I finished Zankyou No Terror after 2 days, I'm in deep depression because there are no more chapters at all...

I finished Zankyou No Terror after 2 days, I'm in deep depression because there are no more chapters at all, not even an OVA. Did you like the series? Any other series like this one?

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I was in a deep state of depression as well

I mean I had wasted six hours of my life on such fucking garbage and I was never going to get those hours of my life back again

Go fuck yourself. It was worth it for this youtube.com/watch?v=FUgQNF127Cg

Great OST
Average Anime

Songs in English were the best in my opinion

That girl with that weird haircut and horrible accent ruined everything

I think it was really "Death Note"

She was a Japanese kidnapped by the US, at least it had a reason

Five ruined everything.

The show was shit long before she showed up

>same VA as pic related

Interesting, reasons to hate the show?

I don't hate it. I think that some of its part weren't as good as the rest. Great OST, though.

The first two episodes were pretty solid then it completely squandered anything interesting it could have done with Lisa and just made her get kidnapped 12 times and the entire second half was an absolute mess, then add an unsatisfying finale on top.

Unsatisfying? 9 Took Japan to the stone age

I mean, hate is a strong word. It had two teenagers break into a nuclear facility if I remember right and steal material, then bomb a building but they didn't want to kill anyone, then that girl with the terrible English shows up and they play chess in the airport. It was incredibly over the top, slap stick kind of stuff but the show took itself 100% serious so it was pretty terrible honestly. I guess it looked kind of nice and the OP was good.

I thing the seriousness actually made it good


Started out really promising, but it started to fall apart soon after it began. I don't even remember what the retired detective guy did.
At least the OST was really great.

The only part of this show I liked was the ED. youtube.com/watch?v=Cfich8LWlm4

Sucks to be you, I dropped it at the 3rd ep.
That show was nigh unbearable.

Because they're terrorists who are unable to kill via plot contrivances, keeping them morally pure despite them being really fucking horrible monsters, worse than the people they were trying to make a stand against.

They killed thousands of people in the end.

>Killing people
Airplanes landed before the explosion, hospitals must have been a total mess tho

I hate shows that fellate its teenage main characters as being smarter than everyone else, especially considering for this particular show, the adults were at times painfully stupid, and the teens actually weren't all that smart, and should have been caught on multiple occasions.
Secondly (and I know I'll be laughed at this, but), terrorism isn't very cool.
BUT, if they wanted to use that angle, they should have taken it seriously. A skyrise coming down with no one killed or injured in the process is a scenario too ridiculous to bear.

Well they heavily injured people when the had the train issue tho

>ost is amazing
>first 3 episodes all very good, first episode being the actual best episode
>cute main girl
>all of it ruined because of one fucking character; five
i can't believe it was possible, but god damn five was the absolute worst

It's worse than that. It's not just "oh a power outage lol" it's "All of these machines are destroyed, forever." Car crashed, train crashes, planes would have fallen despite what the show says, etc.

Again, the show tries to just pass off the protagonists as some wacky cute lovable terries. It's really bad writing.

Teenage main characters were on heavy experimental drugs tho

Never forget

>Any other series like this one?
Ones that look like they could be good at first and then turn into garbage? Sure, plenty.

That's not how EMP works. In reality, only very sensitive systems would be affected, shielded electronics and other common stuff would be relatively working.

So the big finale was them destroying all the toasters in Japan?

Of course media depiction is another thing. Otherwise you wouldn't have apocalypse tier nuclear exchanges or SHTF "we stone age" stuff.

First episode was amazing and the first three were very good, OST was memorable. Shame it went to shit.

First-episode hype level was about as high as Aldnoah Zero which crashed and burnt even worse after a fantastic first episode

>Secondly (and I know I'll be laughed at this, but), terrorism isn't very cool.
What makes the show distasteful isn't that fact itself, even though it's true. But the show shits into it by trying to present the terrorists as--as another user says--"morally pure". Why choose to write about terrorism if you don't actually want to present it as terrorism? If they had been written as characters whom we weren't supposed to root for, it could have turned out better.
Except Five exists, so I guess it never had a chance of being good after all.

The show should have just made them villain protagonists, but them want to be righteous and good at the same time. It's writing and characterization as bad as most anime, which I usually tend to just go with, but this one wants to be an important thinking man's show.

Director/writer has stated his inspiration for the show was hearing a Sigur Ros track and imagining a couple of teens observing a post apocalyptic landscape.
He built VB backwards from there, ie the entire show is a lame excuse to have a couple of dramatic panoramas in the final

Good OST, trash show.. The anime.
Pretty visuals don't make a show good when the writing is bad and the characters motives and actions are nonsensical.

Most of the hate is just americans being bitter at terrorists (Thats ironic as all hell). They can only view terrorists as 100% evil, soulless people. But remember, one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. Had the show focused more on that aspect of terrorism, it would have been a lot better.

I liked it.


Reminds me of another MAPPA show.

good series


It's not that terrorists are soulless, but that they actually have to make moral compromises. Removing that makes the whole thing farcical.

But it doesn't mean that at all as seen in the show. You don't have to kill to be a terrorist.

9/11 really brainwashed you into thinking there's only one way to terrorize.

>luckily no one died LOL
>in other news a cat got stuck into a tree which is more tragic than that fucking terrorist attack

Dropped it at that point.

What? If anything the show takes the stupidly simplistic view that terrorism = bombs.
Arguably they weren't terrorists, because they did not seem to instil terror in the population. Nothing we saw suggested that was actually the case. What little we saw of the public reaction was more like fascination.
Terrorising a population to bring attention to your cause is already a hell of a moral compromise, whether you actually kill anyone or not. Which is exactly why they didn't show any terror, because they wanted to keep the main characters morally pure.
Regardless, anyone willing to set of bombs in public spaces has to be willing to kill people, because that's a very likely consequence regardless of planning. The fact that they weren't is just baffling.


Someone remind me, what was the point of Lisa?
Did her becoming an "accomplice" lead to anything at all?

Presumably she was meant to humanise the main two by being a useless bitch they had to rescue. It lead to the Ferris wheel scene, which a lot of people like.