Trump BTFO by 95 year old veteran

>Harry Leslie Smith, a 95 year old World War 2 veteran and author has come out strongly in support of George Soros and said Trump and Putin are the real evil.

Holy shit, a man who has fought against actual Nazis has now declared that Trump is evil, this means Trump is FUCKING evil.

Other urls found in this thread:

He also hates white nationalists


According to him Trump is hitler

He supports refugees


Based as fuck

He shitposts on Sup Forums from his bed too

just stop

Truth hurts, fag

Twin 0 confirm fag

Stay mad

Double confirmed




EW wtf. I'd rather shit on the street.

>He supports refugees
He advocates for people becoming refugees?

>Sup Forums's compression.

That "one" and then names more than one. Ninety-five years old and still hasn't learnt English grammar.

> believe the goy dumb enough to literally fight for jews.
> suck on soros cock.
Fuck that retard.

He advocates shelter for refugees from Asia and Africa in the West.


Who’s willing to bet that it isn’t him even making the tweets but rather a younger relative of his. Seriously do you know any 95 year olds who know how to use a computer?

What does "supporting refugees" mean? You support people for being refugees?

English isn't my first language, obviously. But user, I think he's talking about the lives being destroyed. He's referring to the act as that "one"

It's his grandson that runs the account

Damage control

Allow them to settle in western countries.
Refugee means someone who's feeling their country. So, "supporting" means giving them a place in his society.

how is vladamir putin destroying my life I'd really like to know

my dad told me to never trust a "(((smith)))"

>Refugee means someone who's feeling their country
Yes, due to war. Not because they want to make more money in the west..

>the ABSOLUTE STATE of Soros

he is really losing it, isn't he ?

Why is the Jew telling us about some old soon-to-be dead faggot none of us care about?


Middle East is a post war hell hole thanks to your country.

middle east has been a post war hellhole for 700 years.

I guess OP is a friend of yours from your shithole.

>UK war veteran and activist.
You know there are communist war veterans too, right?

I'll second that notion, this is bullshit.

>Due to war
Um, no

Yours was enslaved by Muslims for hundreds of years and is in a nuclear standoff with a Muslim neighbor, retard

>a 95 year old World War 2 veteran
I'm a 120 year old veteran of the Great War and that dumb flapdoodle needs to shut his pie hole and learn some respect

Implying he did post at all

Who will live in Asia and Africa if they all leave these places? It will return to nature?

>giving them a place in his society
So in their countries then.

Bait or a legitimate same fagging mistake?

USA ruined every country which went against the dollar In the oil market.

>Blame the Jews
>It's always been a hellhole
Well, which is it?

Um, yes. Otherwise they aren't refugees, they are migrants. No different than gypsies.


Automatically discredited.

How is that related here?

>It's always been a hellhole
700 years isn't always you dumb fucking street shitter

Um, sweetie no.
Edward Snowdon is a refugee. He's fleeing persecution. Not war.

No, he's a CIA psyop against the NSA.

>old man yells at cloud

He's a refugee. Just like Julian assange.

Here. Oxford definition
A person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster.

>senile soldier that fought for Israel doesn't think it's (((Soros)))
imagine my shock

So he fought for Jews against white people. And I should be surprised when he shills for Jews against white people? Nigger pls.

>Fought nazis in ww2
>Liberal Totalitarians

I wonder, does dumb whore think that Berezovsky, Khodorkovsky etc. were fucking true leninists or some similar shit?

Calm down user. Why are you so angry?
Were just having a discussion.
It also doesn't change what I've said. USA ruined every country which went against the petro-dollar system

Based anti-American subhuman retard

pssh, after an entire life time of their bullshit, I can tolerate 4 years of whatever.

I'll have a beer and a hearty laugh when I hear of this senile old fucks death. Die slow you piece of shit.


>good goy wants to fuck over his civilization one last time

I'm a 168 year old Civil War vet and this guy is a bluebellied cuck

That's COMPREHENSION you fucking poo in loo.

Hey, atleast he fought for the winning side.

>So he fought for Jews against white people

No, he fought for white people against krautnigger subhumans. But I'm sure, you would prep your wife for a foreigner as long as he declares himself champion for white people, right?

Typo. My bad

He prob gets of off interracial cuckolding

Kek, I bet one of his grandchildren is posting on his behalf.

>welfare queen on medicaid and radio and as i hates Trump

How fucking shocking.

He is an honorary nigger.

Call me crazy but grandpa looks a little depressed in that picture.
>NKVD agent with pistol to his head just outside the photo

Meh, I forgot that this thread is not about Kupriyanova.
Murrican soldier pretty much fought for the right of his country to prosper and profit on the ruin of Europe.

Hey at least I shit in a toilet

>Shartinmart can't grasp that people don't have the fake stepford grin 24/7.

>uk war veteran
should concern himself with his muslimfied shithole

Use potty style toilets. Good for health.

Smith? What's his (((mother's))) last name?

Idiot veteran doesn't know Soros backed a coup in Russia in 1993.

I'm a 3 centurians old man who fought fucking german mercenaries working for the british king, working under the personal command of General George Washington, and I say the only oligarchs destroying lives right now are the senators and congressmen who have inappropriately usurped vastly more power for themselves than we ever intended for the federal government to possess.

So this ladies greedy jew fellow inmates were telling others to not eat so they could horde the food supplies for themselves, got it.

The true horror of the camps revealed, being surrounded by Jews trying to Jew each other.

OMG this changes everything....

Would explain the ones who starved and the ones who were fat when liberated.
oy vey

Soros is a good boy.

consider suicide you shill faggot :)

Smith isn't exactly a trusted name round these parts. Crypto name de jure. Ya might wanna check out the list of ships and owners that brought the slaves over. Smith is one of them. On top of all that just on principle and through experience I have learned not to trust a man who has a girls middle name.

"Why do these Jews keep starving themselves to death Hans? Is it a protest?"

"Hell if I know, they're weird, tried to send one stinky bastard to take a shower earlier and he acted like I'd sentenced him to death."

he loves them though.

Ah. Typical.

Impressive arguments.

Shut up you British Communist.

Meanwhile Schlomo at night in the barracks preaches of the horrors of the aryan war machine, how they have camps JUST like this one all over the country where they slaughter children by the millions for entertainment.


>Welfare queen has an opinion

So he is a marxist, supporting the pozzing of the first world country. Makes sense giving he was UK fighting uncle 'dolf's forces. Great. He will be more fuel to the flames.

oh lol he is a britbong. I thought he was an american (read: real war veteran)

That old murderer loves killing Whites.
