ITT: characters who fucked things up for everyone else
ITT: characters who fucked things up for everyone else
You first
>homuhomu fucked things up
>pic unrelated
Did everything right.
>all this denial
Everything that goes really wrong in the series can be directly traced back to Homura. The first timeline was easily the best one - Sayaka didn't contract, Kyouko was still alive, Walpurgisnacht was defeated, and Madoka diddn't turn into a witch. If she had just accepted Madoka's sacrifice instead of becoming obsessed with saving a person she knew for 1 month, none of the really bad shit would have happened.
As opposed to the timeline where everyone is alive and the city didn't get demolished by Walpurisnacht.
Love is crazy like that.
I can excuse Homura in the series because it ended with my favorite girl being alive in some form and magical girls no longer having such a miserable existence
I can't excuse Homura for Rebellion because of her fucked up motive, means, and end.
Doesn't do anything for the magical girls. There'd be no salvation, and the universe would continue to perpetuate cruelty.
>fucked up motive
"I don't want Madoka to suffer."
I give you that.
Dead magical girls are alive again and free to live without the burden of being magical girls.
The character designer for this ugly character.
It's not as simple as that. She's not completely squeaky clean here.
remember what she said when she grabbed Madoka?
"I've finally... caught you."
The universe is inside of Homura's witch barrier
Mentally unstable girl is in charge of the universe
witch familiars are running around
everyone is blissfully ignorant of this
despite what homura says, the LoC is actually broken
didn't it work out for the majority in the end anyways?
You posted the wrong girl.
I think you're forgetting which one Rebellion is
>dude lol we write an entire episode about homura trying to change them entering contracts with kyubei
>not a single one of the timelines actually mimicks the situation the main storylines happens, its always entirely different ones
>she concludes that telling them wouldnt change anything
Very smart writing. Madoka truly is an exceptional work with so many illogical actions that its mindblowing how this shit could ever have become popular.
>b-but she told them in one of the timelines and tehy didnt believe her
Yeah, a timeline in which Madoka and the rest already had an established relationship to the space rat. Its easier to convince someone of something if they dont have a clue wahts going on yet, which happens in the timeline that story plays in but wasnt the case in any of the other. Absolutely retarded.
>"I've finally... caught you."
And then Homura ends terminating her own relationship with Madoka because she doesn't feel deserving of her companionship.
>The universe is inside of Homura's witch barrier
Homura is not a witch.
>Mentally unstable girl is in charge of the universe
She eliminates the greatest threat to the human race: the Incubators.
>witch familiars are running around
They're throwing tomatoes at Homura herself as opposed to doing any real damage.
>everyone is blissfully ignorant of this
Better to keep the peace.
>despite what homura says, the LoC is actually broken
In what manner?
>Sayaka finds out the truth
>she becomes a witch anyways
>Mami finds out the truth
>murder spree
Mami had a relationship with Kyubey for years. There's no way she'll take Homura's word over his. And you'll always take the word of a friendly senpai over an autistic transfer student.
>Homura is not a witch.
Fine. "Demon barrier". Semantics
While it's good they get a good slap in the face, I don't think you understand the danger of having a mentally unstable girl be in charge of the universe. Homura's whole purpose now is to keep Madoka complacent in her gilded cage.
>LoC In what manner?
pic related
>Mami had a relationship with Kyubey for years
Are you mentally ill? Seeing something in a dream isnt having a relationship. The only reason she even engages into a relationship with the space rat is becuase Homuras actions seem unjustified in ep1. However, she could already have talked to her about all of this when she met her in school, but she didnt. Instead she turned all this into a mystery. The alternative timeline in e10 shows a Madoka that has known Kyubei for ages and entered a contract already, Madoka in the current timeline is unsoiled and could have been influenced hadnt Homura been so fucking cryptic about literally everything. The writing of that part makes no sense, and there are many other examples of this. Unless of course we are supposed to assume that she was in a comparible timeline before, but in that case they should have shown it since they bothered to show a handful of others to show the different approaches.
>it's another 300+ replies thread about nothing but homura/rebellion wankery
don't you guys get tired of it?
Homura's control over the universe has marginal effect on the average person. Sure, it's potentially dangerous, but she's going to let things proceed as normal unless it harms Madoka.
As for the Law of Cycles, who's to say that with Homura assuming control over it, that she erases witches by her own hands? The only trace of witches we see are her own familiars. And Sayaka and Nagisa, I guess, but they're normal.
Yes. Everything else has been talked about to death, so the only thing left is the philisophical debate. The new mobile game came out, but that's just bread crumbs.
>who's to say that with Homura assuming control over it
She would have mentioned something that important. As far as we know, the LoC is an empty throne right now.
>Sayaka and Nagisa
interesting thing that i forgot to mention, Homura never intended Sayaka and Nagisa to be alive again. They were just caught in her expanding barrier.
>The only reason she even engages into a relationship with the space rat is becuase Homuras actions seem unjustified in ep1
Mami literally refers to Kyubey as "friend" in episode one, dipshit. She's been a magical girl for years. Madoka will always take Mami's word of Homura's because even if Homura infodumps the whole truth, she sounds like a lunatic with zero evidence as opposed to Mami who is far more charismatic and personable.
>She would have mentioned something that important
She's fucking with Sayaka that entire conversation. "Maybe I'll destroy the world after all the wraiths are defeated"? Wraiths will never cease to exist as long as humanity does, and why would she destroy the world she created specifically for Madoka? She calls herself the epitome of evil and resorts to petty insignificant trolling while otherwise being fairly benign. It seems a little convenient that some pieces that perfectly fit to uphold Madoka's "perfect world" only happen to do so "accidentally".
Homura did not take on Madoka's burden. There is absolutely nothing to imply this. They would have given us an indication somewhere that this is the case, but they didn't.
Are you trying to say that she's not mentally unstable? Yesm she's trolling Sayaka in that conversation, but It's clear to me she has some screws loose, and her way of thinking is warped even back in the series.
>Madoka and Mami both die
>better than the timeline where everyone lives
want to know how I know you're retarded
wasn't really her fault. The world was fucked up as it was, she just changed in what way the world was messed up.
>made a world where everyone is happy
>fuck things up
>he's too retarded to understand that more timelines exist than were shown in a 25 minute episode heavily suggesting as much
The fact it doesn't make sense to your dumb brain should be a massive red flag that your understanding is flawed. It's like seeing 2 + 2 = 5 and knowing the 5 is wrong so you think the problem is it should be 10-5 or something. Maybe stick to Naruto, user.