
Now that the dust has settled which was the better episode?

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Madoka because it was both a good narrative and thematic conclusion and unlike Evangelion, it didn't beat you over the head with what the message was supposed to be.

One was a masterpiece ending that actually accomplished bittersweet properly, while tying up most loose ends. Another was struggling to even have a proper budget. Take a wild guess at which one was the better episode.

To be fair I don't think Madoka had a huge budget either and studio Shaft is always finishing episode just days before they air if even that. I think Madoka was just made with thought for the future in mind which is likely why they limited it to twelve eoisodes.

SHAFT had months to finish up Episodes 11 and 12 because the earthquake hit right after 10 aired.

Not sure what you mean by
>made with thought for the future in mind
The Aniplex producer got them 12 episodes and the story was completely finished with the TV series. Rebellion was by Urobochi's admission a "well what happens now" script.

Well, I don't know for sure because I wasn't there, but given the quality of the episode, I think it's fair to assume Shaft had more money. And that whole thing about finishing episodes before airing isn't really a money issue, it's just them being sloppy when it comes to TV releases. They do it constantly, not just for Madoka, but their other shows too.

The main reason why is Madoka wasn't a successful LN or Manga or anything before airing so It was sort of a shot in the dark.

I always thought Eva was sort of overhyped anyways.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Evangelion. The tragedy is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of human psychology most of the themes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Shinji's passive outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Arthur Shcopenhauer's literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these characters, to realize that they're not just sad- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Evangelion truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the misery in Shinji's self-referential catchphrase "I'm so fucked up," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Hideaki Anno's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Kaji tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for Asuka's eyes only- And even she has to demonstrate that she's within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

You realize it could easily go in the other extreme? You could have already seen stuff like that already and evangelion is just treading old ground for you, which makes it come across as boring and unoriginal.

Evangelion the series is actually very boring in my opinion and I'm honestly truly not trying to rude or piss anybody off but I just feel like it's dated by this point and a lot of people just have Finns memories of watching it as a kid and they don't remember that most of the series felt like monster of the week type filler with only the last four episodes being worthwhile and the dancing episode. I wouldn't say it's really worthy of being compared to Madoka but I will say the Evangelion movie was actually pretty great and something most people should watch.

>inb4 millennial trash

I actually watched Eva for the first time on Adult Swim as a kid.

I mean, you're free to have that opinion. For a lot of people, Evangelion was the first thing they saw that took risks. So it'll naturally leave a bigger impression on them.

I don't have fond memories of watching it as a kid because I didn't see it until I was nineteen. I spent the first fifteen episodes wondering when it would become as extra special as I'd heard for so long that it was, and then I watched episode sixteen.
Episodes sixteen on are what draw out and emphasize the show being remarkable. Pieces from earlier on that were impressive and/or meaningful intermittently are strengthened by the last ten episodes. Even though Evangelion has weak episodes and watery areas, its second half solidifies the acclaim it as a whole deserves.
I can't get my head around someone saying it isn't "worthy of being compared to Madoka".

No, I actually agree with you and I'm still a big fan of Eva but I just know that I'm being a fanboy and the series isn't as good as most people make it out to be. My first anime was actually Inuyasha though.

I just personally had a complete blast watching Madoka and think the series was well done for twelve episodes. I wouldn't even consider episode twelve the best episode. I think it's pretty clear episode ten is the best in the series and probably deserves to be ranked somewhere among the best anime episodes throughout time but I'm just a Madoka fanboy.

In all fairness, most people thinks ep 10 is the best.

I get you. Taste to taste and all. But I'm saying your assessment of praise toward Evangelion being chalked up to nostalgia is wrong.
It doesn't necessarily deserve all of its acclaim, since fanboys will be fanboys and default toward hyperbole or fanaticism in that state. But it does deserve a hell of a lot of its acclaim.

It was just done so well. There was that scene after Homura came back where you could just see how completely exhausted and done she was and you could almost just feel it for yourself and that's just one of so many things done completely right in that episode. I haven't enjoyed an episode of anime like that since I was a kid.

If you could pick something that the show could improve on, what would it be?

The first thing that comes to my head is I wish there was just more episodes to develop characters like Mami, Kyoko and Sayaka.*

If anything the next movie should be a continuation of the series while season two should be the story about how Kyoko, and Miami made their contracts and ended up where they were in the last timeline.

Really? I had absolutely no complaints about character screentime at all. Granted, Mami and Kyoko's were backstory, but they were still there. And I daresay Sayaka got the most screentime behind Madoka who was the main character anyway.

Why not just read the Different Story manga? It's that, except in a manga.

I was just saying the problems I had with the anime specifically since that's what I was asked but considering it's a twelve episode series I'm not throwing a temper tantrum over it or anything.

Fair enough, I actually have a hard time recommending Different Story to others anyway. The first volume was good, but the others really didn't understand the series at all.

I kinda think a would gem would be convenient instead of having your soul in your body. I don't know why the characters were so mad about it.

The only downside I can think of is the shape they're in. If they fit inside a wallet like a soul card or something that would be best.

Wishing your soul gem was shaped like a credit card is a legit wish compared to what Sayaka wished for is the sad thing.

friend zone homura episode


I didn't watch the Madoka series when it first aired so there was a lot of things I didn't know about the series until later on since I wasn't part of the huge discussions that took place so I didn't get why they put the intro at the end of episode ten until recently. I always thought the intro didn't fit the series at all and it felt totally out of place but one day I was just listening to random English versions of anime songs and ran across this.


It kinda just hit me that the wacky intro was about Homura's struggle and even when they first previewed this series as a innocent magical girl show anybody who bothered to read the lyrics to the intro would have an idea what the series had coming. Just putting it out there in case there are any other people like me who were confused about why they did that on episode ten.

Madoka was good, no doubt, but when comapring things like this, what matters most is what touched you on a personal level. And Eva wins out there for me.

What part touched you? Are you talking about the series or eoe?

If you really think about it I think kyubey got the most. He was around the entire series.

Don't you think the earthquake would have made it so they couldn't work instead of gave them extra time? I dont think it would have really effected how they two episodes turned out anyways.

I don't know how you made it through when you're used to modern anime. To be honest with myself I don't think I could watch it without dropping it the first three episodes if I watched it today for the first time.

madoka is a anime original

That was the point.

No because the earthquake delayed the airing date for months and SHAFT is/was infamous for doing things at the very last minute.

No matter what, they would have to have episode 11 ready by the intended airing date, so the earthquake could only give them more time, not less.

So you're saying the last two episodes would have been bad if not for the earthquake?

We'll never know but the earthquake probably helped. The point is that the last two episodes at least were not rushed, what aired was what was intended.

That's a good thing though.

Yes it is. It's one of the things that makes it a good ending, in stark contrast to Evangelion where the last two episodes were substitutes for a real ending.

I remember Chiwa Saito really hyping up the last episodes of Madoka.

Then again you can't say that's the only reason it was a good ending. They did episode ten before the earthquake and it's considered by most to be the best episode. I don't really know what happened with Evangelion behind the scenes as I've always just t enjoyed the show for what it is but somebody messed up if they were running out of money before the end of the series.

The dust only settles with 4.0

Surprisingly, the one struggling to have budget.
Limitations exponentiate ingenuity.