Show has no OP

>show has no OP

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Mr. Meaty


>the best opening is only used for one episode

Didn't feel all that strange or bad with SSY.

>show includes the chink and gook animators in the OP rather than the ED where they belong, out of sight
>the OP is better than the ED

Good. Saves me time and energy since I wont have to skip it.

This, we got more actual content and a good ED

low quality bait

Are there actually people who watch OPs and EDs more than once? If a song is catchy I download the FLAC file and have it on loop while browsing. Everything else is a waste of time and very often spoils the plot. Why would I want that?

I've never seen an example of an OP actually "spoiling" something.

Yeah, most people watch it everytime at least, the majority on Sup Forums. It might be different somewhere else.
It's fun and only two something minutes. If it's a good OP it won't spoil anything. I can't even think of the last OP I watched that spoiled something major.
>Everything else is a waste of time
Think about what you're saying for a second.


Sometimes the OP is the thing I watch the most in the show. 90% of the time the OP has better animation than anything in the show and the composition is always more interesting. I play the OP like 5 times before actually getting to the epsiode sometimes.

Unless it's REALLY bad which only happens on average 3-5 shows at the most a season you should watch it everytime. And it makes sense since the first thing you see is the OP so they want to make a very good impression so I guess they usually go all out in it.

>Dude never see parasyte

Then you cant have watched a lot of OPs. For example, I'd prefer to not get spoiled in regards to who the cast members actually are or who might join them along the line. All of this is also really common for shonen, which I dont even watch a lot of but can clearly remember the issue I had with it.

>that spoiled something major.
Relevance? Why does this only matter if its something major?

>Think about what you're saying for a second.
>lllololoolo watching animu is a waste of time lylyylylyl
Thats not how it works, user.

>And it makes sense since the first thing you see is the OP so they want to make a very good impression
More of a reason to skip it to be honest since it generates false expectations. If I watch at a well animated and visually pleasing OP I dont want to be reminded that the actual series looks like shit by comparison. Like I said, if an OP/ED is really good I crop it and put it on loop on a secondary screen until the OST is out, but to me like 70% of all OPs are absolutely forgettable, 20% are straight up shit and the remaining 10% might have some actual merit.

>Why does this only matter if it's major?
Why should it matter at all?

No that's exactly how it works actually.
It's not just anime, you assign everything you do a subjective value.
26 minutes watching an anime with the OP, those minutes add up to a lot of time in the long run. Let's say you save an hour after skipping the OP 30 times. What are you going to use that extra hour to do? You see it as this huge waste when really, it's all relative. Normally this would be obvious but for some reason you can't see that other people feel differently from you.
You're probably just autistic and I'm "wasting my time" talking to you.

>show has a very good opening
>certain episodes skip it and in the end less than half the episodes used it
I'm looking at you, Drifters

>Why should it matter at all?
Not the smartest way to answer that question.
>you can't see that other people feel differently from you
This is coming from someone who is unable to grasp the concept that spoilers might be annoying to others. Splendid, really.

>I'd prefer to not get spoiled in regards to who the cast members actually are or who might join them along the line.
That's dumb and not really a spoiler at all.

have you ever heard of the beer and Ferrari story? same principle

>user has no benis

shinsekai yori

Good man, I only watch an opening/ending once before I start to skip it after the initial viewing.

>user has no balls to say that to my face

>ending is better than the opening and it's obvious that the producers chose the opening because it's a pop song

>When the worst ED is widely memed
>And the best is used once and massively underappreciated
It's not fair


user has no benis. What now?

Yeah I agree OP one of the most organic experiences one can have while watching the show is figuring out around what timestamp the OP usually ends so you can instinctively skip it when you start a new episode. Not including the OP takes away viewer agency.

Why wouldn't you just read the manga? The music is better that way, after all.

>show has two OPs back to back

>OP plays during the final battle