How is Italy still alive lmao...
This picture perfectly explains why Italy is a fucking shithole.
How is Italy still alive lmao
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No, this is the real reason
Slide thread, obvious fake
On the same level with turks
And turks are roaches
Therefore: greaseballs are also roaches.
Why are you samefagging like this?
It's a strange way to samefag desu.
Fake as fuck.
Next time try to at least get the font right, retard.
that map was proven to be false
Italy is actually the highest in all of Europe. Strange but true
The Flynn effect is the increase of intelligence between generations who take the same IQ test. The older you are the less likely you are to have 100 IQ at your peak intelligence(18-50) on a modern IQ test. This effect is disappearing in developed countries.
What OP's map shows is an economic layout of Europe. South and East do shit, West and Scandanavian do well. On a side note, the lowest average score is within one standard deviation. It's like the difference between assistant bank manager and a bank teller. Barely noticeable.
fucking gypsies drag us down same with itamuts without the shitskins they would probably have an IQ of 99
It's all the selfie stick sellers in your cities
i think they might be using the median, italy is mostly quite smart with a few extremely retarded people
This map changes every single day.
>Italian subhumans getting mad when confronted with facts
>burger comments on racial impurity
the map is fake. Here's the real one
I'm not mad, just somewhat sad that there are people in this thread that actually fell for it.
>clearly shopped
thats what everyone likes to think... unfortunately the facts are against you
>Implying that Turks and Italians have equal IQ
>Implying that Russians are nine (!) points higher
You fucked up with that bucket tool, same error in spain
what facts?
wait, if you're about to say the pic, kys first
slide thread.
sage and report
Albanians lmao
Giving Romanians meme flags was a mistake
>adjusted for the flynn effect
>not adjusted for niggers pouring in
clearly italy just has new and accurate data while other values are estimated
Why are Italian girls statistically the most chaste in Europe? I'm kind of jelly, because usually it's Poland that is leading in being the least degenerate country
Who cares?
Italian girls are nasty as fuck.
Even Slavic girls are better looking than them.
Why are people even replying to meme flags?
That's bullshit and you know it.
What's exactly a bullshit?
what you said, obviously
with that flag you can not speak badly besides the Germany also of Italy and Japan...
But Italian girls are ugly.
They are considered the least attractive women right behind African women.
One is fake, the other is a meme map, with a combo no one can explain (kids results, pisa, brutal gaps between samples)
here is the only one with method done on europeans. Buj 1981
French shill confirmed, trying to make people hate Italy more than France.
Not gonna happen HON HON HON
>But Italian girls are ugly.
by who exactly? That's a bold thesis. Imo Italian girls are right after slavic and scandinavian
>No Romania
Bit sad
some girls are beautiful, others are ugly, as in all countries
Only nordic girls are beautiful.
The rest should be killed immediately.
Why do Amerimutts keep creating these threads?
but there are Nordic-looking people in southern Europe and vice versa, how do you put it?
They are descendants of Germanics who invaded Italia.
Those people are the reason why Italy still exists.
Dont take the bait. Everyone knows Italians (excluding migrants) have the highest IQ of all Europeans.
These figures from 2012 and "adjusted on student scores" mean fucking nothing. Just shows you got hit by the diversity virus, thats it.
I am blond with amber and blue eyes at the edges for example ... my older sister no, she has black hair and black eyes but she is very beautiful the same ...
>dark hair and dark eyes
Pick one
I'm pretty sure we are not at 89..
Are those your standards?
You're probably even uglier than her
>my older sister no, she has black hair and black eyes but she is very beautiful the same
We're gonna need a picture to confirm this
Turpini raudāt, zemcilvēk!
Ironic that my actual GF is German
I wonder if their election is going well for the nationalists, it seems when the board is filled with bullshit like this something is going right for white people. You're all so upset.