NRA Gains 500,000 Members in a Month!


>The National Rifle Association (NRA) became the most vilified organization in the U.S. after the tragic Parkland shooting. Democrats and liberals pinned the blame on them for the massacre. The mainstream media had a field day demonizing them. And some business giants were quick to join the bandwagon and severed ties with NRA including Hertz, Delta Airlines, United Airlines and Simply Safe. But guess what? NRA has gained nearly 500,000 new members since the Parkland tragedy.

Libs like David Hogg don't realize that they're the best guns salesmen out there!

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post how to join i want those discounts

Streisand effect. All the AR-15's at my local gun show went for over 50% higher than last year and they sold fuckloads. People that don't even give a shit about AR's specifically are buying them "just in case" they're banned. I'm starting to think this whole thing was more of a gun sale ploy than an actual gun control attempt.

I like it. I can totally see that with the zap gun. Heres a fun fact about duck hunt you probably didn't know; it was originally meant to be an arcade game, and it has 99 levels, after which you do get a 1 screen 'ending' of sorts.

what a bad shot come on

The NRA is mostly White organization. It’s the way White people can politically organize.

pretty much to be expected, just like how talking about banning guns causes a sharp uptick in gun sales, vilifying the NRA will only cause americans who believe in the 2nd amendment to join it in an act of solidarity

I want both

Called it.

You try shooting from a vehicle riding offroad you dumbfuck.

Cuck confirmed

people are worried, they need more gun lobbyists in congress
too bad for them, Trump can;t be bought-out buy them.

500,000 people voluntarily placed their names into a database in a month!

could still do a better job

Maybe the camera has a stabilizer, but it doesn't look like a particularly rough ride.

500,001, now.

>t. soda
there were like 50 targets

It is will be rough on shooting no matter what. Plus most of those were hits. Just cause a hog is shot even through the hearts and lungs and doesn't mean he won't go crazy for another 30 or 40 seconds before collapse.


Can non-Americans join just to piss of leftist's and help the cause?

Literally fake news.
This is the level of journalism you're dealing with lmao


anti-guns shills BTFO
can you join if you"re not american?

Thank you, I'll have a look now, I know Paypal can convert GBP £ to US $ payments just wondered if you needed a US address/zip code to be eligible.


It's an extra $10 a year for international members and you'll have to pay more for shipping gifts and stuff.

I feel bad for the pigs, why do people do this?

Me earlier. Signed up.

Literally joined after the CNN town hall. That shit was straight up George Orwell 2 minutes of hate. Fuck them. The media wants to rev up their propaganda full blast to destroy the second amendment then fuck it some neet bucks can be spared.

They're fucking dangerous and way overpopulated

Literally don't. They're straight up cunts.

lol you must have never had property in the countryside
these little bastards will fuck everything up and multiply like crazy, there's an entire industry built around eradicating them

If I could choose between those two, I'd go for the white girl. However she's way out of my league. A white women that looks like that would't even look at me. I could however get a Asian qt like that. God bless them for their low standards for white men.

I bought a 5 year and got the black range bag. Time to fortify america now that SA is ready to fall.

Literally stop saying saying literally

wrong tag whoops

Based. Gotta say sometimes I forget burgers greatness potential. Well done amerimutts. You used the right 56% this time!

Most "liberals" get upset when I say the NRA is really just like a specialized branch of the ALCU

>tfw i will never do this
This looks plain simple fun.

Asian gf

>"Tourists looking for ever more thrilling holidays are taking to the skies above Texas to shoot wild hogs as part of the state's effort to limit the spread of an invasive species that annually causes millions of dollars in damage to farmland and livestock nationally.

For up to $50,000, people can hunt the feral hogs from a helicopter and even use a machine gun to mow them down."

>"According to the Times Picayune, the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s office is teaming up with the Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority-West in an attempt to eliminate feral hogs causing damage to the Louisiana’s flood protection levees.

Louisiana is home to some 500,000 wild pigs. With no natural predators in the area, these pigs are living the good life, rooting in the Authority’s flood control berms and causing costly damage in the process, but it is time for a reckoning.

Starting October 1, officers will begin taking these hogs down using any means necessary. Four man sharpshooter teams will use tricked out .308 caliber rifles equipped with silencers, night vision scopes and thermal imaging cameras in their effort to eliminate the porcine pests."

Beautiful. Asian girls are such angels.

whoops i fucked up the greentexting but you get the idea

Where does the NRA get all its money from. Is it straight up donations?

Feral pigs in the United States cause over 1.5 billion dollars in damages to crops and infrastructure every year, and their population is sharply on the rise. You shouldn't feel bad for the pigs. They're not native to the US and are an invasive pest.

Feral pigs especially larger hogs destroy vegetation and are a pest, they also fuck up the local wildlife by destroying habitats and killing certain native animals. They're a fucking nuisance, although running them over is a bit cruel.


Spotted the redneck cuckolds.

Donations and selling merchandise from their store.

This is the problem without a name.
But you have to stay white to sire white.

Goddammit now im triggered because i know ill never be able to do this

Spotted the kike

Signing up for the NRA doesn't require owning a gun, dummy. You're in a database just for being on Sup Forums

Don't worry, we'll also be purchasing biodegradable and reusable ropes.


>b-b-b-but they got 100s of thousands of twitter followers!!1

Look at that gay mouth thing he does, he is so phoney, is he a robot? A queerbate mandroid?

I think they're just trying to mimic the catty, superficial nature of women... i mean, not all gays are like this, but pretty much all of them are.

Are you black?

>Libs like David Hogg don't realize that they're the best guns salesmen out there!

Things liberals will never understand for $100, Alex.

With so many weapons, you don't have real hunters in the US?
Generally people actually EAT wild boar. That's a waste to kill them and let them rot.

They sent me something in the mail the other day and I called them and joined for 100 bucks. Waiting on my membership card now.

Already a life member faggits.

No ITfag expat here niggers cant into computers

>I'm starting to think this whole thing was more of a gun sale ploy than an actual gun control attempt
Why not both? If guns get banned (((they))) win. If it just drives sales the manufacturing businesses (((they))) own also win.

Lol, these twats have sold more guns than any advertiser ever could

you do know that some of the wild boar meat you get in Europe comes from America.

This whole "muh guns" identity needs to be eradicated from this world.

What a fag. Point out a single post that says anything about what we do with pigs after we shoot them. No one is talking about rotting except you.

I'm a girl and own five guns, including a scary salt weapon. I just bought an NRA sub for the year. Mad? Jealous? You should be.

and not 1 source was had that day

Hogg looks bummed his Jewish tricks aren't working on the goyim

I have no doubt that recent news has increased the NRA's ranks, but 500k may be wishful thinking. Just because some right wing blog says it's true doesn't make it so. I'll wait for an official statement by the NRA.

You know what? Your pretty fucking upset my friend and I think your posting has given me just enough insight into what the fuck your problem is. You see, ever since your mother left, your daddy's been raising you in every regard to be his fucktoy sissy daughter. He works hard to pay for your hormones, makeup, and clothes, you show your appreciation by dragging him to bed as soon as he enters the door.You just love the taste of your daddy's sweaty cock after a day of eagerly waiting for him to come home. The wait is excruciating; yo're horny all day, and your transition is at the point that you can't even cum without his thick rod rubbing against your aching prostate. Often you spend the entire evening licking his gorgeous shaft and drinking his sweet precum. Once he eventually wills it, you sheepishly let go of him and stick your rounded ass out for him to ravage as he pleases. He pounds you into the sheets all night long, his massive member milking your little balls dry as you cry out and orgasm for the fifth time that night.Judging by how closely related you two are, it's almost surprising how his cock is so much bigger than yous! Guess that just goes to show that you were meant to be his daughter all along!

Didn't save the link but there was a thread up earlier with video of him practicing his lines and being coached by the objective journalists of CNN

that's what it has always been, even obango didn't force shit through
neocons and neolibs are all tools of large (((corporations)))
how do we stop jewish capitalism and jewish socialism?

Imagine thinking white women could ever compete

>This whole "muh guns" identity needs to be eradicated from this world.
So do niggers. We'll see who's left in the end.
You ever wonder why white people have higher kill counts despite niggers shooting each other nearly 100,000 times a year? It's because we don't hold the gun sideways, Tyrone. Start shit, nigger; we'll slaughter you like those pigs above.

Since parkland I bought a dog and name d him black rifle, and joined NRA. Thank you based David hogg

I like the free press we get. And all the virtue Signalling to let us know which Jewish business to no longer support.

You guys should also join GOA. Gun Owners of America as well. They will push forward for Gun Rights.

nigga you can go on the nra website right now and check
they flaunt it

I've been considering it. The NRA catches most of the flak every time the left pulls one of their two-minute hates, so I figured they needed the support more.

Not going to lie, in thinking about joining. I don't even own a gun.

This is true. But GOA is a "No Compromise" lobby. While NRA is important for maintaining the status quo by protecting gun rights. They do not expand Gun Rights at all. GOA does.

You talk big, but I bet you don't even have the balls to play russian roulette with your little pew pew pistols.

Not a lot of people like th meat, and it's dangerous to eat in large quantities in the US. They are full of parasites and food borne illnesses, so you have to cook the meat to shit for it to be safe to eat.

What's the quick rundown on the NRA Mission statement? Do they actually do what they declare they want to?

>>The National Rifle Association (NRA) became the most vilified organization in the U.S
What are you talking about? They were already the most vilified organization


dont forget

MARCH 24, 2018


link to NRA ILA

wikipedia on NRA ILA:
>Observers and lawmakers see the NRA as one of the top three most influential lobbying groups in Washington, D.C.[10][11] The NRA Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) is its lobbying arm, which manages its political action committee, the Political Victory Fund (PVF). Over its history the organization has influenced legislation, participated in or initiated lawsuits, and endorsed or opposed various candidates.

euros need to hire those guys

My in the 50s my grandfather would pilot a small plane close to the ground and his friend would shoot wolves from an airplane flying at about 20 feet in the air. It's not that bad.

Nice, joined last week.

And people say the burgers dont have a sence of banter, you defiantly have that Anglo spite.

It’s like a zombie apocalypse

>Not going to lie, in thinking about joining. I don't even own a gun.
Same here, I found out in a recent thread that there's actually a Finnish chapter of NRA. And they're not just for gun rights, they have some other Sup Forums tier beliefs as well. Such as holocaust denial, ZOG, race mixing. I don't intend to even own a rifle, but I think they should be free to own, and I will join such a group if it means they will be in the future.

>they spread uncontrollably
>they destroy local environment
>they ruin farmland and causes havok
>they steal your fish
>they even made a mudbath on oddvars farm

we all know niggers are a plague, what about boars?