on one's last legs
who cares
Not female MC
How would you fix SHAFT?
How does this studio have a posititve reputation? Everything in that picture is shit, outside of Kizu (which isnt even included) and maybe 3gatsu, havent watched it.
They should stop doing Nisio Isin adpations
Watch Sangatsu, it's great.
You're a fucking nigger, exploding van is a classic and so is Arakawa. The reason why you posted this retarded shit is because Kizumonogatari is the only thing you've seen, execute your spirit.
>The reason why you posted this retarded shit is because Kizumonogatari is the only thing you've seen, execute your spirit.
I wish this was true. Id have saved so many hours that were ultimately lost.
By burning it to the ground and salting the earth.
Among 4channers: A memetic era from Moon Phase to Denpa Onna.
In the real world: After Denpa Onna they were swimming in bakemoney and madocash (okay, not SHAFT but Aniplex did, SHAFT just has a lot of Aniplex-cookies) and got (a freer hand) to pick shows themselves. 3gatsu is them wanting to break into mainstream.
If you haven't seen Sangatsu, your opinion is completely irrelevant.
you didnt even include soremachi on your autistic medley you little shit
Make more SoreDemo
I wouldn't even bother, they can go the way of the dinosaurs
irc thread if you aren't in the irc don't reply to it
they haven't made a single anime I like. Too much rambling about nonsense and time wasting
Madoka season two.
>No female MC
She's literally in the preview
SHAFT golden era was late 00's / early 10's
Putting you in charge certainly wouldn't do it.
SHAFT golden era was when they didn't make trashgatari adaptations
Bake/Kizu are some of their best works
I've only watched Bake and Nise. Bake was average and Nise was bad
Go back in time and release kizu five years early when people still cared.
Aside from SZS, everything they made pre gatari was trash. Either just an awful anime or them ruining perfectly fine manga. SZS was the only one they could get away with their bullshit.
what was average about bakemonogatari?
Great visuals wasted on unfunny dialogue, ear-grading soundtrack and unlikable characters. The cat and snail arcs were pretty good, grab was decent and monkey and snake were bad
Does Shaft have anything else in production now besides 3-gatsu and Fate?
make the fucking Madoka movie
how many god damn years has it been already
Completely wrong. It was absolute garbage that still managed to sell like hotcakes.
nothing to fix in perfection
averege 10.000
sure thing buddy
Both look terribly shit.
Where is this from?
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Damn the design work for Kizu was great.
I know it's from Madoka. I just don't recall that scene. I'm asking what movie / episode it's from.