Princess Principal OST

Princess Principal OST is out! Just started listening. From what I heard in the anime, I'm pretty impressed with this OST from Kajiura. Of course it's not the first time she's done jazz, but overall she continues to experiment with her compositions and I think it's one of her stronger works. I'm excited to hear what comes next.

Here's the first track

We've heard the first bit a lot throughout the show, what surprised me though was this was all one track. I had thought stuff like 2:58 to the end was its own track, but it was just part of this one.

The part at 2:04 is also similar to the track that plays during the TODO JUBEI fight, so I guess this track works as a kind of a prologue to the OST in general too.

Well, off to listening to the rest!

Other urls found in this thread:

If only the show is this vibrant. Then again, with this color tone the feel would be completely different. But I truly love the settings of this show, steampunk is such a fucking rarity.

Moonlight Melody sung by Beato and Dorothy is so damn good

Can't wait to get there!

I'm a few tracks in, and as I suspected after I saw how many tracks were in the OST, it seems a LOT of the overall OST went unused for the anime. I feel like so far this is one of Kajiura's best OST's honestly.

It would be amazing if the show could be like that. The feel would be different but I could see it working, since aside from a couple episodes the tone of the show wasn't that dark.


that picture looks very lovecraftian, maybe even kafkaesque-ish

"Bitter Times", a Forbidden Games-esque tune is awesome as hell.

There is a lizard in that pic, can you find it?

>MiAfags using dead normalfag memes
Not even surprised.

I feel it's definitely one of her more unique tracks in a while.

Thanks for bringing that up, I wouldn't have recognized it! The first track I found from that is:

Which I feel I've heard before. The style does feel very similar to Bitter Times. Wonder if it was a direct influence?

I was surprised by the chise track and the Dorothy/Beato duet at the end of the album. Enjoyed the OST, although it feels like it wasn't implemented in the show completely 100% perfect

Man, the cover looks amazing. Can't wait until my copy gets delivered.

>shitty normalfag meme
>OST warmongering
MiA OST is an absolute mess of jumbled up synthetic instruments oriented on making fucking ambient ~2:00 tracks (which makes absolutely zero) without any sense of melody. There are 2 (two) tracks that stand out : Welcome to my World and Pathway. The rest is an absolute mess.

Wonder how long it took to paint all that. Half a month??

I mean i have both ost's and i'm going to listen to them obsessively whilst i jog for the next few months but you and your meme are just wrong and you should take it with you on your way out.

Hello 9gag.

I need a high-res, clean version of this pic NOW.

put more effort into it next time

It's a shame you autists have to fight like this over even things as two good OST, I saw they were both released almost at the same time, downloaded them and started enjoying both.

Why does steam punk always mean sepia tone?


How has it made it this far without a link to it?

Beacause that's the way the era is presented to the modern audience. If you went to a museum and such, you'll just find half-rusted machinery, or machinery that was rusted so they got the rust off which leaves you with that sort of color, bare metals from hot stuff as those things killed the color rather quikcly, brownish photographs tend to be all that's left from that era and so on.

It's like how people imagine Classical Greek cities to be all white marble 'ala the numerous Panthenon copies around the world, Ancient Egypt as nothing more than sand and mud huts, &c.

If only the show attached to this soundtrack was as good.

Hi, your show has recently ended, please note you are not welcome to discuss it on Sup Forums as we need this precious space in the catalog for another great asuka or 3x3 thread.

What are you talking about?

Maybe it's Kafkaesque because of the incomprehensible labyrinthine industrial cityscape with clear infrastructure features, but it's definitely not Lovecraftian in any form.

If the show actually looked like that I wouldn't have dropped it desu

>MiA fags talking down a show they know is good just to give MiA a chance of going down as OST
no matter how much you shill for MiA Ozen isn't going to become real and marry you

Awesome. Waiting for Kakegurui soundtrack now. On a semi-relative note, are there any public trackers that have proper anime soundtrack compilations? BakaBT has some but a lot of things are missing there. And downloading ost + op + ed + other bonus tracks is rather annoying.

>of going down as AOTY

Thanks for the tip.

Seeing as how its the same kind of posts on both threads, I bet it is the same posters.

This shit literally sounds like they pulled one of Kajiura's identical-sounding songs and a rhythmic jazz song and mushed them together. There's barely any cohesion between the two.

go back to kyoani vs. shaft threads where you belong

When will Zelda porn finally become populous than any other PriPri porn?

I remember Boku Dake having a good OST as well.

I wish anime had a good OST site, Nyaa is hit and miss and all the other sites are going through about 20 ad pages to get to the link.

>I wish anime had a good OST site
what a pleb

Sucks to be you, I didn't watch MiA yet
Also, I've never said PriPri was bad. It was just slightly disappointing.

>than any other PriPri porn?
You mean the five pics this show overall got?

I miss the show already.

Good times were had.

Episode 2 and 8 were so great.
I remember liking 2 back when it aired but having seen 8 recently, I can't help but having a small preference for this one. Amazing storytelling for a background episode.

Just gonna download both, more fodder for my growing playlists

Is it Sunday already?

its a stupid fucking meme

A cute

It will never be sunday again, user.

sunday is dead forever
OST here

>battle of the shadows.mp3


we didn't get much of these amazing soundtracks from the anime.

Indeed. Kajiura is a genius and this soundtrack is second among her works only to Madoka Rebellion's

○プリンセス・プリンシパル 【全6巻】
巻数 初動 発売日
01巻 *,883 17.09.27


Asking the important questions

>pre-relase number
>hugely missing the stalkers

It's Yuri all over again. But of course you have to use it shitpost

Moefag and 7 would approve. Do you think it's a coincidence than they sent them to Casablanca? Think again.

they have spies spying on them purely to take candid photos

Thread is dead, RIP PriPri threads. It's for the better.

It is, but I will miss them.

Where is the download though?

On the internet.


How about you check the actual or past threads?

Oh well, we'll always have the memories

Not if I do it first!

Abandoned puppy


shitposters busy with KF, so at least Pripri is getting a dignified death

Were there any statements about possibility of S2? I haven't been keeping up.
If it turns out to be lizard porn, you could at least upload it in higher quality.

How mad will you be when >season 2 never after episode 12 that resolved essentially nothing?

Very, but thankfully the chances of a S2 not happening are quite small considering how popular the show got in nipland.

7 is an Ange x Doro shipper. She'd hide her disapproval and ask Dorothy at the next meeting how she could let that happen.

ZOMG TORRENT PLS!!!!!!!!!444441111111111

Not mad at all. Sure it didn't resolve anything plot but it did resolve the characters. Ange started to change for real, Princess revealed more of her motivations and showed she really has what it takes to become queen. And they got closer than ever.

If this is all we get, I'm okay with it.

>Madoka OST
>above Mai Hime, hack//sign, Madlax, Tsubasa, Xenosaga

I haven't given up yet. It seems like it was quite popular so a second season isn't out of the question.

Well .hack is a decent argument and I give you that. But the rest you've mentioned have nothing close to Madoka's soundtracks

The only thing 7 ships is L and herself

That's just silly.

I don't understand how anime production works. Was the director right in saying that home video sales were actually a deciding factor?

>the unused scenario has a scene where Ange and Charlotte having bath together and check out moles on each other's body

Where should I through money to make this animated?

He said if either the mobage or the anime does well they'd make a second season, problem is, how much is good enough, Bandai objectively gets more money bybmaking GuP movies


He said they'd consider it.

>Princess Principal OST is out!
You better back up such statements with proof.

BD sales isn't as important as it used to be but for PriPri I guess it has to play a role bigger than originally planned, thanks to the game sales struggling at this point

Oh and he's a director. Of course he has to throw some marketing phrases. He'd say every little merchs like figures or even stupid keyrings are important factor

>two western girls sharing a bath together and checking out the moles on each other's body
It's like they don't even realize how lewd that sounds for our standards.

Anyway, has the Drama CD bonus been uploaded yet?

Mai Hime was Kajiura's best work ever, you uncultured swine. Madoka was an embarrassment, only SAO and Fate were worse.

It took me longer to select and upload a smug PriPri image than I needed to find it on nyaa. Apply yourselves.

does anyone else get maihime vibes from battle from the shadow

I get Absolute Configuration vibe. Mezame is god-tier though

Here you go guys

user, now they will keep being low iq.

I think not using it was for the best. As it is, Charlotte and Ange's relationship is depicted as, I don't know if it's the right term, a chivalrous romance.
Searching for moles is more like out of place fapbait, like having the marimites giving pantyshots.

And you will keep being a dick.
The kind of no pussy would ever want.

neo Sup Forums everyone

I like track 4 "go and get it".

It sounds pretty stupid even for anime standards.