
You said you are going to save Western civilization. What exactly are you doing to make that happen?

Does anybody on Sup Forums actually believe anyone here is capable of saving it? Or at least contributing to that?

I'm a serial rapist and have spent my seed in at least 500 women. There are few rape babies out there for sure.

By marrying a QT aryan goddess and having white children

But its easier to marry some big milker asian or jew. Sorry Sup Forums!

>believing we can't save it

>You said
no i didnt, i said western civilization is coming to a halt. its the natural order of things, we will fall, earth will succumb to another dark age for a millenia, and then perhaps humanity will rebuild.

You're like the Jews, expecting a Messiah with absolute power to save you and conquer the world for you and your ideology.
Realistically you need only to act as a sensible and righteous man and people will follow your example, like Jesus.

>What exactly are you doing to make that happen?

I'm putting white babies in the lot of ya!

I am trying to unite the European and Northern african countries.

White people needs to unite, and form an United states of Europe

Isn't that what you're all here for? Who's first?

>trying to unite the European and Northern africa
>White people needs to unite
>United states of Europe
this is bait

my arts college freshman dorm had parties that looked like that, with only 3-4 guys per 20 girls. Oh damn it was great. Only downside is I graduated with a meme degree.

"whoa! I've never had this many girls look at me at once!
*cringe internally*
W-well w-what I would do first is ban all immigration.
*laughter erupts from crowd*
T-then i would round up the Jews
*girls holding guts keeled over laughing with histerics*
*girls start chanting loser rhythmically and pointing at me*

I was talking about a larger scale than that of an individual. On the whole, the only chance Sup Forums can contribute is through the informational sphere. Yet, seeing how most people here behave, doubt it will be much of a success.

>3-4 guys per 20 girls.
Sounds like horror

nothing can be done as long as women vote
we need a coordinated coup d'etat in every nation to take out female suffrage


Going to sit here and have a wank. thx.

I will contribute by being eminent part of the Tech support. I hope my contributions serve the ethnostate well.

India is white

Should've done what I did. Meet a ton of film majors, major in something profitable, then use the economic prospect angle to reel 'em in at their film major parties.

what exactly is worth saving about western civilization other than some good artwork
things the west gave us:
>liberal progressive values
>endless urbanisation
>thousands of toxic substances floating in the water and the air

Basically this. Thats the kind of attitude that keeps Sup Forums and all its redpills isolated from the world.

I’ll eat that potato salad you got there!

Well if any of you m'ladys will accompany me to the bedroom....

>implying western civilization can be saved

The only thing that can be preserved is your lineage and your inner self. With the exponential progress of technology we are moving toward really weird times anyways, we will have the same kind of experience as people who lived the before and after of the two first industrial revolution but this time it will be even stranger.

its a good thing though, it allows us to work behind the screen, if people knew what goes on in our minds openly, our entire position would most likely be dismissed.

Nah senpai. I don't consider myself white, fair but within shades of brown.
I love the melanin on my skin, it's perfect.

newfags can't greentext

I wasnt trying to moron.

well im going on Sup Forums and telling every one about 911// pedogate and other stuff so they can do something ya im a keyboard warrior ya i am the difference

>too late
daily reminder it's not too late and white people by definition will not perish


Anyone actively trying to do something feasible at this point has no choice but to act outside the law.

So hopefully they aren't dumb enough to post their illegal acts on a Laotian underwater basket weaving forum.

If you decide to act. Truly act, you must remove all ego. This isn't about you. And you cannot rely out external validation. Before you begin you must be absolutely certain of the validity of your actions. The consequences if you fail. The methods you will employ.

You will never brag about them. Hint at them. Ideally you will never even talk about them.

Because otherwise you open yourself and your purpose up to substantial risk.

But risk is the business of heroes. And without it there can be no change. No fighting back. No victory.

Every single person here has the capacity to make this world a better place. Through their thoughts, words and deeds. Ask yourself what your life is worth, against the horrors we know are unfolding. Which will bring low everything we have ever known and loved.

Isn't that worth fighting for? Laying your life down for?

Reaching thousands of people with the truth is never futile user. It matters.

I'm going to impregnate all of you. Please don't fight. Everyone gets a turn.

My God Polish woman are so gorgeous.How can i get a polish waifu?

I don't feel responsible for saving the whole society. Many liberals openly welcome the demise of their societies.
They spit on Western values openly.
All we can do is make our movement big enough.
it will grow automatically. Once women's rights are being infringed, once their kids are getting bullied by migrants at school, once secularism is debated openly.
A few will go along with minorities all the way because they welcome their own demise but a large part will shift right naturally.
The best thing we can hope for now is that all asylum seekers will slowly be led back, highly unlikely.
The best realistic solution we can hope for is an economic and territorial balcanization for differerent ethnicities.
The countries we grew up in are lost for good at this point.

I admire Japan for having the courage to stay isolated. When push comes to shove, they will figure something out.
Our politicians sadly lack any kind of backbone and are willing to sell us out.

aah, the weinstein approach. bold!

I won't. I will let it fall so i can watch in laughter the human species turn to chaos and then wish for it back. It's illogical to think the world will survive without western civilization, and if it does, it will be shit and full of suffering.

Well, if I am like most of Sup Forums, I will start by making about ten posts a day complaining that white women need to have more children.
Then, I will follow that up with about ten more posts complaining that it isn't my job to contribute one thin dime to help some lazy, white bitch raise her children.
Yep...that ought to about do it. Western civilization saved.