First the Last Jedi, now this.
Are we actually winning the culture war?
Culture War
It was always ours
>Suffers from bad timing
That's soyboy for "I doesn't push the narrative I want it to"
Fuck these kikes
Some reviews
>"Death Wish" is a catechism for an audience terrified that their firepower and their influence are dwindling.
>Rather than acting as social commentary, the remake merely exploits the overarching theme of crime and punishment to unleash more violence and death.
>An abomination, and the favorite movie of the year for people who like to say, "But what about black-on-black crime in Chicago?"
>Director (((Eli Roth)))'s remake of the 1974 Charles Bronson movie (both based on Brian Garfields' novel) is not only awful, it's also incredibly thoughtless, with a brutish, simpleminded argument.
>A tepid remake of an already dubiously executed movie that inexplicably doesn't even double-down on those elements that would best antagonize its critics to make for something, well, if not gleefully irresponsible, at the very least memorable.
>This remake of the 1974 Charles Bronson not only irresponsible, it's just plain ridiculous, Joe Carnahan's screenplay and Eli 'torture porn' (((Roth)))'s direction implying both a satirization and glorification of American gun culture.
>An old man's movie, made for even older men -- impotent, angry ones.
>Death Wish is an NRA member's wet dream, a perfect film for the America that only exists in the poisoned imagination of the pathetic would-be bully in the White House.
It's just some from the first 2 pages.
Half of the "Professional critics" do not even mention shit about movie, they just do not agree with it politically.
>Are we actually winning the culture war?
>Directed by (((Eli Roth)))
user, I...
Did you click 'want to see it'?
Nah, I generally do not interact with RT, just saw someone sperging about it on YT and decided to check how it's marked.
Would it help in any way?
Sure, if we can get the audience rating up to 100% and keep it there it'll be obvious that vote selection bias is being used. In other words; it'll be obvious that they are coaching their 'pro reviewers'.
Go see the movie. Pay money to see it.
I will make room for every movie that is labeled racist, white supremacist, etc.
Success at the box office is the best way to encourage continuing to make movies for white people.
Well, critics hated this movie for "portraying migrant crisis".
Which funny enough is kinda true.
>giving money to the hollywood jew
But khazar milkers are free.
basic gesalt
communist pinko liberals hate the movie
so its probably pretty good
This is a remake of the Charles Bronson one, right? Loved those movies as a kid, will probably go out to see this one.
Movie/music critics are the most pretentious cocksuckers on earth
>Caring about RT
Here is an easy guide to RT
>Critics hate it, then it's probably good.
>Critics love it, then it's probably bad.
>Exception exist, but are rare.
I love to see this movie gross 200 million overall and prompt 4 or 5 sequels.
sounds like a must-see movie
why do those reviewers use the ((()))? Are they double agents from our side?
or its shit like Wizard of Oz where everyone already knows its good
Oh shit
this might be a movie actually worth going to the cinema for
I haven't had a good reason in almost a decade
I have Coincidence Detector installed into the browser
Bbc doesn’t got Disney bribe money.
Black Pander is still the greatest movie of the year, if not all time.