If Italy leaves the EU what does that mean politically across other EU member states?
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Most of us italians loves the European Union
EU we love EU
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>If Italy leaves
Only if the 5 stelle win, SIlvio goes with Lega and Fratelli in coalition with Tajani as leader, CasaPound and Forza Nuova have no chance of do something, just a couple of seats at best
M5S faggot, kys.
I'd argue that will only make it nicer in the EU. Considering Italy's completely rampant illegal immigration, unemployment, and shitty banking systems... EU might actually like closing the borders.
Italy should deport all of its immigrants into France before leaving the EU. They should also start actively patrolling the Mediterranean to destroy "refugee" boats as an opportunity to lower unemployment and enhance the army they will need to stop the EU from dicking them around over "humanitarian" issues.
gas your life, pidino di merda
Italy leaves, get stuck with all the immigrants, and more and more waves every day.
However, there is no powerful block that could even potentially have their back, and leaving now when every country in the EU is turning right wing is probably not optimal.
Don't ever trust what a meme flag poster says.
their best chance is to get out the Euro first. They should be able to handle a couple of boatniggers to be honest.
we are crashing this union with no survivors
fuck you germany fucking kraut cunts
Lol no, I'm ok if Lega Fratelli and Forza win, but they'll go pro EU, just like if Renzi win, the Berlusconi coalition has the President of the European Parliament as leader, are you retard?
Shut your mouth shill
I would get so drunk that my liver would divorce me if the EU collapsed.
You were a german in the last thread.
How are things going politically in Italy?
>PD = Europhile
>FI = LIGHT euroscepticism
>M5S = LIGHT euroscepticism
Why would Italy leave the EU?
italy was one of the founding members of the EU. it would be really, really bad for the union
Italy wont leave the EU.
So when do we find out the election results?May God help them all end this nightmarish plague on their beautiful country.
LOL at Italia leaving the EU
fuck you, Krautfresser.
Not a lot by itself, but if Italy and UK left it would be a pretty big hit.
kek, is that supposed to be an insult?
UK won't leave the EU
Trump will never be president
Maybe not now but in few years EU will fall apart. EU offer only poverty, islamisation and more money to germany and less money for everyone else. It is doomed project since Merkel decided to invite whole Africa to Euroupe. It was bad for Greece before invasion but not it is no way to stop it. Only reason why everybody is still in EU is fear of bad economy. So it is based on fear now. That will not last forever.
You mean leave like the UK? EU is a totalitarian state, the jews took over. Enjoy America will you can...
>1 post by this ID
>That will not last forever
Of course it wont. But be sure that germany will come out on top once the EU is gone.
You easter barbarian can fuck off.
>1 post by this ID
germany and france gets stronger
the inbalance between north and south will broke more than already is and countries like spain would get out the euro in less than 3 years
you was on the top even before. but i am not sure if 40% non whites population is realy victory
I'd vouch for that
You will have to pay a lot of pesos for your trucks to cross France
and no more shitty agricultural products
Italy won't do it because they want help on immigration. Even the fascists recognize that. But its not Europe's fault mafia scumbags are ferrying them in. Italy need to get more involved in Libya instead of leaving it to the French
if the chaos let euskadi and cataluña independice im for it
the next time think than 50% of the people in spain feel more atached to their regions than to you this as spaniards is and feel