What racial slurs trigger white americans?
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niggers call all white Americans niggers they hate it
No racial slurs trigger white Americans.
Mutt is probably non existent outside pol and int. I usually call them ((new world melting pots)). But thats just me.
Um... I seriously can't think of any.
These are all laughable. Mutt is probably the closest because it cuts the real mutts and mislabels the true whites
> These are all laughable
most burgers refer to themselves as mutts already. Been popular since the 90s
Don't know, but here's one, pic related. Happened a few weeks ago. I had a lot of fun that day.
>trigger european people/diaspora
The only one that's any good is Peckerwood but whites don't get particularly offended.
You can feel the inferiority complex mate, it's not offensive so much as trying incredibly hard to be edgy.
The only slurs that trigger "White" Americans are slurs against minorities and of course calling them mutt or any variation thereof. There is a reason why Amerimutt threads really trigger American Sup Forums.
Pretty much this
I don't know if the person was being serious or not. You can call me stupid, but the nogs under that post were insane.
I mean if the niggers are the only humans, I'm glad I'm not human.
Triggers a white libtard into virtue signaling
"Racist" triggers white people
White liberals are the worst. They get triggered more by a racial slur made in the absence of anyone from that race, than someone from that race.
>stole an entire country
does he think wakada was real?
Doesn't work like that... racial slurs are created with the intent of making fun of one race at the expense of another. "You're so white you should own some slaves... cracka...."
Why do you want white people to be offended by a slur? Are you that desperate that you have to go asking?
White people only get offended by racial slurs if they are against OTHER races.
There are many retarded american tourists coming to my country, fucking hate new world mutts.
and expats... good god, our economy Needs so many expats.. -.-
I have a bunch of friends who live in Switzerland but not a single one of them is Swiss. All German or American.
You're not even a real country though, medkit.
>What racial slurs trigger white americans?
All you have to do is call one of us white, remind us that we are white, or just say it when it's inclusion has no bearing or meaning in the wider conversation. One of two things will happen depending on the type of white person this has been said to.
1) This person will beg forgiveness and shrink away under the immense pressure of their privilege. They may also subserviate themselves as an ally who would sacrifice themselves if only it would benefit a beautiful human of color.
2) This person will wonder why it matters if they are white and why are you bringing it up to begin with. You've clearly got a problem with it. They may go as far as to tell you to go fuck yourself and inform you that people like you are responsible for the resurgence in racism as well as the possible destruction of every liberal idea you hold dear.
They are words
Believe it or not people outside of Sup Forums aren't constantly trying to prove how white they are.
None. Because unlike niggers, we don't have a mental breakdown when someone says a mean word.
>we don't have a mental breakdown when someone says a mean word
Sup Forumsacks constantly have breakdowns when someone questions their whiteness.
Also this...
Pretty much this. Letting a word get to you essentially admits inferiority
Just call them niggers, white people get triggered when you call them nigger
They should be. Because the entire fucking world knows these fuckers are right about everything.
I hear it every fucking day.
What would Sup Forums do? Maybe I should go online and ask them.
Its incredible things are still as fucked up as they are.
We only had to Listen. After all.
can't insult a superior being
Whiteboi annoys me and feels a bit demeaning but otherwise white racial slurs are pretty weak
We are immune to racial slurs. Nigs call us crackers without understanding that they are calling us "whip cracker'. In other words, "Master"
If you want to trigger an American claim we dont have culture. And then when we start hiving examples just keep repeating that there is no culture
At least for the ones who are proud of their partial heritage from one country, but it might work on everyone
Grow the fuck up you mountain jew.
Not good enough
>polacks are representative of all white americans
stop making us look dumber than people think we are, Cleetus.
jew dick
ppl dont get the mutt meme. most ppl i know dont know wtf 4channing is. but i also use jew rat against whites. im white. n