeswehr. Our glorious military high command sends Germans to die for Mali instead of sending them to Syria and solving the root of the problem. Or, you know, defending the country against actual terrorism
The word taliban is probably false since they hire a lot of local farmers for punctual fights, but the number 150 is consistent with the other reports of goatfuckers fighting a modern organized army, including the soviets.
yes and yes
>"human rights" and "terrorism."
Don't be naive, no one cares about human rights or terrorism, if they did they'd BTFO the terrorists they let into their countries instead of giving them welfare houses. Human rights is a fairy story they tell to their citizens so they can hide what they're doing
We just have to not give heavvy weapons and money to Al Quaida and their allies and Assad will get shit back on track in two weeks.
It still won't be world peace forever, through, so still a refugee crisis.
I think it's widely known us soldiers can't operate properly without overwhelming air support.. British soldiers are taught that in face of overwhelming odds you must push forward. not sure how it is for yanks
Watching the first dead soldier was already something, then when they had to give up the corpse and desesperatly running for their life
Probably knowing they wouldn't make it, seeing the blood bath of the soldier after being shot multiple time done it for me
A 1:10 K/D is a pretty good day for goat fuckers, they're usually way lower than that. Not like they care about their losses that much.
Well, that was sad. I wonder what they were even doing. They were shooting seemingly at nothing, and they had no cover at all. They should have never even been in such a situation without heavier support.
i am trying to find out what happend here on /k/ and ill post
heres my thing that SUV looks uparmored, even if it wasnt, everyone pile in and get the fuck out of there!
fortunatly the shitty music blocks out their desperate screams as they lie dying. i think the guy was dead or close enough to it when they came up and executed him, he lost alot of blood looks like he was hit in the femoral and wrist first
Casualty numbers don’t fucking matter. If it did Saigon would still exist, the 2nd Reich would still be around, and Hannibal would have won the Punic Wars.
What matters is that despite the Taliban suffering higher casualties than the americans (unconfirmed), they got the Americans to abandon the valley.
Bee-tee-dubs, thanks for focusing on an absolutely irrelevant point in a conversation about whether or not American platoons had been wiped out during these past 17 years of jew wars.
You can see him breathing all the way through. And he's still bleeding profusely near the end. He was alive a for a long time.
This is correct. People constantly make fun of Chinese and Russian human zerg tactics when American doctrine since the US Civil War was exactly that: throw men and bombs at the enemy until you wear them out. Honestly, the only truly remarkable and unique contribution America has made to warfare is aerial combat.
>This is correct. People constantly make fun of Chinese and Russian human zerg tactics when American doctrine since the US Civil War was exactly that: throw men and bombs at the enemy until you wear them out.
That has been literally everyone's strategy forever. Wars are almost always numbers games.
In total there were 30 Nigerian soldiers and 11 US Special Forces in 8 vehicles when they got ambushed, most fled the scene immedietely, but two US vehicles with 7 on board got seperated and stayed. Out of those seven four got killed.
Yeah I saw that.
Stupid USA military sending these guys in without proper support and inadequate weapons.
>Stupid USA military sending these guys in without proper support and inadequate weapons.
Indeed. But I also wonder why the soldiers themselves didn't immediately flee in the car.
fighting Chinese / commie aggression in the area, trying to prevent the area becoming ever more chaotic with the predicted fall of south Africa. Also, ISIS and muslims.
We don't want an Islamic State in Africa.
hyvää jotto
"bring back our girls"
It was an ambush, the first shot disabled the car
Right. Smash out the window glass so you can shoot back as you haul ass away from the enemy. They were in a panic and not thinking clearly looks like.
As soon as the panic set in they routed. Poor military training and these are probably special ops.
The Russian pilot who was shot down a few weeks ago in the Middle East was alone, he engaged in a firefight and then highly outnumbered told them "this is for the guys" and blew himself up with a grenade. See the difference?
If those were Russian soldiers in this video we would have hunted them all down and cut them into pieces to feed to the pigs.
Nobody cares about those soldiers though. You only have technology, your soldiers and your nations thoughts on them is zero.
ivan perhaps you forgot when you faggots got creamed in chechnya and afghanistan and pretty much everything thats not ww2.
the fuck, seeing DEVGRU/SEALS running for their lives makes me shit my pants
Sure thing.
>In total there were 30 Nigerian soldiers and 11 US Special Forces in 8 vehicles when they got ambushed, most fled the scene immedietely, but two US vehicles with 7 on board got seperated and stayed. Out of those seven four got killed.
The men in this video also engaged in a firefight and killed ~27 militants. But they were being converged upon, with no cover, and ambushed by a force armed with light machine guns, mortars, RPGs and such. They did pretty well considering they only had rifles.
I'm a former tank gunner, was trained in cavalry tactics. The fags in the video ran away like little girls, they could have won that fight if they'd have fought like men.
feel u
maybe the niggers broke the car with their shooting.
isn't that smoke deployed where they're supposed to get extracted too?
bruh you guys literally got whooped by illiterate chechens with a >8:1 man superiority and a military advantage that was basically having the most advanced up-to-date vehicles vs literal home made weapons and shitty 60's warsaw milsurp
You sound like the only military training you had was in front of a pakistani version of Call of Duty
I was in the Fulda Gap from '88-'92. My regiment had the highest suicide and divorce rate in all the armed forces, we were in the field 290 days per year. I was there when the wall came down.
Now show your flag kike.
If you know there are enemy combatants with superior numbers why travel in open spaces in non-armored vehicles and light weaponry?
An ambush is inevitable and these are "navy seals"
Teenage Russian conscripts are not special ops. These Americans are.
You think 8 Russian vehicles with 11 special ops Russian forces would flee at the sight of 30 untrained baboons? Never.
it was a lightly armoured convey attacked my over 50 isis nogs
>Dying in some shithole country.
vid unrelated
>You think 8 Russian vehicles with 11 special ops Russian forces would flee at the sight of 30 untrained baboons? Never.
Then you'd have 11 dead Russian special ops. It was insanity for these men to even try to fight in that situation. Absolutely no cover, no armor, no heavy weapons, no information about the enemy. The only plausible explanation for why they staid at all is that they got extremely unlucky and their car was disabled.
Damn feels bad man. The moment cameraman fell to the ground he knew hes fucked. Surprised the sandnigs muffled his screams with their shitty music
And you wonder why people don't like faggots, faggot.
Where are the relevant parts? I don't want to watch 10 minutes of nigger tier video.
Then they are stupid. Go light when there is a huge chance of attack. Hmm.
>Then you'd have 11 dead Russian special ops.
Yes. You would. We are either all in or all out.
>It was insanity for these men to even try to fight in that situation.
Yes because all the others fled and left them. You have 8 vehicles. You can use them and return fire and radio for backup which knowing these people, wasn't available.
The enemy have no cover either.
>the US should just leave Africa and the Middle East alone and let terrorist groups and warlords that are hostile to the US and its allies completely overrun entire third world countries and then increase their funding, manpower and resources exponentially
>nigger tier video.
It's not that bad. It was filmed by a white guy.
Burgers specialize in roasting third world countries.
>The enemy have no cover either.
There seemed to be a treeline. The enemy was in shadows, and they had some cover.
>Yes. You would. We are either all in or all out.
That's just stupid. If you throw your life away for nothing, all you will be remembered for is an ISIS propaganda video.