Wtf I love Mexicans now!
Wtf I love Mexicans now!
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Based Mexicans ! Go Texas !
BASED Mexicans. Mexico needs to build a northern border wall
I don't care.
Catholics can brag about how """anti-semitic""" they are but their countries are still objectively shitty compared to the Anglosphere and Protestant world.
Japan is anti-semitic but look at how much better they are. Try living up to their examples, you taconigger cartel mutts and guido shitskins.
Wtf, I love beaters now. You're all welcome here
Fake news probably
The jews fear many of us because we hate rats, we have enough with our people and politicians. Jews would be like the last nail to make us worse.
Muslims hate jews, do you love muslims too? The only good jew is a dead jew, and Paul Heyman.
we just need to build a wall around Israel and use it as a world prison. they already have part of it done.
Texas explain yourself
We hate everyone my dudes, this is the most racist nation in the world. The only exception is white people and that is because the ones here are usually awesome and spend tons of money on having fun.
Probably these guys
So when Mexico takes over America will you purge all the Niggers, and treat White people like gods?
The ADL would find a rise in antisemitism in an empty room.
Mexicans have been getting their news from a guy named (((Zabludovsky))) and his successors for a very long time. Look up Jorge Gutmann, Jose Woldenberg, and now John Ackerman in Mexico. They are run by Jews. The Banxico guy is an inbred Jew with the same Jewish last name twice.
Why do you think they're anti-semitic, the goyim found out!
They'll get rid of the niggers for us.
>tfw mexican diaspora will free the mutt from ((thier)) leash
It's a bit hard to explain, there are jew zones and of course in Mexico City you will find the slimy faggots with their noses deep in finance, business and top schools and workplaces. So the average Juan that eats tortillas probably has never had a real interaction with a kike before.
Mexico is mostly catholic too, so that helps I guess. I honestly would love this to be true, fuck the kikes and I hope people in this dogshit of a country can at the very least understand the true nature of those big nosed rats
Is Catholicism holding Mexicans back? What would happen if Mexicans became Bible believers instead?
Liking this shit. Browns in the fight against feminism, immigration, foreigners, and minorities in Mexico. I respect their movement except for wanting Texas back. They can have California. The Mexicans really want a do-over on the Battle of San Jacinto which is hilarious but misguided.
It's prob cause they know Trump's alliance with the zionist lucifernians won him the election. He gave them his daughter as tribute. Shameful.
I dont know if this normal. But I've noticed most Mexicans here (1st and 2nd gen mostly) are more hostile towards other races, even other non Mexican Latinos. Normally in this area the only races they'll click up with are whites or sometimes Asians. More occasionally it'll be Natives. Most mexs don't fuck with blacks and generally refuse to accept non mexican latinos in their circles.
I thought Mexico was ruled by the white criollo caste, and thats why the lower caste mestizos and indios flee to the USA. The Jews have control of Mexcian finances, too?
But of course, a surprisingly high % of Mexicans are jewish
In mexico it's the sephardic jews. The same group that came and concentrated in texas and southward starting after the expulsion in 1492. The catholic church working in conjunction with international jewry forced the pleb jews out to be used as foot soldiers and capos to populate the new world and control the slave trade and piracy and other jewish enterprises.
>56 percent
The memes are too powerful.
So I'm Mexican-American and asked my dad about the jews in his village and he said they where kicked out because a lot of them tried to convert people and enforce sanctions and taxes in the city hall. Because Mexicans love Jesus, they kicked out because they killed him. A lot of them live up by Tijuana and rosarito posing as moromons. The moromons are all right according to my dad, they just like to help the community and have a shit load of wives.
We all just need to start changing the contents of these articles title's, and when you repost them to your normie accounts to bait the commies, they'll happily click on the link, only to be horrified by the truth.
Finally Mexico does something right
t. tv evangelist
>Degenerates that won't eat pork ribs or beer
Yeah no .
I cannot speak on behalf of all my people , but some Haitian refugees tried to rent a house in my privada, we had a meeting about it and the vote was 100% no. At the very least we will keep them in isolated districts .
Heyman is way past his prime desu. He's a cookie cutter manager who makes me less excited to see Lesnar.
They are barely catholics
Baja have some serious nigger infestation.
I also hear about Satanism in Mexico. Something that las Zetas are involved in the occult.
>tfw Mexicans are sneaky enough to know Americans hate jews more than them and get immigration approved by bashing jews.
Haitian food is pretty good though and don't forget there is Chinese down there too. My friends Mexican and looks like a straight up chink. He freaks out the Mexicans when speaking fluent Spanish at King Taco. Cracks me up every time.
We don't want either back cali is full of nigger and other lesser Latinos, keep That disgusting thing away from us, and we don't want Texas back either.
There called mallate. Use the right term in this pc culture.
False there's only 500000 Jewish in Mexico we have more Blood from Lebanon
Your friend is probably a full-on Indio then. A rare specimen right there
Stop watching liveleaks tyrone
He's more likely an actual chink whose ancestors moved to Mexico. Indigenous Mexicans don't look like chinks.
T. Mudcookies loving nigger
Santa muerte. People practice occultism in Mexico, but people who do it pay a price. Praying to a evil deity gets you far until it's time to pay the toll.
In that case he definitely is a chino. Maybe his ancestors were brought as slaves from the Spanish East Indies
I love mex too
Kek. Only the ones that speak Spanish and love soccer.
Stop believing in this bullshit, 90% of actual satanists are in Hollywood, most of the time this is used as smoke and mirrors. Late last year(or early this year, I'm not sure) the police found some children body parts in my state. They had two thesis at first: child trafficking or muh satanic rituals. They went with the second and the media was blasting about it day and night. Two or three weeks later another officer took the case and found out all the claims about "satanic rituals" had been fabricated by officers on pay roll by pedophiles. By that time the pedos had escaped, obviously.
Stop being such gullible retarded morons, this satanic shit is obviously used to scare people away from investigation, just the same as jews have been protecting themselves by promoting the Illuminati bullshit for years.
Mmm. Pancakes nipples. Quero leche!
>le 56% based face
Top zozzle
>muh food
Shut the fuck up, recipes exist and they don't rape
> Indigenous Mexicans don't look like chinks.
mfw mexicans bring back human sacrifices but instead of aztecs on top of pyramids, its mexijews hanging from overpasses
Too dark to look like Chinks, maybe Cambodians or Burmese lol
WTF I love Mexico now?
good point
>be Jewish
>Be super liberal and advocate for immigration of anti-Semitic cultures into all of the high quality societies in the world
>Forced to go to Israel
We are here
>Get nuked by fucking Pakistan
How do we get to the next step?
mayan decendants particulary look very asian
Fund it.
>they try to stop us
>we remind them it's our culture
>tell them to stop being so raycis
>Ay Guey it's like another spanish invasion
>>they try to stop us
>>we remind them it's our culture
>>tell them to stop being so raycis
>>Ay Guey it's like another spanish invasion
who do you think would be whacky enough to send the spanish out to the ends of the earth looking for more gold?
More racist than Japan and China? I was under the impression that all East Asian countries hated each other.
And this is why you should bomb north korea ASAP, then they come as refugees to mexico, finally will have my own asian waifu
True story, last week I was talking with a castizo type mexican dude and he brought up how mein kampf was an interesting read, from out of the blue. The other white guy there and I exchanged glances and grins.
I frequent a religious group for young adults, i gave the hoster a ride when we were going to uni, i put on some nazi songs, she liked them, later i found out she likes hitler and has mein kampf.
Truly, catholicism is the only answer
Nice try pablo but the wall is still going up
Latin American countries all hate each other too, dummy.
What's the story with the light skinned mexicans and dark skinned mexicans having quarrel with each other.
I hear that lighter skinned mexicans have actual "white privilege" with law enforcement and usually the dark skinned people are the more aggressive people.
It happens with black people, and I presume Asian people too. The ride of darkskin vs lightskin never ends.
It's funny, every non-white I've ever spoken to despises jews
Miguel, get the chainsaws
yeah we have always been racist towards everyone big news
but honestly, my city was funded by jews and palestinians (monterrey) and turns out we literally carry the southern half on mexico on our backs because we became so industrious, the literal native trash
They're pissing people the fuck off literally all around the world.
Only a matter of time before the NSA finds evidence of WMDs in Mexico.
one big ghetto
Now if inly Mexicans will join us to kill the Jews and Niggers all of our problems will babe solved.
Except they vote in Liberals and Socialists which really does make their country look bad. Look no further than Vanezuella.
>Jewish sect expelled from Guatemalan village after clashes with Mayan villagers
>Around 230 members of Lev Tahor, an intensely religious Jewish group that rejects the state of Israel, moved to Guatemala earlier this year after fleeing amid allegations of child abuse in Canada.
>“We felt intimidated by them in the streets. We thought they wanted to change our religion and customs,” said Miguel Vasquez Cholotio, a member of the elders’ council.
>The council voted to last week to expel the group. Lev Tahor members claimed in recent days they had been threatened with violence and promises to cut off the water supply to their homes.
Opinion on the synarchists??
>moved to Guatemala earlier this year after fleeing amid allegations of child abuse in Canada.
tick toc jewboy
Are they finding out who funds cartels
Somewhere in the Jungle.
I was thinking the other day it might be useful to create a website for a fake, ADL-like Jewish Advocacy group.
So... can one conclude the rise in Anti-Semitism in America is due to all of the illegal immigration from Mexico? ADL needs to make up iheir minds here.
>Muslims hate jews,
No, they don't. Muslims hate Christians, which is why currently, in real time, they are destroying Christian churches and killing Christians. Muslims have always worked hand-in-hand with the Jews against Christians,throughout history. So stop lying. Christians are the real target.
based mexico
100% sure jews are the ones proffiting the most
A lot of white skinned mexicans are largely of european descent, and thererfore like western culture and civilization. Dark skinned mexicans are predominantly or even completely native most of the time, and have a totally different mindset. Its kind of like the different ethnicities in india, some are more elite than others. I am not sure that you can even call a pale caucasoid mexican the same ethnicity as a a mongoloid native. They are the same ethnicity in a very broad sense, but there seems to be a very real unofficial caste division within mexico. And in brazil too, and as I said, in India of course.
That's because non white gentiles are more dangerous than white gentiles to jews. Jews are just way too brainwashed to realize it. White gentiles can be reasoned with to some extent. Non white gentiles are just "reeeeee jews are not just white supremacists, they're TURBO white supremacists!"
>white mexicans
>tfw even the average mexican gets it and most americans don't