Is Kirito cut or uncut?
Is Kirito cut or uncut?
Gee whiz, I wonder if the japanese practise a jewish ritual.
Gee whiz, I wonder if the japanese practise a muslim ritual.
Gee whiz, I wonder if the japanese practise an american ritual.
Gee whiz, I wonder if the japanese practise a silly ritual.
Are you guys idiots or something? It's a abrahamic custom.
Kirito is an ingame character you moron.
Gas yourself
How many years worth of semen was it again?
Why are the american people circumcising themselves? I've always found that weird.
I've even heard that the americans don't even pay much thought to doing this to their kids, they circumcise their kids "because people will think his dick looks weird", or "because it's been that way in our family for ages".
I don't understand it.
Judging by how slutty his nurse was I'm sure she ate a lot of his dick cheese while he was unconscious in the game meaning he is certainly uncut.
Yeah I dunno the common argument I hear is that it helps with cleaning but I can't imagine any father willingly do that to their son unless they were cut themselves and have zero knowledge.
It's not as common as it used to be, but you can apparently thank generations of manipulative nurses and ignorant parents for its continued popularity. At this point there are two or three generations that have done it just because their parents did it and they never thought about it too hard before signing off on the hospital papers.
Americans will do anything as long as it's tradition. Be it giving a machine gun to every retard who wants one or mutilating their kids dick. Helps them compensate for being a recent country.
No because Japan isn't a third world country.
Or you know, we dont want out kids to have weird manitee mouth looking dicks? What the fuck is with europoors and wanting a disgusting looking dick? Compensation for centuries of irrelevancy? Or to differentiate from their dominant younger brother? Baffles me. But im fine with it because women will always laugh and go eww to the disgusting uncut cock
I'm American and we never did it.
Never get smegma or anythinng, and I sure as hell ain't gonna let them mutilate my child's penis
If I ever have one
A penis?
Literal brainwashing by the Jews in order to "mark" the goy with this demonic ritual.
Also the really big cosmetic industry that likes to use the discarded foreskins in their products and such. That's the bigger reason actually.
A child you dope
t. Sad cut faggot
Burger-kun, I'm a woman, and I've never seen a cut dick in my life. As far as I'm concerned your dick is little more than something between a deformity and rare pokemon no one wants, like Dunsparce.
>in order to "mark" the goy
Completely wrong, they do it to their own sons. And they throw a big weird party to have everyone come and watch that.
It was a protestant man known for making corn flakes that spearheaded popularization of it among americans, telling parents it will discourage masturbation and ease hygiene. From there, the victims grew up and perpetuated it with a variety of flimsy excuses, because that's easier than to accept that your parents had someone hack off part of your dick when you were an infant, disregarding your cries, just so they could save a few seconds while cleaning it and you wouldn't get to have fun with it later.