What is pols opinion on the Jehovah's Witnesses? I have kingdom hall 2 streets above mine and sometimes they ring on my door and trying to convert me. They seem like a sect similar to Scientology to me. Should we genocide them or embrace their religion?
What is pols opinion on the Jehovah's Witnesses...
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They're on Santa's naughty list
The trinity is false. If anything the trinitarianism is the sect similar to scientology. who the actually thinks the Son of God is God? Or the Lord's Anointed is the Lord? reject tradition and actually start studying
The Bible says the Trinity is real, you study up, but JW's are annoying asshats who can't read the Book or leave people alone on a weekend morning because they think Jesus was an archangel, among other wrongheaded theories.
The JW don't believe in a trinity, or an immortal soul or hell fire for that matter. To them a soul is a living thing.
They're pretty harmless.
> The Bible says the Trinity is real
Total bullshit. The Bible never used the word trinity and Christ "did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped". Please seek help if you think Jesus = God after reading the above quote
>Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.
God lived as a man as His own son.
They are a filthy cult that literally wrote their own Bible to support their fucked up doctrines.
>Luke 1:35 The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God."
>John 10:30 "I and the Farther are one."
And moreover:
>Matthew 28:19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit
Notice how it says "in the name of" and then proceeds to list every one in authority.
John 14:28 You heard that I said to you, ‘I am going away and I am coming back to you.’ If you loved me, you would rejoice that I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I am.
Because god head means trinity with the holy spirit as a person ... grasping straws
>I and the Farther are one
Thats not what the trinity teaches jesus is not the father , jesus is the servant under the authority of the father
They are weird as fuck. I bought a house and the old owners still come over and give me pamphlets sometimes.
It teaches that Jesus "sits at the right hand of the Father", which can be taken to mean Jesus is the hand of authority, but I would agree that it is also taught that Jesus is the Son of God. They are indivisible, but I think it's a mistake to portray Jesus in any servile manner.
Colossians 2:9
9 For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form,
Read a proper Bible translation, where the fuck do you see "Godhead"?
>Should we genocide them or embrace their religion?
We should probably genocide them. They’re horrible people. It’s a brainwashing cult that basically teaches them that everybody who isn’t them is going to hell and some people are better than others and will go to heaven but not everybody because there isn’t enough room. They don’t celebrate holidays, they don’t accept gifts. If you ever work win any they will suck all the fun out of everything. They will also stab you in the back at every opportune moment.
The only hope is forcibly converting them but that will only work for some. We have to exterminate the rest of them along with all of the jews. We can then donate their organs and blood and marrow, something JWs don’t accept either. Fertilizer and animal feed can be made from the rest
> John 10:30 "I and the Farther are one."
This means unity or in other words agreement, read John 17:21 which says
21 that they may all be one; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me.
Therefore, "I and the Father are one" implies agreement because Jesus wants us humans to be one/agreement just as Jesus and the Father are in agreement.
It's a cult but there might be cuties so who knows you might want to try give it a chance
There you go
should I try to indoctrinate them and then reform their religion and be martin luther 2.0?
Anything outside of Catholicism is false. So yes they are believing in a false religion.
fuck those faggots, liars, made up "religion"
They're right on the trinity, and the importance of God's future kingdom on earth (as opposed to flying away forever, leaving the earth behind.) But they're pretty cultish and fanatic, and believe some stupid things.
You don't really know any do you?
They don't believe in hell like you think of it, they don't believe in hell fire at all.
Then the angel of the lord is also god
>1And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham, and said unto him, Abraham: and he said, Behold, here I am. 2And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of.
>15And the angel of the LORD called unto Abraham out of heaven the second time, 16And said, By myself have I sworn, saith the LORD, for because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son: 17That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies; 18And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice. 19So Abraham returned unto his young men, and they rose up and went together to Beersheba; and Abraham dwelt at Beersheba.
> because thou hast obeyed my voice.
god tells him that he should kill his son the angel says my voice thus the angel is god
assumption is the mother of all failure , by creating jesus in a trinity you create a diffrent god
Legit the nicest people I've met on earth. I'm a complete piece of shit compared to most of them honestly, mosy of us are. The jew media and movies have fucked up their rep beyond any repair. I met a girl who was a jehovas witness last summer, her eyes sparkled, super happy and nice. Tried to get me in the same mood all the time, but I stopped it before it got too serious because I knew my personality would kill her happiness and personality kn the long run. They're good people, Hanz.
Not to mention if you are sort of a family who believes and you no longer want to they will cut you off and disown you. Imo it’s pretty disgusting and no religion should be supported that does that kind of thing.
Really really nice people
100% true, but they are kinda annoying, i sometimes pretend not to be home when they ring the bell, cause i talk to them for about an hour
I try to explain, in the nicest way possible, that I have no desire in their beliefs, but they really don’t give up.
They have their own "bible". Whole religion is a get to heaven Ponzi scheme.
I grew up in a witness family and I'd say stay the fuck away, it's a cult that will seek to control your life.
Jw never ask for money. Want or see what your trinity tithing paid for?
Read revelation or get help to. The harlot is Catholicism
did you left them? I heard that if you leave they cut every tie to you even if you are a family member.
They think Heaven can only hold 144,000 souls. Why bother joining their shitty cult, then?
Open the door butt ass naked
They won’t come back.
For extra points grad a handful of
peanut butter in one hand and make
like you just shit yourself and eat it.
The bible never says "Bible" either.
The trinity is mentioned multiple times, The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit. Furthermore Jesus states they are one. The Son is God, The Father is God, The Holy Spirit is God, they are not each other, therefore, the Trinity.
I've done alot of bad moves in my 32 year old life, and many great decisions. Turning my back on her is the only thing that has made me stay awake at night, twisting and turning in my bed. She was an ideal housewife. They don't believe in hellfire, she didn't talk about the bible unless I spoke of it. The only weird thing about her was that she wouldn't accept blood transfusions. I fucked up. Time machines have to be invented soon. I could have had a great wife, but I'm here talking shit about swedes and jews on Sup Forums. I fucked up.
Its a scheme. Their dogma says that there is finite space for souls in heaven. And the more work you do for the Church, the more you can get a "reservation"
Basically they worship their church leader as much as they do God
It's way easier to keep them away. Just say "I've been Disfellowshipped". Those are the magic words.
Disfellowshipping is their retarded made up word for excommunication. They're obliged to shun the disfellowshipped. Telling them you're one instantly puts you on their "do not call" list.
The council of nicea determined among all the numerous writings only 66 were to be canon.
You wish to know morality?
Do as you wish while forsaking the violation of others.
Quotes Wikipedia- can’t help you.. but I’ll try. 144k get into heaven, the rest are going to paradise earth “ let your kingdom come” not all resurrected soles make it to heaven.
Every Christian sect has its own Bible. Theirs has other Bibles (KjV etc) scriptures side by side to compare if you want to see the different translations.
You would disown a coal burning sister, yet not one that disobeys God?
The things that this board claims to want: virgin, loyal, traditional wife
do i get a traditional wife if I join them? Maybe I get extra points since im a kiss less virgin.
Check lulu.com for the book "Conquering the Verbal Sorcery of Trinitarianism" for a scholarly refutation of the doctrine of the Trinity and associated bullshit.
Left the moment I could and most of my family won't speak to me anymore. The shunning is called disfellowship, its supposed to be reserved for Serious Sins, but I know a dude who did 20 years for kidnap and rape who is a respected member of the community. On that note sex abuse is common.
Nice. This guy gets it.
Dude, if you want a traditional life; go to any traditional church. Babtists, pentacostal, ect...
>traditional church
no such things exist here
They're the Christians that do their jobs.
The rest of us don't do nearly enough.
And they're talking to you because they care.
Now you might think they're loony, wrong, or stupid, and you can tell them to get lost and shut the door on them.
But they think they're trying to help their fellow humanity and it's a hell of a lot more than likely any of us have ever done.
La Abominación
also grew up in that cult
mind control at its best, "come to the congregation three times a week, don't associate yourselves with worldly people (normal people)"
yeah just a way for them to suck all the energy from you and make sure you get minimal contact from sane people, while maximising the time spent with insane freaks
theyre banned in russia, just like faggots.
i used to live with cousin, she was a hardcore JW.
watch out for the JW honeypot, where they dangle their women in front of you
They lead really miserable lives. They believe only like 144,000 get into heaven - period. So even if you are a good jehovah's witness if there are 144,000 witnesses who are better than you then you are fucked and will burn in hell. Also, they believe that if you sin and then immediately die you go to hell, even if you where a perfect JhW the other 99% of the time, you slip up for a second and don't get the chance to get forgiven then you're screwed (compared to normal christiantiy where god forgives you for all your sins, past and future)
So they are constantly paranoid about minor screwups and losing their temper, the anxiety must be awful.
Lastly, they spend all there time passing out there tracks and trying to convert people because if they don't then they are obviously not better than the 144,000 so are screwed, so they spend all there free time trying to convert people to compete against them for a dwindling goal.
It's kinda like "musical chairs" the religion.
It’s a cult. They also keep tabs on you when they go door to door and send it off to who knows where. It’s like a grade you get depending on your temperment, if they have any possibility of converting you or if they should gtfo or send men to the door instead. Idk if they still do that, but that’s how it was a few years ago.
Perfect bodies, Paradise Earth,
and mortality that is why
Actually probably yeah
If they thought you might take one of their 144k spots in heaven, why would they spend their free time trying to convert you ? Think through your comments to find the obvious contradictions.
There are fanatics, pedos addicts cheaters crazy liars everywhere but it always comes down to is percentage.
Were it not incumbent to try and save you, I would offer: F.O.W.F.
If they're a JW they all have the same beliefs, it doesn't matter where they are. A JW in Africa have the same beliefs as they do in America, Europe or Asia. They're world wide and all believe the same thing.
correction. they don't believe in hell, it was the founders fear of hell that started this whole cult. He hated the idea that some people might end up there, so he erased it from his version and decided that non jehovah's witness would simply be annihilated on death.
>send it off to who knows where
Warwick, New york. They've got a campus/compound there where it's sorted, documented, and stored for later use in blackmailing. Pretty similar to how the mormons work, but on a smaller scale.
Blackmailing if you accepted their magazine?
POL never disappoints when it comes to humor no matter how insightful or well otherwise.
You don’t have to accept their magazine. You could say no and they will still take notes about you then send it off.
About your garden gnomes or dogs name inadequate lawn maintenance?
My sides
Fact check
1. They don't believe in hell or hellfire. Those who aren't worthy of paradise will just die horrible deaths and then cease to exist, being forgotten.
2. They don't believe you go to heaven when you die, except fot the 144,000 they call the "anointed ones" that will. Everyone else, should they be deemed righteous enough, will live forever in a physical paradise Earth.
3. They do accept gifts as long as it's not for a holiday
Now they ARE a horrible high control cult that tear apart families, and have congregations filled with pedophile elders who they will do anything to protect...so...you're not entirely wrong.
They are imposters, theres no religion, those buildings are vampire nests were probably 50% of the Missing 411 victims end up.
They knock on your door to smell your blood and find victims
Well they're pretty sure the 144k are almost mostly accounted for, which is one of their reasons for why Armageddon will be here any day now....any day now.....
>Muh Bible is non debatable and not symbolic in any way shape or form the Word has been passed down and modern interpretation is hearsay
Except the part in John where we change texts to suit our needs
>t. jehovah witness
Haha, read the fucking Bible you absolute retard, Jesus is pretty fucking clear about this.
Pop quiz: what is the only way to gain eternal life?
When I worked at Little Caesaer's in Las Vegas when I was 19, my regional manager was a married JW girl. She fucked all the young guys who worked for her, including my 22 year-old store manager. She invited me out for drinks all the time and I turned her down. Her kids were sad that they didn't celebrate birthdays and stuff. The whole thing just made me feel bad for them, it was so fucked up.
I can tell you one thing else about them that you shouldn't get wrong.
They don't get involved in politics, so you don't have to worry about them wanting to make laws based on their religious beliefs.
I've never seen a more maligned group of people than them. And for what?
Not all priests coaches scout leaders politicians or bankers are pedos either. It’s a function of what percentage.
Plenty JW cheat on their spouse. They’re people. They’re just as f-d as anyone else. Though they claim to be trying harder to better people, not all are.
Please look at pope 4…audience hall. Tell me that’s not in your face devil worship then we can talk more about the JW
Jw Warwick if is the cult you say it is the they sure can’t do it like the Catholics. It’s is where the pope holds court once a week.
Dude you ok?
How so
Catholics are retarded.
But for real though, that is one seriously impressive work of art.
Narration is Cheesy but the views it yields is worth watching.
My only issue with them is that their religion really fucks up any kids who are born into it. I don't really give a shit what adults do with their own time but I've known kids from JW families and usually their childhoods fucking sucked.
>embrace their religion
Studying with them for a few years now
Very redpilled
>aware of new world order
>satanic control of world
>authoritarian and traditional
>excommunicate sinners
>no degeneracy
Give them a shot user, you will be surprised how well-educated they are in the bible
Gay guy here. I'm dating a closeted JW man. It honestly sucks. When his parents found out he was bi, he was disfellowshipped and became homeless.
He was able to move out of his car into a room and everything and it seemed fine but then he got really depressed because he had no friends and was socially awkward and felt like he didn't belong on this planet. Got suicidal, and I literally had to slap him across the face..which was stupid of me...because that reinforced the idea that he needed to go back to his JW circle. Apparently you can be refellowshipped? So now he lives in his mom's basement and we don't hang out anymore. No sex, no drinking. I occasionally show up at his work to say hi but he gets all paranoid that someone from his kingdom hall might see him talking to me. He's like that everywhere we go. He refused my birthday gift to him, and I didn't know that was against his beliefs so it really fucked me up.
He seemed so much happier when he wasn't in that stupid cult. He says he misses all his friends but those "friends" are constantly watching him making sure he doesn't fuck up. It just seems so awkward and immature for his parents to be watching him, treating him like a child....but they support him.
He used to pretend and live a double life but now I think he's been brainwashed and thinks he is happy...but then there's these slip ups and he goes completely dom, the whips and chains come out and he's choking me out raping my boipussy. Then he goes back to being all pious and avoiding me.
This is not normal.
I'm just waiting it out. Waiting until they exocommunicate him again because I love him. I am willing to wait for someone I love. I wish he knew how much.
Sorry I know this is a blogpost but it's giving me the feels.
They seem very Jew-y in their theology. They don't believe in heaven, they think God will revive them to live on earth forever.
They're a bunch of race mixers.
I’d rather ruin my kids childhood than watch them have fun growing into being a trannydikefaggot.
But I heard that you are told to break with people who don’t follow your religion. I don’t want to break the contact to my family.
Pic taken from their site
They are the Truth.
Not exactly. Its not that they are told what to do and what not to do - everything is based on Bible principles. They never encourage breaking families apart and frequently mention (from the meetings I attended) that the wife should still respect and love her unbelieving husband and vice versa. They do encourage choosing approiate social groups - outside AND inside the religion. This is just from my knowledge so far
U can prolly find more exact info on here
Enough of them estrange their whole family and become leftards that I'd say it's not worth the risk. Just raise your kids in a normal environment, don't force extremist cult shit onto them.
Thanks will look into it.
user, best idea is to create an opinion yourself - invite them in, talk and discuss the Bible with them. No organisation is perfect as we are all sinners but this is the best you can get in my honest opinion.
>normal environment
What I consider this to be would by modern leftist standards be “ruining their childhood”
Stupid leaf thinks authoritarian families = extremist cult
Jw families are the most traditional and least degenerate thing you will ever find
Some do. It all a matter of your conscience. Others just avoid the holidays to avoid what is considered false worship.
Everyone tries to obey God as best they can and all fall short. God considers this according to their belief and judges your heart and what you’re Capable of. Knowing this and the temptations in all of us he send his son to die to absolve us of these sins. If we’ve repented for them and accept Jesus as our savior.
Like anyone though, you can’t say sorry and keep pulling the same crap an expect to be forgiven.
The truth is what Jesus said They’re in the truth by their willingness to obey.
I’m. It sure about that, don’t they hate traditions?
There's a big fucking difference between normal and telling your kids not to make friends with "worldly" people and never allowing them to go to community events because it's "against God's Commandments".
>your only argument is my flag
Get fucked Ahmed.