Why do people think this show is good?
Why do people think this show is good?
Because they enjoy it
Why do you even care
Emily is a good girl.
Because they aren't allowed to enjoy it
Nobody thinks this is good. At most, they might think it's fun.
That doesnt mean they think its 'good'. I enjoy mcdonalds when im shitfaced drunk. But I don't tell people its fine cuisine. Its just trash I enjoy when I need calories.
>food analogy
If you enjoy a piece of fiction then its good since thats all it was meant to do
What about all of the faggots who say "Elf is best girl" unironnically?
Whats wrong with my food analogy? It makes sense. I can keep going with your retard logic. If food makes you full then its good, since thats all food is meant to do. Does this sound right to you? It probably does, because youre a shit eating newfag.
It's mediocre, but it's consistent in its mediocrity. It doesn't bait you in with a great start, nor does it surprise you with anything big down the line.
Sagiri's design also lends itself quite well to ecchi fanart.
Not him, but your food analogy is faulty. Hell, I'm just going to talk about the food itself right now, I'm not trying to talk about your anime tastes and whatnot.
There's really nothing bad with eating junk food every once in a while. But you shouldn't constantly eat them; you need to eat something with the proper nutrients, too, or else you'll grow deficient in said nutrients and that takes a toll on your body.
Don't just think "as long as I eat enough calories, I'm going to be okay" - you're not a battery. Continuously poor diet can wreck havoc on your body.
That's a incredibly shallow reason.
Okay so how is my analogy faulty? You literally called it "junk food". What does "junk" mean to you? Quality? Of fine merit? Above average?
Or does it mean fucking 'junk'? In my analogy, Eromanga sensei is the 'junk food'. Sure it might be ok for you now and then, but its still JUNK food. As in, not good. As in, most people would avoid it unless they are drunk and in desperate need. So explain why eromanga sensei is good. That's what was originally discussed. Not whether or not it was bad for your health, retard.
The oreimo ripoff?
It's an incredibly shallow anime
It's totally palatable.
People who haven't seen OreImo and other similar media can find it fresh and exciting.
its made by the same author
>if you dont watch anime, this anime will be fresh and exciting
Neo-Sup Forums everyone.
No one thinks it's good they think it's good enough.
My dick likes it.
That's why Sup Forums has shit taste
You're a disgusting pervert.
>You're a disgusting pervert.
>tfw there is actually people retarded enough to believe this.
It was very well written with believable characters, it reminded me a lot of The Wire.
I'm talking about what caused (Japanese) normalfags to flock around it. Most people on Sup Forums, and likely other people who have watched plenty of anime shit on it for being trash, rightfully so. It's bland and not exciting. It's good only for porn.
But could that be because you are jaded?
Yet it was somewhat well accepted, both here in Japan, and on the outside. Clearly, for some people it was good enough.
good things are good
I like the cut of your jib
It's fun and cute. You shouldn't need any more of a reason unless you're a psued.
>moving the goalposts this hard
Just dont respond next time. No you werent talking about "japan only". This was your entire post
>It's totally palatable.
>People who haven't seen OreImo and other similar media can find it fresh and exciting.
So I was supposed to somehow know "people" was only referring to Japanese normalfags. Right, my bad there. Fucking newfag twitter babby.
Gas yourself.
Make sure to gas 162731612 too.
Deconstruction of the shameless genre
But it doesn't have anything to say about shameless shows tho nor does it take apart any of the tropes. All its doing is pointing out thats its doing it.
>If you enjoy a piece of fiction then its good since thats all it was meant to do
So what you're telling me is that fiction is not meant to make us think about anything and everything ever every two seconds?
I don't really care for the show, since incest/romcom/harem isn't really my thing, but I'd be lying if I say it wasn't well produced.
The one episode I saw was super well made, with consistent, quality animation.
You're comparing nutrition to entertainment. Who's the retard here?
Sup Forums's shittiest taste is derived from the retards that think flip flop and pripri are genius. If you're looking for intellectual stimulation from cute girl cartoons instead of simple entertainment, you're a lost cause.
Im comparing food to anime. You can derive entertainment from both. It has nothing to do with nutrition. Retard. You retard retard. Double fucking retard.
You have to be 18 to post here.
>Deriving entertainment from eating
Fat fuck detected.
they don't
asked a friend of mine why he likes eromanga sensei because he talks about it sometimes
he said, word for word, "i actually hate the anime, the light novel is somewhat okay because it actually adds a plotline, but the only real reason i watch the show is because sagiri's a cute ass loli"
then he nervously laughed
nobody thinks it's good
anyone who actually watches it for the show itself has one of these three reasons:
1. has watched up too many dark animes, wants some moeblob
2. likes moeblob
3. enjoys having suicidal tendencies
there's also 4. only watches popular things, but we don't talk about those people
when you're starving and desperate for food, even worms are tasty
you're not gonna regret having the worm, because you needed it at the moment
see reason 1
let's say mcdonalds fries are actually so awful that nobody likes them
if you like mcdonalds fries, that's just your personal taste, you don't really expect anyone else to like them (unless you're a massive faggot)
see reason 2
let's say mcdonalds has a deal on double big macs
you want to kill yourself
see reason 3
Eat some cake fat man. You...you...
That's why they like it even more.
nobody really says it unironically, but if they do, it's more than likely because their senses have been so numbed down from watching a purely moeblob anime that they actually think a girl from this series is best girl
all who say she's best girl probably mean that she's the best one in the anime
like let's be real, none of the girls are even near middle tier when compared to others.
don't do moeblob, kids.
>food analogies
fuck off Sup Forums
tell me about JCs. why do they like dicks?
who don't?
>consistent quality animation
Well memed user
Easy. After Re:Zero introduced the latest generation of newfags to anime in general, Eromanga sensei introduced them to the "omfg so forbidden loli genre eks de". But it's all meant ironically of course, they are not really lolicons because that's gross haha. This show is trash and so am I.
That's the audience who enjoyed this show.
>If you're looking for intellectual stimulation from cute girl cartoons instead of simple entertainment, you're a lost cause.
Says the Sup Forumsnon, posting on cute-girl-cartoon-chan
Because they're literal pedos. Fuck, the show isn't even funny, that type of comedy is literally aimed at 10-yo fappers or brainlets.
I watched it because I had the time to watch it and was bored.
I also can't drop series, anything that i feel is too horrible to finish at the time just goes to my backlog