Youkoso jitsuryoku shijou shugi
PV is out guys, 51% soon.
>Albert will never shave you
Why even live?

Second season when?

51% and OTP in 4 hours.

Kushida a shit reminder.

Never, thanks to the horikitafag director

Is it too much to hope that he'll be shirtless one last time?

51% incoming guys.
We'll se a bit of Ayanokoji true personality

Love how Ayanokouji asking Horikita if she think she's the main heroine. He even mentioned Karuizawa

>tfw s2 never

>No full Ayanokouji backstory.
I mean it's kind of obvious what happened to him but I still want it.

>literally the scene where he monologues he doesn't give a shit for Horikita, not even as a classmate
Watch the Horikita director leave this bit out and kill 50%man character.

He still has no full backstory even in the LNs. There's no point in expecting it.

who /sakayanagi/ here?

I don't like damaged goods.

It's fine as long as she's not used

>have sex with her
>maker her orgasm
>she dies
This is going to happen. But I'd still tap her.

>another generic haremshit fails hard


It isn't a harem though?

>literally one girl having romantic feelings for MC
what are you talking about faggot?


Sakura is obvious but I'm not too sure about the psyco. Maybe she's just jealous or it's all part of some upcoming keikaku.

Sakayanagi is for tender loving and dark plots.

>replying to bait so obvious that it doesn't even deserve a (you)
The state of these threads

Been said again and again. She's not in love with anyone. She's literally a psycho. Everything she does starts at volume 4. She's in league with C-Class and wants D-Class to fail so that Horikita can be expelled. That is her only goal and nothing else.

As of now only Sakura is the one that likes 50%. Not even Horikita likes him in the latest LN.


Oh fuck, I thought the little glimpses in the show meant he had one.

You can't do characters like Ayanokoji who excel in what it seems like everything and not do one.
Oh well.

Artbook scan when?

but there are people who really think that male MC+multiple girls=harem

Not LNfag myself, but maybe they're just delaying his story,

>sorry to bother you while you're getting pumped up by this work's heroine is karuizawa kei
kek karuizawa confirmed for winner

After they anounce S2

I'll give her some of my dark thick tender plots, if you know what I mean

Based Koenji being pestered by 2nd worst boy.

I heard it's coming after the 3rd season of Haruhi.

>You'll never experience the joy of giving any of them the D.
Another cock tease example as to why this series would have been a much better format as a VN.

New ep when?

3 hours

He actually didn't. He mentioned everybody except her. At the very end though Karuizawa comes in and says she's the main heroine.

>Karuizawa is the main heroine.
Season 2 confirmed guys.

If so they are going to retcon ep7 eh? make it as if didnt happen

New ep when?

3 hours

Not necessarily. It might just mean that they were expecting to do another season but have changed their minds after the abysmal BD sales.

I wouldn't say retcon. I feel they could still do the scene at the pool with Karuizawa, as long as they remove the camera peeking part. It wouldn't be easy but its possible.

There's not going to be a season 2 but don't worry, you can still learn the art of moonrunes and read the raws.

It sounded more like the director was making fun of her and the nips who spammed twitter because of ep 7

>tfw 3 weeks into learning
soon, user

More like they had to throw a bone to say that "Look, we said she's the heroine! Yay us!" or something.

So yeah you're somewhat right.

It won't be perfect but here's a rough translation of the preview:
>Next time is finally the last episode Ayanokouji did you have any last things to say?
>I'm about to honestly confess all of my concerns in this preview.
>Are you an idiot? No matter how you look at it there's not enough time but I'll allow you to address one of them.
>Just one? Then I'll ask, who do you think was the heroine? Is it you? Is it Kushida, Sakura, Ibuki, Sakayanagi?
>You don't even know that after all this time, are you an idiot?
>I feel bad for asking.
>If there's one thing I can say is that the heroine isn't just limited to the girls. There's a possibility that Hirata, Ryuuen or Kanzaki could have been the heroines, its that kind of premise.
>I see so even the guys could be heroines
>But if there's one thing for certain deep down inside your heart you feel you're the heroine, now tell me your honest feelings.
>Tell you my honest feelings...the truth is that I've always-
>Next time on the final episode "Episode Title". Could it be Ayanokouji-kun that about me you-
>Sorry to interrupt you as you were getting heated up but this series' heroine is Karuizawa Kei.

I never knew I had a smug fetish until her.

New ep when?

3 hours

no nigger, 2 hours

New ep when?

3 hours

no nigger, 2 hours

New ep when?


Is there anything Albert can't do?

It seems like the nips are expecting a 2nd season because of what the preview did.

Guys, when is the new episode airing?

Honestly, I'll be shocked. Like totally shocked.

I feel really sad for the Karuizawaflags they really think their" girl" is main heroine
she girl who appears onVol4-5
even the animation do not even respect them

good and painful episode for you

finally best scene

This will be interesting to see. Will they keep it in? Or will the Horikita faggotry within the director remove his monologue?

Sakura should be bottom in the top portion too


More like 1.

Really? That would be a surprise.

Whorikita BTFO


New ep when?

3 hours

no nigger, 2 hours

More like 1.

When I've finished hugging my waifu.

no nigger, 2 hours

Season 2 never ever.

Fucking Nipon hates this show.


3 hours

Until season 2? Fucking hell they're fast.

no nigger, 2 hours

no nigger, 2 hours

More like 1.

But it airs in 30 minutes

I wonder how the user who posted the original question feels about this.

Did I accidentally stumble in a Haruhi thread?

Did I accidentally stumble in a Haruhi thread?

Did I accidentally stumble in a Haruhi thread?

We've entered an endless recursion of time

Second season when?

51% and OTP in 4 hours.

The fucking state of this thread. Good thing we're not getting a second season.
I actually want one but that's not happening.

The fucking state of this thread. Good thing we're not getting a second season.
I actually want one but that's not happening.

no nigger, 2 hours

3 hours

But it airs in 30 minutes

I wonder how the user who posted the original question feels about this.

Second season when?

Artbook when?