can you please say how is the awareness of the situation in the diferent western countries
i will star with usa ,i find out thanks to Sup Forums there is nothing in msm
Why nobody is talking about the genocide that is happening in south africa?
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Hmm maybe because the boers are colonizers and they deserve what's coming to them. Africa for Africans you illiterate mongrel
Because the victims are white, the inciting party is Jewish, and the media is run by Jews. Blacks could kill 100 white children in the middle of a city and it wouldn't be heard about by anyone.
Africans aren't human and Boers created that land from nothing. Blacks have no rights to it, shitskin orc
Because the media HATES whites and wants them gone.
I signed it.
The same governments that sanction Iran, Syria,Venezuela and Russia do not sanction South Africa for actual genocide.
Think about it.
Blacks and liberals don't give a shit. Literally see them on goybook laughing about it and calling them "Fake News refugees"
because it's been in the pipeline for decades and any whites who are still there fucking deserve it
Because there's no genocide going on, you moron.
It's all poverty crime. Shit people do to rich people, which in this case, because the majority of rich people in SA are white, happens to be white. You think they don't do the same thing to rich blacks either?
Cognitive fucking dissonance.
Just like you Brits are. Pots and kettles come to mind.
Western leader don't give a fuck about what's going on in Africa. The SA goverment if anything are happy becouse it is primarly happening to the Boers/Afrikaaners.
Wrong. More like Bantus are the invading pests. Your lack of historical knowledge on the issue betrays any semblance of authority on the topic.
The whites treated the blacks like kings for decades, I wonder why they would be so upset.
nothing to see here
Replace everywhere the word "black" with "uneducated" and you'll have a far better article that actually applies to everyone, no matter what their race.
It's just whites, you'll all be gone soon gringo. Go back to your video games.
Yea, it sucks that they are killing loads of people, but what sucks more is that people won't learn from the past and when they're in a famine 2 years from now, the west will provide them billions in food aid like last time
>cucks being genocided
why should I care. They ruled SA and decided to give rights to niggers. Its their own fault. Now they can enjoy their genocide and should stop bitching about it..
By your logic Israelis deserve to have no land in Palestine. Are you sure that's how you feel?
Yes, poor people take power tools and blow torches to white people. Typical poverty crime.
The actual leader of SA has sang Kill the Boer and now passed a long making it legal to claim white property without compensation.
Jesus, this Mugabe guy is a real piece of work.
This is a problem for Dutch and Brits to fix, US has no responsibility here.
>uneducated people are violent
but thats just wrong
poor white communities have lower crime than wealthy black communities
higher testosterone levels + lower IQ is the magical combination for violence
I think I saw you posting in another thread with the same banter. Stfu and kys you fag.
The US has no responsibility in a lot of places where it butts in, including Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, and the list goes on. So what's your point?
The whites that are still there are all virtue signalling leftists anyway. Fuckem.
>The US has no responsibility in a lot of places where it butts in, including Ukraine
That petition needs a lot more attention than it's getting
How do you figure that one?
I don't really care. All I hope is that this is exactly what happens to the Jews in Israel.
Don't you have an indecent act to commit on a dog leaf? Go be a faggot somewhere else
Here is the history:
>white farmers harassed; government does nothing
>white farmers butchered; government does nothing
>our media says nothing
>some white farmers leave
>our media covers the poor starving Africans
>they beg for white farmers to return
>white farmers return
>white farmers are butchered
>our media says nothing
>government calls for seizure of white farmers’ property to give away to undeserving blacks
>the little coverage from liberal media is, “white farmers ordered to return stolen land”
You are here.
>white farmers are probably going to leave again
>blacks are going to starve again
>America is going to feed them again
So why are you living in a nation created by white people?
>lift apartheid and give niggers rights
>get genocide
>wtf why is this happening
They deserve it.
I'm ready to end these brown eyed browned haired gorillas
Europeans have had an impoverished working/under class for decades, where is all the savagery going on here? You're making excuses for subhuman behaviour, like a good little Leftist.
Would US law prevent a US citizen from traveling to SA with the intention of joining any white farmers who need help protecting their land?
We were being sanctioned and if civil war broke out we would have been invaded by the UN, this was during the Clinton presidency and the Serbs had just got rekt. America, England and Europe were threatening to take action. BTW, my grandfathers fought in European wars to help save your ungrateful ass, fuck you cunt
It was empty when the whites got there. When whites go places, they clean everything up and make functional societies. They build towns, cities, civilizations from nothing. Even the white squatter camps are beautiful. Even when oppressed and abandoned, whites take care of their surroundings.
And when blacks take over, that is, when whites are tricked into thinking blacks are smart enought to do what whites do, infrastructure falls apart and they destroy everything. Rhodesia --> Zimbabwe.
Capacity for foresight is what keeps maintenance, planning, infrastructure and maintenance going. Foresight is located in the frontal cortex. Pic related.
the west fucked you brother.
You all have been saying this forever, your daughters and mothers continue to be raped and killed and you post memes, you are a disgrace to your ancestors.
>the biggest youtuber there is browses pol
>he's obviously been red pilled
>his view count per video is in excess of 3-4 million
why can't we meme this petition into his hands?
I need vids
Because niggers nig, and Africa is shit. Fucking move out of Africa. Who the fuck would ever live in Africa? Some parts of Michigan seem nice, I even have family from there, but I’d suck cock for pennies until I had enough to move simply because Detroit is a nigger shithole and there’s better places to live. Logic.
And it's not just about skull shape/size. It's also about skin color. Stay with me here.
Frontal cortex is cost/benefit. Cost of a larger head is tougher birth but better foresight. There's a lot of selective pressure against large heads because it kills mothers. Large heads will only be really useful where you need it -- cold climates, where you need to plan for winter to survive. These climates that decrease pressure for large brain size also produce dark skin.
Dark skin and small brain have the same environmental (climate) cause. Dark skin is a direct indicator of small brain. Pic related.
Because they want to do the same to europeans all over the world
Those farmers need to leave immediately....the blacks have Chinese gov support; this will be a genocide.
Because apparently if it happens to white people, it isn't genocide.
Technically, what's going on in the West would fall into the UN's definition of genocide. Demoralization, using economics to limit the birthrate, etc.
But it would be false.
Because we're winning
South Africans are kinda stupid; they don't take any measures to collectively defend themselves from the kaffir racaille.
Black good, white bad. That's why
That is a manual for genocide. The UN wants it yo happen.
Most of those Boers lived in conditions far worse than anything the Bantus had to deal with. They built up South Africa to where it is today, and the Kaffirs spat on them in return. Go down there and see for yourself.
America should open its doors to SA whites, (and I guess to Ukrainians) and let them move into blue state Jewish and Latino neighborhoods. I call it "reverse white genocide", kek.
South African niggers don't deserve to have us around anyways. Whites run their economy and they're just biting the hand that feeds them.
Wait I just got a good idea, why don't we just start sending the Jews to South Africa?
Fuck off we're full!!
The only people who are going to win at this rate are the Chinese. What farms they do own send the food to China. If the blacks drive the whites out, even if they think they have “support” from China, they will still starve.
Keeping promises is part of the white man's ethos; expecting Africans to act like White's is racist.
Yeah but you can just start genocide them as well.
For once I agree with the commie, I'll start organizing a political agenda to insure Blacks, Jews, and Faggots get wiped from this beautiful world. The left wing will go with the faggots.
Where do I sign up ?
It's in the news here, but when's any world news on in America u fucken ignorant faggots
>muh colonialism
South Africa was almost completely fucking empty when whites first arrived. Whites have been in SA longer than most of the blacks.
Hmm, should the Boers repudiate the treaty of Vereeningung, it's not like the British can resume that war.
Describe “African.” You’re probably one of these untraveled morons who divide the world up into black, white, hispanic and asian.
And the west will be inundated with millions of AIDS-infested South Apefrican rapefugees.
I guess ill make some sort of website where you can support, and anyone else really. I do believe that's a good first step.
might go harass the white south africans down the street, Kill the Boer, Kill the farmer!
Try not to swallow your teeth when you get what you deserve
This is why no one here likes Canadians. You faggots don't even try to redeem yourselves.
Pic of that little blonde girl
Because it doesnt fit the liberal media narrative that blacks never du nuffin and de all be angels n shiet
How about the Leafs that told a white family begging for refugee status and asylum from South Africa no because in their request they said they were trying to flee the african murderers
Skip to 5:50
>Chai FM – Community Radio of Jewish Interest
>ChaiFM is a South African Jewish community radio station broadcasting to the greater Johannesburg
What a piece of shit. Let's not mention race. Ignoring that whites are hurting no one but are being killed in droves. Fucking (((typical))).