But how is exactly Eastern Europe supposed to sustain its population?
But how is exactly Eastern Europe supposed to sustain its population?
This would mean straight up replacement of the local population desu since they are very few
why do Spain and Portugal not like making babies?
crisis = responsible people don't have babies if they can't afford to give them a good life
Have babies
we're not. why does the population need to grow anyway?
How are the French supposed to keep their nation?
I have two sets of twins both boy/girl.
I even fucking broker than your average Balt and I havent had a full nights sleep in years.
>Still worth it
Because today's economy is one big Ponzi scheme.
By breeding.
Some countries will definitely not exist in 100 years, mine being one of them
its really easy to change this though
ban foreign banks and people from coming and buy apartments
take out all meme public uni grades
offer free loans to couples with three kids
zero pension payment for chilldess people
that's really it
the problem is that women will never allow that and they are half the voters so only from manu militari you can do it
apartments are bought by foreign investors to speculate and tourism
full femniziation in all segments of society
zero help from the goberment
jobs overseas
surplus of males and male migrants
If you look at Japan, they don't have a replacement immigration policy, their population is diminishing but they aren't crying out for their government to open borders. It's a myth the country will "die out". It will simply get smaller.
There's no easy awnser for the sub-replacement fertility problem. There will be, for a time, less and less people. This is inevitable. But just like in Japan, this issue helps raise collective awareness in the population of the need to have children, and there's a growing cultural trend there towards people who realize it's their moral and patriotic duty to create the next generation.
By trying to solve the issue through immigration, globalists and useful idiots in the west are preventing this essential civil discourse from taking place.
However, in the long run this won't even be necessary, because revolutionary reproductive and logenvity technlogy will come out and the problem will solve itself. Our only job is to keep our country from being culturally destroyed before this point.
Birth rates are NEVER homogeneous across subcultures.
There are always some groups that are well above replacement rates.
If you just wait a bit it will settle out.
Well we can always take in the white refugees from western europe when their countries begin to fall. But considering they let it happen, they will be shot on sight.
our finance system goes against the very nature of natural grouth
in the past after a time of overpopulation it came a time of low fertility wich then left an emptier nation to grow anew
by having a pension scheme this time is not allowed to exist so migrants enter making it even more dificult to reproduce
those are muslims and nigs
You'll be the Eastern European country having the most rapidly dying population btw
Japanese people are 126 million on an Island. Eastern European countries are only composed of a few million of people or less so the automation thing won't work in these countries
Yeah sure it's only the 8% of Muslims breeding in France
>It will simply get smaller.
wich then makes it easy to grow in the next generation
migration stops tihis totally natural pendulum
check your kindergartens and natality rooms in hospitals
they aren't white
So lol? When you go out of suburban areas kindergartens are full of white children, actually even in suburbs' kindergartens there are white non-French kids like portuguese immigrants
Less children --> each individual child gets more wealth passed through + lowered prices of housing due to lower demand --> cost of living declines --> easier to have babies
What the fuck is this cuck scale? Why is green the lowest amount of children and red the highest one?
>do not breed, goys. See, not breeding gives green ratings!
>the impact Sup Forums has on brains
>But how is exactly Eastern Europe supposed to sustain its population?
There is no need to sustain the current population. The population will stabilize eventually at a lower number and everything will still be ok (and eventually might rise again with the same people still inhabiting the same lands).
Better that than sustaining the population but removing the original people FOREVER.
why are the french breeding so much? you have a birth rate 2.01,highest of any european country. no one else is above 2
The idea that countries need permanent linear population growth is a internationalist/capitalist/consumerist/globalist/jewish idea
How will they stabilize if they keep having a fertility rate under the replacement level and an ageing population?
2.01 is actually just enough to maintain the replacement level, I guess it's because we still have a strong rural population
Fake news, we're growing. Muslims do the job and get paid for sprouting babies.
by not importing niggers and arabs, just cuz ur caliphate is barely above 2.01 doesnt mean they r white, better to lose pop and be white than gain and be shitskin infested, u do realize they will never leave right? they will always be there
It's true though. It's this kind of small things that undermine everything.
>How will they stabilize if they keep having a fertility rate under the replacement level
It's not a given that the fertility rate will be low forever. At one point the government will have to make policies that will boost the birthrate. Lots of things that can be done (money support, TV propaganda etc.).
In western Europe the white birthrate will forever stay low because immigrants makes it unnecessary for politicians to do anything about it. It's the silent slow genocide.
It's all a nightmare really.
Population decline would be fine if we weren't filling the gaps with human garbage
In France particularly the countryside (which is around 80% of the French population btw), most people I know have 3 kids. That is especially true where I'm from in Normandy.
>Super fedoras
>Abortion Punch-cards
How the fuck does Iceland do it?
>why are the french breeding so much?
They have TONS of immigrants already. That's why.
The WHITE birthrate in France is low.
>by not importing niggers and arabs
And how is this stabilizing? They'll keep their population 100% white but still have an aging population and a high number of death.
What's your argument besides "ur caliphate"
>It's not a given that the fertility rate will be low forever
Unless they stop modernizing or go trhough an Islamic revolution it'll most likely remain like that, especially when their youth is mostly immigrating abroad. If everybody gets old fertility will just keep declining, hope you're right anyway
>It's all a nightmare really.
Pretty much... I'm just realizing that the demographic bomb is ticking
nice decade+ old map
>The WHITE birthrate in France is low.
Lmfao any source? The immigrants we have all go to Calais to go to the UK or Sweden.
See what said
wait u r literally saying as long as u r filled with shitskins to maintain the population its fine? r u new here or just retarded?
Newer immigrants perhaps... but you have MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of immigrants from before that (Algeria etc.).
Some places in souther France have a 40% muslim population FFS. You are even worse off than Germany and Sweden DESU (you're on the same level as the UK).
Those fuckers in Kosovo breed like vermin
It's not. Inevitably they will die out and will be replaced by human beings.
The odds are also pretty hight that you are NOT a white French guy...
This map includes migration due to the EU for vastly higher paying jobs does it not?
East European diaspora is very large in the west.
not a bad thing
Reality is that it shouldn't
it's a population change map which includes migration, so I assume it does
because we need an excuse to create inflation and import niggers, goy
Yeah they are useful when you need bubreg
And they are Muslims, right?
So, not the same thing then since it is not a birthrate map.
>Some places in souther France have a 40% muslim population FFS
Source? I asked for a source twice and you provided nothing , your attempt at an argument is just baseless and laughable
here's a tip
NEVER go to kosovo, they will shiv you in broad daylight and take your wallet
then CNN will say you were a Nazi and deserved it
At least we get lots of good ppl from the Baltics etc. At least 50% of our immigrants are white.
Pretty sure this infograph is wrong.
Yeah. I'm guessing a taquiya Muslim infiltrator or a feral nigger who thinks Charlemagne was black.
Lol the Kosovo-Albania-Serbia catfight is my favourite thing. But I expected that since Muslims tend to breed fast
What the fuck? Why would I be a Muslim I'm not even shilling for Islam
Don't you know your own country? (come on you KNOW it's true).
You will even have a muslim MAJORITY in the ENTIRE country within 40 years (if current trends continue).
Do you want a source?
erryday i love you pepiks more
W-Europeans have enough money.
You can thank the amerimutts for that
No seriously I laughed thank you but yeah would like a source buddy
in Bosnia too,muslims are the only group whos population is rising
hes a newfag from reddit, hes on the 1st stage of grief called denial, France has the highest muslim population in Europe, but he will learn, these blue pilled normies think they will be the majority white in this globalized world even if they import millions of muslims, funny
Really? From what I've seen Bosnians have overall a very low fertility rate. Do you have a source please?
Yeah hum ... we will use Portuguese immigrants to replaced niggers we have here... a call back to the nation if you will, every Portuguese everywhere will be called back to the homeland so we can continue our country’s history
Sorry monsieur
Oh fuck Portugal hasn't been spared by the negão?
how many nations have actually done that besides israel?
I thought the UK had more Muslims D:
They are still around 5% of the population and almost everyone on them is in the suburbs of the capital, so we are good for now
Also Muslims account for 1% of the total population, so we just need to wait for the revolution in Europe to follow the cleaning.
I dont believe those stats, no way we're under at least 8 percent.
the percent is probably higher now, and France has few million more muslims than the UK
We will second that
its an old source, its definitely higher now, those stats were before the invasion or as normies like to call it "refugee crisis"
Meh Lisbon was pretty blacked when I was there
>inb4 lisoa no es portugal
Like 20% of your population lives there, and many niggers in Algarve too, I'm afraid they breed at a very high rate
Refugees are like 0,1 % of population at the peak of the crisis so it wouldnt have a lot of impact anyways
Well I guess 8% out of 69 million of people is a lot? And if you live in a big city you'll see more muslims and think they're more but it's all about perception, I know that our rural areas are full of white people here
theres no catfight, Serbs are just perpetually butthurt
t. Albanian (from Albania not Kosovo, tho ive been there)
Booming economy, average Icelander is rich as fuck
We have to import a lot of engineers, doctors and scientists from sub-saharan africa and let them breed our women of course.
I read it wrong actually,only their population % is rising
Most sensible post itt
wtf Lithuania have babies
>france 2.0
New one.
Ah ok, do you think Muslim bosnians have more babies than the rest?
Why sustain? It is overcrowded anyway. Population decease without any immigration can happen without any problems.
No need to hide your flag we know you're Italian from the name of your jpg you dumbfuck lol, you can talk with your extra low birth rate and the mass immigrants you get ;)
nah its not accurate
btw nobody cares if Hamid is muslim or not, doesnt matter
The issue with population demographics is the ability to sustain the robust welfare states so common in Western Europe. While the east does have robust public sectors, their welfare states are not nearly as robust as in the West. Simply put they don't have the pressing need of a Germany or a Britain.
Also, let's not pretend that these aging demographics are the end of everything. Socially speaking there's nothing wrong with an aging population. Nothing at all.
what people have to realize its only muslims, there r even more non mudslime shitskins, but hey at least the population increases and capitalists get their yearly profit benchmarks met. aint life grand
With memes.
I assume yes,but I can't find any sources on it