Reminder that Britain owes us BILLIONS in reparations

Reminder that Britain owes us BILLIONS in reparations.


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What a fucking shit thread.

You fucking niggers got exactly what you had coming.

You aren't owed shit. Those who bitch about getting their asses kicked are just like nignogs, always whinging about losing.

Don't lose next time.

>Fight for Israel, goy!
>*Slurps down the rest of his big mac with some Diet Coke*
>Haha, Based US in WW2, we showed those ebil nahtzees that fighting the international Jew and supporting your people is bad

That's not how starting a war works, schlomo.

Now pay denbts to Poland.

I actually agree. Anglos pay you, you pay us.

>Literally fights the international Jew
>"Sure, schlomo"

All of the posts I replied to on this thread were posted because they regurgitated the WW2 propaganda that their Jewish masters forced in the public education system.

Britain will pay you on the day you pay us for Rotterdam.

>US didnt lift a finger until the Japs decided to get cute and go after Hawaii during their pacific land/sea grab
>da jooos
fuck off you braindead stormnigger

>Holocaust gave the jews near unbreakable grip on every aspect of life in the west thanks to your
autistic one-balled austrian manlet.
>Thanks to the holocaust jews have their own nation.
>Thanks to le based painter nationalism is, and might forever be, viewed as evil.

wew, mutt.

>Bites off more than they can chew
>Expects me to think they are smart
You ignored half my post as well and conflated me in something I didn't do. Pay Denbts.


Germany also bombed the fuck out of Britain.

Stop baiting.

>dont worry they will pay through Brexit or stick around in the EU and you can tax the literal shit out of them
they deserve it for ruining our cozy axis

forget pic

Sniff my hairy Anglo arsehole

is the guy in the middle some sort of relative of george bush?

gorge bush is a crypto Hungarian

>Lose war
>Demand reparations

Go team Jew

Then you pay holocaust law debt to jews? Nice try rabbi!

>Loses the first world war
>Told to pay reparations
>Chimps out and starts a second world war
>Loses again
>Unironically tells the grand children of the people who beat him to pay reparations

Nigga, what?

You were the one who started the war

you had SAS and MI5 forces on your ground , you supported kikes and bolchewists , Rotterdam was a military target ( cargo , toolmachines etc. pp ) enjoy your masonic kike gov and niggers

>implying the US didn't instigate that conflict with Japan as a front to enter WW2 for its Jewish lobby


>Thanks to the holocaust jews have their own nation.
>Thanks to le based painter nationalism is, and might forever be, viewed as evil.

No. This is a recent phenomenon. The public-school indoctrination didn't really take off until the 50's or 60's. How do you think McCarthyism and open anti-Zionism lasted so long in the healthy parts of America? This propaganda machine is relatively new, and can be combated.

If anything, it is the fault of the PEOPLE WHO LET JEWS into media and government.

We gave it to you. In bombs.

India wants our share of Britain money, we want our 40 acres and a mule you motherfukers

Look how proud you are to serve ZOG. And you got your reward: a bunch of violent Pakis that will take over your homeland.

demnächst fliegt ihr aus unseren Märkten , die Franzosen ziehen mit , ihr habt euer "empire" verloren und eure kanacken vögeln sich durch Rotherham . Hast du deine Miete bereits an deinen Juden bezahlt . Häng dich auf du dreckiger Untermensch

Could anybody translate this? I cannot speak turkish.

thats some hardcore shit right there

Sorry I don't speak Yiddish.
But I'm sure your wishing me a happy and prosperous Brexit.


"Soon you're cut off from our markets. The French are affected/involved as well. You've lost your Empire and your midship monkeys rape their way through Rotherham. Did you pay rent to your local Jew yet? Hang yourself dirty subhuman"

As for your pic, it's x variants of "(Person) considers (phrase) to be typically German".

A point on the side: I'm really just translating, don't get pissed at me.

Does it now?

Sasuga Arthur "unburnt German city? what a pity!" Harris

>military target
The Dutch military was and has always been shit, we had maybe two operational tanks at the time. Troop transport often went by bicycle.

Germany bombed the shit out of Rotterdam because we were giving them trouble at the Afsluitdijk and Moerdijkbruggen and didn't roll over straight away, because the Blitzkrieg wouldn't be very Blitzy if they got hold up by a bunch of cheese-munching clogsmen so the French could prepare for battle.

Not sure I follow. The pictures from earlier are some kooky feelgood propaganda, this one is "Go employ rape apes you racist"-tier.

He does seem a little wound up. His grannies husband must have been at Dresden. Lucky his Russian granddad wasn't.

just posting stuff from my "kraut" folder

This reminds me of that Hitler speech when he said there's a worldwide Jewish conspiracy which will be unmasked by national socialism.

Happy Brexit you third world nigger enabler.

And you didn’t even get to conquer and hold any of mainland Europe.

Enjoy the Pajeet dick you proud bankrupt empire you.

fuck off germ

Polak go home
>This time round, when krouts going start frying you, we'll send coal shiploads as reparations

poland wants its reparations hans

>Happy Brexit you third world nigger enabler.

Is America getting us confused with themselves again? Aren't you the ones that have mulattas and mestiza women singing negrified renditions of your national anthem before every football game? An event whereby white Americans sit passively drooling watching a bunch of black virile males outperforming them physically and paying money for the privilege? Yanks and their lack of self-awareness never, ever ceases to amaze. You are truly the dumbest people on the planet. Go prep your black bull you faggot.

Six gorillion german wemen were raped

It's absurd what's going on. On the upside I've made peace with lung cancer because of it.

Do you actually find this stuff humorous? Britain sheltered Marx from justice and your royalty knights pedophiles. Maybe come back when Russia's pogrom spill stops counting as your press.

Germans were the first to start behaving like chimps

Is this where we point out the billions you've fleeced from us over the life of the EU?


>Germany vs Britain threads are just Polish diaspora on both sides
I wish I knew that sooner.

we deserved it. he should have bombed amsterdam instead. shit is full with kikes and degeneracy

Oh it's Pablo again, hola Pablo. Why would we want Europe? It's always been a pain in the arse. We sold Dunkirk to the frogs in Charles 2 reign. Glad to get shut of it frankly.

>screaming goering.jpg

I hate America as much as anyone else, but America never mattered in the first place seeing as it formed from your turncloaks in the first place, because they (at that time you) were too cowardly to pray to your version of Christianity. Funny how you weren’t good enough at stopping the voyage in the first place. Must have been that spiritual lust for the black dick and exploration. Those things happen when you waste away on an island.

>Dutch and British sources informed the public through Allied and international news media that the raid on Rotterdam had been on an open city in which 30,000 civilians were killed (the real number was around 900)
>Die Mühle (The Windmill) stated that the Dutch government was to blame for turning Rotterdam into a fortress, despite multiple summons to evacuate.

no you just want the third world dick instead

The complete destrction of citys wasn't new
but they were destroyed in a time with shity architecture.
40 years earlier and our citys would look awsome these days


>we deserved it

hello tyrone rodriguez

hitler liked muslims

Hello third world nigger enabler. You can blame yourself for all the black termites scurrying across europe

Cherub, you Germans take things far too seriously. You'll give yourself high blood pressure. I can see why though, you've got yourself up shit creek with this EU business. Did one of your politicians really say Germany would cover the debt. If the euro collapses.


grey squirrel genocide when

Now, the fucking immigrants. Stealing our acorns.

Stop replying to this stupid bait you idiots.
OP has not even engaged once.

Do this board a favor and whenever there is a thread about reparations from the UK, that America should remove its army bases, that Germany Dindu nuffin wrong or that Prussia is german clay, simply ignore it, it's either posted by a shill trying to stirr up drama, or a butthurt autistic retard and neither deserve your time or energy.

Have a good day.

ive seen 2.5 black men in my entire life

Excuses, excuses
Destroying beautiful European architectural heritage and killing fellow Europeans is ISIS tier

Yeah, but he didn't like them plundering white nations and destroying our culture.

>ive seen 2.5 black men in my entire life

That should teach you to knock before you enter you mom's room.

Dindu Nuffin



HITLER did more for the jews in the end. Your shit Fuhrer is singke handedly responsible for the creation of Israel and the spread of Zionism.

Well done Kraut, as always, very perceptive about consequences of your actions

hitler was a cuck

>Admits he is an Anglo arsehole


one is bad enough

one of them was a midget. One of them was scrawny as fuck. the half one is actually on alright guy. its amazing that with a black mother and white father a kid turns out all right


Err. Thanks for the offer, but I'm not that way inclined. But I'm sure you will find a nice chap soon.

Hitler's mother was a Jew.

You have no idea how deep the rabbit hole goes.

>Can't prove either
I sense a pattern


Where is the evidence ?

Hitler is single handedly responsible for Israel existing.

All other things you said are irrelevant.

Gg no re

Haha, totally, fellow Redditor. Because Hitler was not perfection incarnate, we should not fight for white interests. Great idea. :^)

>No proof

Sure, bud.


I didn't ask for your photo

I wouldn't put it past them. Greens are on record with "Germans are more productive than other nations. In order to attain full global equality the nation's performance has to be crippled." pre-rapefugees, and leading politicians gloat into our faces about how we do not have a country 24/7 by this point. If it weren't for the knowledge that non-Germans need less time to start hating Jews than Germans need to start dying out from what they throw at us I'd actually be despairing I believe.

That's not how losing wars works you silly kraut.

It’s a photo of your grandma you frostbit brained gulag monkey. Here’s your grandfather.

He is beautiful and angular, and if he were a gas, he'd be inert.

whats with the dent in his forehead

Hey I have a question Achmed. Are UK supermarkets really this shitty? It looks like what pictures of 1970s supermarkets from the US look like.


we paid you millions of pounds fritz

dresden already got their endowment

if picture is recent: we just had a storm come in.
if its old: They are usually fully stocked when I go

I mean why are the shelves seemingly built out of plastic crates? Wtf you can't afford real shelves? Supermarkets in the civilized world look like a futuristic space ship compared to that.