/srbg/-Serbia General-ELECTION DAY EDITION

Welcome to /srbg/-this general is for everything Serbia related.


Today is the local election in Belgrade, who did you vote for , serbanons?

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kebab slayer

Još uvik glasate za pičkoustoga

please gib brzo objacnenje

Daily reminder that if you didn't vote for Gospodin Bazza, you're what's wrong with our country.

Which one do we support?

kys yourselves
noone really, it's doubtful anything major will change, but the first results will be in about half an hour, and then it will probably be the best to talk.

Which are you? A moron or a leftist cunt?



vucic is a traitor, you don't have to be a drugosrbijanac to acknowledge that.

Može da bude:

1. Drugosrbijanac ili dete tih govnara

2. DOSmanlijsko kopile

3. Titoist/mešanac/Jugoslaven

4. Kozmopolita, anarhista, borac protiv diktature i ostali anacionalni ološ

5. Debilčina koja guta društvene medije

Tko god kenja protiv Vučića a onda podrži DS ili metastaze DS-a kao Šapić, Đilas, Jeremić i Janković zaslužuje metak


>Vučić is a traitor

>no true Scottsman

>Vučić is a traitor (to West), so I am going to vote for litteral US/EU Embassy stooges and Euroatlanticist/DS/Democratic Party politicians


pokazi zastavicu supcino

What about you KYS?

They are not even hiding they are funded and organised by NED, Soros and Rockefeller, being led by Shqiptar Ilir Gaši, Shqiptar mercenary Anita Mitić and being core of Yellow Duck movement

>ako ne podrzavas vucica onda si nesto od tih 5
jebem ti mater izdajnicku u picku
da si makar penzioner pa da razumem

Debilčino, ko je bio na vlasti pre Vučića?

Ko se vraća na vlast ukoliko SNS i Vučić izgube?

Takoebre, vraća se DS/DOS, vraća se ološ Pajtić, Šutanovac, Tadić, Janković, Jeremić, Borko, Čeda

De odjebi s ovim D&C kenjanjem

Mi zasluzujemo sve najgore, jer smo postali najgori.
U tom duhu navijam za vucica


Watch till the end

>Vučić i SNS su najgori
>Dodik i SNSD su najgori

onda das glas seselju da makar se oseti desnicarski porast(cak je i bosku bolje), a ne da talogu pomazes da neograniceno vlada i izdaje zemlju kako im se cefne. prepoznajem te po mimflegu, nadam se da ces i kada finalizuju prodaju kosova doci da nam pricas kako je sve to 34d sah ili nesto slicno, jebem te u usta retardirana.


Approximation on 40% of the sample...




najmanje zlo je i dalje Zlo. Zao mi je ali tako je.


>prodaja Kosova

Izvini, Kosovo je "naše" pa možemo "prodati"?
Ako je Kosovo Srbija, što niko od vas junačina i srbendi ne živi na Kosovu već Srbujete iz Vojvodine, Beograda i Šumadije?

Pre svega da te pitam, kakvo "Kosovo"?

AP KiM je ukinuta 2002.

Za "izdaju" i "prodaju" Kosova se obrati DOSmanlijama i dovoditeljima EULEX-a, smrdama iz DS-a, pre svega Jeremiću i Tadiću.

Reminder that Serbia is a useless US puppet
Nothing can change through elections.

Samovazduši se. Smesta.

Right wing borderline Clero-Fascist together with a Progressive Socialist-Liberal.


Serbia or Serbs in general are natural enemies of the ((US)), we are kinda being held as hostages for a long time now, but we never forget and never forgive.
We are basically in perpetual anticipation of the west going up in fucking flames, just so that we can finally go for another take at our regular blood baths, in hopes of us finally resolving the Balkan puzzle.


sta za kojeg kurca zdravlje znaci "Samovazdusi", koji je to jezik?

>Izvini, Kosovo je "naše" pa možemo "prodati"?
mozes makar da cekas bolju situaciju ili ako ces bas da ga prodajes da ga vezes uz republiku srpsku, ne da kao najveca izdajnicka picka dodjes da finalizujes predaju.
>Ako je Kosovo Srbija, što niko od vas junačina i srbendi ne živi na Kosovu već Srbujete iz Vojvodine, Beograda i Šumadije?
jer mi koreni nisu odatle niti imam zelju da zivim u neposrendoj blizini siptara uz prakticno nepostojece mogucnosti za pristojan zivot. to ne znaci da odustajes od svoje teritorije, samo da bi se uvukao u dupe merkelovoj.
>Za "izdaju" i "prodaju" Kosova se obrati DOSmanlijama i dovoditeljima EULEX-a, smrdama iz DS-a, pre svega Jeremiću i Tadiću.
aman jebem li ti mater retardiranu, to sto su zuti veca stoka ne opravdava ovu trenutnu stoku, zasto ti je to toliko tezak koncept?
moguce je da je onaj hrvatski vucic shill, pa se sjebe malo s vremena na vreme.

>jer mi koreni nisu odatle niti imam zelju da zivim u neposrendoj blizini siptara uz prakticno nepostojece mogucnosti za pristojan zivot. to ne znaci da odustajes od svoje teritorije, samo da bi se uvukao u dupe merkelovojda li bi ti sutra isao kad bi se dogodila regrutacia ka Kosovu?

To je jedino relevantno pitanje.

jebeni spacing

I had fun bombing you guys. Pic related.

Radule is fiscally conservative, all it takes is some redpilling from this clerofascist Ljoticevac.

Radule goes full 14/88 next general election

we had fun taking you down guys. pic related.

Even if we die, we die as decent human beings. You die as faggots.

Bombing them for the sake of Albanian Mudshit scum. You bombed them to ensure the territorial rights of Albonigger terrorists over Kosovo.

Idem po hardstyle festivalima u Holandiji i jebem nadrogirane holandjanke



nece biti nikakvog rata za kosovo u skorije vreme, a takvim pricama neces nikog ubediti da je izdaja opravdana.

>ja sam Degenerik sa ponosom

Radule is full retard.

>ja sam poorfag izbosne

Rat je jedini nacin da se Kosovo vrati, i to ne bilo kakav rat, vec onaj sa totalnim i beskompromisnim etnickim ciscenjem.
Sta nama i vrjedi Kosovo preplavljeno sa rojem Albozerg-a?

Bolje i poorfag u dzepu, nego u srcu i glavi.

ali taj rat nece doci u skorije vreme. treba balansirati dok se moze, ne prodavati sopstvenu teritoriju za poglavlja.

Things will come around. Trudeau is importing tons of mudslimes into Canada.

Serbs lost the Serbo-Bulgarian war.

Then they lost 250k men who self-suicided running away from the Bulgarian army, no joke


>On 14 October, Kingdom of Bulgaria declared war on Serbia. With his troops vastly outnumbered and outgunned, Serbian Field Marshal Radomir Putnik ordered a full retreat of the Serbian military south and west through Allied Kingdom of Montenegro and into neutral Principality of Albania on 25 November 1915.

>some 240,000 retreating Serbs died from the cold, starvation, disease and combat with Albanian tribesmen

Bulgarians didn't have to lift a finger and Serbs just killed themselves top kek

Meanwhile Austria-Hungary and Germany were just chillin I assume

Sta trebamo biti? Jebeni Jevreji pa trgovati sa svojim sopstvenim namjestajem?
Mislim, do sadasnje situacije nije smjelo ni doci, tako da bi mi prvo trebali ponabijati na koceve ove nase. Pa se onda okrenuti ka lijecenju rana.

so ignore baits like this

>random Serb thread
>they're STILL butthurt about Albanians

kek, memedonia btfo

vidi se da nikad nisi jebao holandjanku u bulju dok ste oboje na ekseru

hello friends

ubi se degeneriku
zali boze ovih protracenih cifri

Radulovic wants to fire the entire public sector and I will vote for him until he does.
Sasa "the commie killer" Radulovic


Gas those faggots.

Zbog takvih kao ti ja i molim u dubokoj noci da nas bog sve obrise. Na sta smo mi spali jebote.

what is this country called, Sup Forums?

both these users are albanians, fyi.

Radule is a centrist retard that wants to increase taxes and spending.


oh, so the number stands at 7k now? And they call that a genocide pfff

fyrombey isn't Albanian you retarded mongoloid

Pićkosti je najveća katastrofa koja se desila Srbiji.


United Nations flag is instantly assumed pooinloo

FYROMbei is a covert cair shqip roleplaying as antiSerbian, muslim shqip cuck,

SNS - 45,2%

Đilas - 18,5%

Šapić - 9,0%

SPS - 6,3%

DS - 2,4%

SRS - 2,5%

DJB-Dveri - 3,9%

Beli - 2,6%

Ne davimo Bgd - 3,6%

DSS - 1,0%

i još 14 lista ispod 1%


>Ne davimo Bgd - 3,6%
end my existance

>DJB-Dveri - 3,9%
Hvala ti Sv. Đorđe...

>Sapic 9%


>Beli - 2,6%
wtf this imbecile still exists?

Serbs know that nationalists are niggers

SRS - Dveri 5% combined top kek

Meanwhile SNS pro-EU receives unprecedented votes. I knew Serbian people were smart

Peци cлeдeћи пyт нa кoликoм cy yзopкy јaвили peзyлтaтe, oвaкo јa тpeбa дa гaтaм штa ce дeшaвa

na 80% uzorka


Хвaлa нa линкy

Serbs have a victim mentality. They keep getting BTFO by thier neighbors and always beg for help from Russia. No one is going to save you from your own stupidity.

ubi se

You can't defeat the Nation of Heaven, retard.

vućko literal total DOMINATION again

>Half of Serbia's neighbours claim to be genocided by Serbs at some point in history
>Serbs have victim mentality

I was watching Pink and just as the Cesid woman was starting to say they observed serious irregularities at some polling stations the channel cuts her off and they switch to GIK who says everything went well lol so obvious

Sadly this. I was a kid when the war happened, still remember see the war footage around Christmas time, scared the hell out of me. Worst war we ever were in from a moral standpoint. All to hide bill clintons sex scandal.
We backed the muzzies, and we are paying for it now, hell I remember some Serb leader saying that 9/11 would happen, he got the year off but the rest was true. Truly can’t believe that people love bill, and that Hillary could have won.

the canadian is a zerg you just don't have a trained eye

found the diaspora

are you croat or bosniak? or maybe albanian?

For fuck's sake, we Serbs truly are an autistic bunch.

Also to all Serbniggers, join the motherfucking dis*ord server if you're a nationalist because we might actually fucking achieve something with it.


vućko has you by the balls, faggot
bow down
