Join the Military!

>Be 18 yr old US Citizen
>Join the Army
>Get $25k sign up bonus
>Free Housing
>Free Food
>Free Clothes
>Free Health Care
>Free Gym Membership
>Make new friends
>Slumber Parties!
>Free World Travel
>Legally kill Muslim babies
>Legally Rape Muslim boys
>Access to the best weapons and tech on Earth!
>Pension after 20 years
>Retire at age 40!!!!

Explain to me why you idiots are living with mommy, unemployed, losers who didn’t join the military.

>INB4 (((Goyim))) & Israel
>INB4 Only stupids join
>INB4 War is evil

Pol loves patriotism, yet not willing to serve.

Pol sounds liberal as fuck.

>Pic is me ready to ship out

Other urls found in this thread:

It's about priorities and opportunities. For some people, it's a pretty good deal. For people who have the opportunity to go to college without going into debt, it's not.

Army is full of window linking retards and nigger career criminals collecting welfare. Anyone who says differently is covering up the truth because they probably brag to their civvie friends how alpha they are even though we all hid in the Connex hiding from first sergeant while the medic whore took turns giving us all the clap.


>Slumber Parties!

You can make some great lifelong friends.
Buds for lyfe.

>retiring at 40 isnt an attractive prospect
You have to be 18+ to post on this board

Did you even read OPs post at all?

Wtf that's more than I make plus everything else is covered

I dunno maybe he moved on,
grooved his way to Bhutan,
became a buddhist,
or a nudist,
who knows,
shit blows,
rap is gay,
you say nay I say yay,
I say fuck it.

Sort yourself--forfeiting self-ownership and being something else's property isn't necessarily as fun as it sounds.

Damn you broke af. Also, what does Kek mean by this?

>>Legally kill Muslim babies
>>Legally Rape Muslim boys
stop trying to divide us, Shlomo

>dying for Israel

Best time of my life was in the military


Shits only free because they sneak it out of your paychecks, and as far as I'm aware it's just direct-deposit so you have no paperwork. Fairly certain it's in the contract and sign-up papers.

Also this is the same shill from a sign-up office trying to get recruits isn't it? Think I've seen this thread like 4 times in the past week attacking people personally instead of arguing anything they point out.
>So fuck off and sage

The military was awesome. Plus, the veterans networks got me awesome jobs in Investment banking. I stayed in the reserves after my active duty days, so whenever I get bored at work, I take a year to deploy somewhere. After accounting for taxes and BAH/BAS, an overseas deployment as an O3 is the equivalent of making around $300k in NYC. Plus you don’t spend a cent while deployed.

Anyone who tells you the Army isn’t awesome is jerking it in their parents basement to Navy Seal porn.

Good goy

first mistake would be joining the fucking Army.
>be me
>go to and drop out of CC after partying and fucking my way through HS earning dismal 2.0 GPA
>NEET for a year
>join Marine Corps in 2008
>deploy to AFG in '10 and '12
>stack mudslimes in Helmand province with my 240b and Marine bros
>roastie ex-wife convinces me to get out because "she cant handle another deployment"
>get divorced because "youve changed"
>she's awarded our 3 year old aryan son and $300k home
>can't go back to active duty

if you join now youve missed the war. but the prospect of another is on the horizon. dont do like i did. do your 20 years, dont get your humvee license, skate out of working parties, try to get a clearance higher than SECRET, if youre under 21 only drink at the barracks and dont fuck the barracks rat in your room.

Lol. Where were you stationed? I’m in the Army right now, but I’m currently at Camp Lejune as part of a train-up for an upcoming deployment.

was stationed at lejeune and pendleton

Most people can’t go to college without going into debt.
Also, the military will pay for your college education, so that’s another benefit!
My brother is in the army and has a double major paid by the military.

>Enjoys benefits of US Citizenship
>Makes fun of people willing to die to protect the nation
What a faggot retard.

America is dead to me. Fuck your phony patriotism.

Are you retarded?

the next war for the jews will be on american soil killing americans like google just did to alex jones.

This guy gets it

>willing to die to protect *foreign interest and proxy wars*

So go back to China, Zhang.

What a total retard.
What do you think would happen if we didn’t have a military, retard?
The chinks, Russians, Iranians, you name it, would fuck our ass holes.
You liberals live in a Disney fantasy world.

A power vacuum and civil war. You would probably see elements of our military fighting each other and regional warlords would pop up.
And in that chaos, new societies could be created.
>he thinks I'm liberal

well memeflag, i know how to shoot, move and communicate on a squad level. do you? your chances of survival are next to zero.

>He thinks I’m liberal
Yeah, well you seem to think a military force and service is somehow a bad thing.
Either you’re a liberal or a retard, which is it? Both?
A military is vital to the survival of ANY nation not occupied by a more powerful country.

you look like psychopath

Don’t bother arguing with kids who’ve never left mommy’s house.

How so?

I would join if the US military actually fought in the interest of the American people.
They don't, so I won't. Call me when you are gunning down mexicans.

What a total mongoloid retard.
>Durr Durr let’s keel meheecaaans

Let all the mercenaries of the Jews have a slow and painful death.

Fuck them all. NATO DIE!

Felony discharge in 3...2...1...

spic detected


Don't enlist you fags - get your ass to either ROTC or OTS and commission as an officer. If we want to take back institutional power from the left then we need to start worming our way into our institutions.

>He doesn't understand military power structure

Mongoloids post pics of themselves on Sup Forums so you get immediately identified by the feds and you get a court martial for wanting to kill babies and rape boys.


>Doesn’t want to randomly kill human beings of other races
Jesus Christ, mayng.

Another one.
>Military is for kike lovers
>Enjoys benefits of American citizenship
I hope in the future military service is required for US citizenship

Killing and raping are LEGAL perks of joining the US military, faggot.

You do realise you can't let anyone in the military know you posted in the OP.

They aren't, you will be court marshalled if this gets out. Also raping boys the worst form of faggotry.

>this sperg thinks he going to get his 20

In the US, everything we post online isn’t monitored like in Sharia UK, faggot.
We have free speech here.
I’ll fucking kill you once I join.
I’ll track you down and kill your family.
And the Queen If England!

If I penetrate the boys, it’s not gay!
It’s only gay if YOU get penetrated.

Unironically this.

There's a good reason only 17 percent of active duty make it to retirement

>quality military poster
not even once desu

Military doesn't accept people with autism.

My brother got his 20 year pension, and he actually was on the news for raping Afghanistan children.

Real noob. You will follow orders to the letter and may or may not get killed by a IED.

Holy shit what an ugly faggot

Dude, I’ve got YEARS of COD training
I may as well be seels teamed 6!

Op can't "inb4" Your thread is FAIL from the start, newfag

Explain to me why selling the military as a gibs program is a good thing?

Why does this 19 year old look 85 when I open up the picture?

Christ you are going to get a lot of heat and more from your comrades.

Dude, I’m an oldfag from the days of the Trump election memes
How long have YOU been here?

I'm sorry I doubted you.

I’m pretty popular in my schools world or Warcraft club.

If I was a burger I would absolutely join the army

>Army is full of rejects, furries, bronies, and spergs. Finding anyone normal is a task in itself.
>The lack of organization inconveniences all. Even after you are through with service. Try to tell me the VA is a cakewalk.
>Random discharges without pay can happen to make ends meet. When you retire is not your choice.
>You won't stay fit. If you're stuck at fort, you'll let yourself go. You might even have your video games ship to you so you can play.
>They don't "wunderlust". Enjoy being in the middle east or at a fort.
This might be why some choose the Marines.

>What is the high 36
Assuming your bro is as old as you claim he is. Calling BS.

The high 36 is a code work to awaken Russian sleeper agents.

>be american
>die for israel while fighting sandnigger apes in some third world shithole
I'm surprised your military still manages to recruit people

>I'm full of shit, ignore me
That didn't take too long

But I won.
I beat you.
Chessmate, bro.
Check your dll files in registry.

Want me to release those pics of your wife? If not, pay me $2000 rn

Send to my paypal: littleskittles69


>Check your dll files in registry.

Mfw i joined the air force and inly got a 2k signing bonus

That’s how they say it in Chinese Chesskers, retard.



Nothing wrong with dying for God’s chosen people.
Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.
I fight in the name of Christ and Judeah.

What branch and job?

Just woke and red’d pill’ded.


Seel Teem 8, Special Forces Military Intelligentsia.

You're a weak cunt.

I’m actually able to bench press over 45 lbs.

Okay but what if I like smoking weed before going to bed?

No, it's only gay if you make eye contact.


Or touch pee pees.

I never joke about being the One, you Morpheus nigger lover.

>Dude, I’m an oldfag from the days of the Trump election memes
That is some sweet ass bait, take all my (you)s

swordfights aren't gay, bro

did my time, loved it. your missing a few things
>women falling out of every march
>women not being able to complete any physical standards, even those for women
>women getting horny af and down for gangbangs on the weekend
>women getting pregnant to avoid deployment
>women coming back in as seniors and telling you what to do

If I was to join any branch it would be the Coast Guard, fishing for Cubans off Miami.

>Did you have to go to school to become this much of a faggot?


They can be if the Herpes sores connect at the blood points.
Otherwise I agree.

>talking to people with herpes