Is she right?

Is she right?

One unattainable kike utopia in exchange for another unattainable kike utopia.

>gives us a choice between 2 jews
Its too bad Gen Z is going with the third option

Just a dumb bitch feminist trying to replace Stalin with a Ayn Rand a female.

More proof that modern American academia is pro-commie.

So glad I went to the Uni back in the 80's.

>Listening to Marx or Rand

>Ayn Rand (born Alisa Zinovyevna Rosenbaum)

No, she's advocating not caring about anyone else.

It's like caring about others is an important thing, I wonder why that could be. Surely its not a dynamic truth or anything.......

Zionism is a better Jewish ideology than libertariansim


One step closer to Hoppe

Both are some of the biggest fucking retards in history. Should be right up millennials alley.


>Trade one jew for another
Yeah, brilliant flash of understanding with the world

(((Karl Marx)))
(((Ayn Rand)))

Literally none of you have read Ayn Rand and know fuck all about her philosophy.
You take your opinion that she advocated immoral selfishness from heresay and propaganda, just like you openly advocate for collectivism without having the faintest idea what that ACTUALLY is.
The rats of Sup Forums.

>Going from one degenerate Jew to another degenerate Jew

Ayn Rand lead to the Rand corporation which lead to all those shitty theories

No. Why am i forced to choose between two shitty choices?

Libertarianism is a system that will lead to a subjugation if most people to

Libertarians got close to their ideal libertarian society during feudal periods and early industrial eras. Most people agree it sucked unless you're one of the few to obtain a monopoly on a resource. Instead of power concentrated in the state the power is concentrated among a select few and 99% of the people on this board would not be part of that class.

You're correct. I have not, in fact, 'read Ayn Rand and know fuck all of her philosophy'. I have read Rand and know her philosophy.

Good job on knowing that!

Now, would you like to work on using the English Language? I know switching from Hebrew can be....annoying at times.

Except I have read her fiction and philosophy and was an Objectivist at one point.

Her ideas are cancer

Didn't finish my thought.
>lead to subjugation of the many by the few who obtain the resources. Current Russia where society is ran by oligarchs is a good example.

Wasn't for many of you libertarianism the path to the red pill? If Normalfags start to get into it too that would be a good sign.

Great, another self-effacing millennial who wants to score brownie points with faggoty boomers by talking shit about her own generation (and people).

The only reason she's peddling a babby-tier philosophy like objectivism is because it's easily digestible for Jimmy Buffet-listening, fat, ugly, nihilistic boomers who'd rather hoard wealth than socialize with people in their community and build bonds with their neighbors. She's fighting the so-called "culture war", which is really just boomers arguing over whether we should be communists or nihilists.

Objectivism is a symptom of the disease of industrialism which saw increasing isolation in society as people moved away from tight-knit communities to live in mass-manufactured shitboxes that prioritized privacy over socialization and friendliness.

>what is the kosher sandwich