>FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (Reuters) - The Florida Senate rejected a proposal to ban assault weapons, and voted for a measure to arm some teachers, weeks after 17 people were killed in the deadliest high school shooting in U.S. history.
Florida Senate rejects ban on assault weapons, votes to arm teachers
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It's been fucking hilarious watching the media fall for Trump's red-herring misdirect pretending he was actually thinking about banning guns.
And they went for it hook, line, and sinker, too. And look at all the shit he's been doing while they have been distracted, yammering to America with their smug bullshit.
Winning big league!
Hogg on death watch. faggot.
wow it turns out people don't agree with the bans as nearly much as they
the media claims and politicians want to get reelected.
let's save pol
Based FL does it again
what would be the point of baning assault weapons in just one state? I dont remember you guys having state border controls
Journalists are collectively a bunch of fucking idiots. If you have ever had to deal with the personally you would know this. Trump is very well aware of how stupid even the bright ones are.
they do it every single time. check twitter, if even left leaning normalfags can see through the ruse why do the consistantly fall for it?
indeed, he knows first hand.
>red-herring misdirect
What misdirection? The age restriction he was talking about is in the law.
Isn't FL 98% beaner?
I for one am tired of the media pretending as though Attention Hogg is brilliant and speaks for 95% of high school-aged people. Fuck them and their darling.
no, 99% now
t. south florida user
spics and NY/NJ jews. Old people.
Handful of rednecks in the pan handle.
Lots of niggers in the south.
Florida Latinos are Cubans, who are based, unlike the ones in the U.S. that came from Mexico and Central America.
fuck off please
Jesus christ, this man is the best troll of all time. He never shows full power level and strings them along allowing them to feel in charge of the situation. As soon as they are all comfy.... Wham, he dries rams it in
This is like when you autoresolve a battle in a game against a much weaker force and then lose. I thought stricter gun laws in Florida was a sure thing, and it'd turn into the next California in all the worst ways.
Don't just arm them. Train them. Only issue to those that show they're responsible enough to not leave the gun unattended in the classroom.
Fat-spreading should be punishable.