Never understood this.
Why is Suicide Illegal?
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Suicide is murder.
By definition it is not.
Destroying government property
How dare you avoid paying future tax
Yes it is. You literally take someones life.
oooh, literally robbing the government of its shekels, someone tell the ancaps!
ding ding ding
we have a winrar
they gunna arrest a dead body?
Murder is when you hide the body, most suicides don't hide the body.
No one, but they'll seize your property and if you fail you get jailed.
where the fuck is suicide illegal?
>think about committing suicide
>oh shit its against the law and I can get in trouble for killing myself
During dark ages when suicide was preferable to living a life of pain, hunger, and fear, the church said, suicide denies entry into heaven.
So a life worse than life in the afterlife.
If the plebs, serfs, pesants, killed thrmselves, who will the nobels, Kings, rule over and work the land/factories?
Which ultimately leads to this. Suicide is illegal by law since you are a taxpayer. They inject morality to make it more palatable.
>murder is when you hide the body
So if I kill you in open daylight with everyone to see, it is not murder?
>TFW in a no suicide zone
If you're in the state of mind to follow through with it you're not considered to also be the same state where you're cognizant enough to consent to it. Its a fairly optimistic position to have on life in general but its the mindset on why we don't let people do it.
Losing a tax payer/potential tax payer/slave is against their interest
virtue signaling
state control
and on a lighter note,
>dodges red tape
Manslaughter or something else. It's illegal but certainly not murder. Murder is when you plan it out to get away with it.
The law against suicide stops 90% of people from doing it because they know if they fuck up they will be locked up. And committing suicide without fucking up is almost impossible in this day in age.
What are they goin to do KILL You if you commit suicide ?
it's called enriching
Most places. I think America decriminalized it but you can still be institutionaled
So if you fail they can arrest you and force treat you.
>if you fail
If you fail then you didnt commit suicide retard
It is not
don't know what you're talking about
Yeah, my point is, WHY?
But you tried to, RETARD
>Yeah, my point is, WHY?
How do you milk a dead cow?
are you fucking retarded?
meme flags are always redditors
I think its only illegal so police have a legal reason to prevent it.
You're beyond stupid.
Again, WHY?
Who fucking cares. You're dead. Unless they make your relatives pay for it that is.
>calling someone stupid
Kys faggot
Not really
>try to suicide
>go to jail
can't tax deadmen goyim
>Unless they make your relatives pay for it that is.
in japan they do
>fails at life
>fails at death
These people should be given a trophy.
oy vey
Because legally speaking, you're property of the state and to kill yourself is destruction of government property
In the UK, your birth certificate says "property of the crown" and it's pretty much the same thing in the US and Canada
You want red pills? You can't handle the red pills!
It's legal in most countries, illegal for religious reasons (God decides when your life is over) or to make a political statement.
I understand what you mean
can't really send someone who killed themselves to prison.
someone has to clean up the mess.
Modern society is designed to be suicide proof so it's not a suprise 90% of suicide attempts fail.
Obviously if you fail at it or say you are going to do it you can be arrested.
??? youre fuckin dead though
It's not
3rd post best post
Because you dont own your body, God does!!!
Didnt you get the memo?
I'm serious!
>And committing suicide without fucking up is almost impossible in this day in age.
Actually it is. Tall buildings have due to suicides been banned from letting people on top of them in cities. Guns are not allowed for those with previous mental problems, and houses are designed to make it so a rope can't be tied to anything. The Department of Housing did this in the 80s
Ones who made suicide illegal only want you to work for above ones and stay poor. wtf...
What about a tree branch? Did the department of Forest ban sturdy branches in the 80s too?
edgy, but this
What about jumping from bridges?
No but by the time someone had time to wrap a rope around a tree branch someone will have spotted them and sent the police.
>Modern society is retarded so it's not a suprise 90% of suicide attempts fail.
Its really easy to walk off a tall building.
It's the destruction of others property. Why wouldn't it be illegal?
Very few bridges are high enough. There's only about 3 and they have cops patrolling them like crazy for suicide. And it's only about a 50% success rate.
Well put.
What about slitting your wrists? Knives too blunt?
Because you are property of the state. The state loses one tax payer Everytime a suicide happens.
Destroying kike's workforce.
its not, try it you'll get away with it I promise.
you're full of shit
Takes awfully long and it's awfully painful.
Welding shop is an option but people tend to fuck up exit bags quite often
Only if your plan is to die from hitting water arbitrarily. Plenty of bridges in the mountains spanning over land
Beat me to it. I should read thread before posting
because as much as people like to think Christianity is stupid and holds no power,
majority of laws in western world use christian values, aka no suicide or you goto hell/purgatory.
>tl:dr Christianity
>when you do it in public or outside you can sometimes risk the lives of others in the act of doing it
>you risk the lives of people who try to save you, bystanders and emergency services alike
>you can end up failing but giving yourself awful chronic medical conditions for the rest of your life
It makes perfect sense to be illegal desu. The law doesn't change anything or act as a deterrent whatsoever in this sense, but if you doing it means an emergency service responder gets harmed and you survive, of course you should be held in some way responsible for that.
>wait for train, head on rail
>230V to the heart
>carbon monoxide poisoning
>jump off cliff in secluded area
>slit carotid artery
The list is pretty much infinite.
Then why are barbiturates illegal
>an emergency service responder gets harmed and you survive, of course you should be held in some way responsible for that.
That's retarded.
Did you ask them to save you? I'm pretty sure you didn't, so it's not your fault.
>T. Internet lawyer
Actual answer:
It is illegal so law enforcement can legally intervene to stop suicide attempts.
Anything else is bait or stupidity.
Its only illegal if you fuck it up OP. I believe in you
90% of people who do get arrested
nah i just read definitions
Yes, but WHY do they want to legally intervene? Nice bait btw
i do not want to do it.
>wait for train, head on rail
In a lot of places a train line would have features like patrols, CCTV, etc. that would probably alert the train to your presence. Obviously depends where you try though.
>230V to the heart
Potentially survivable.
In many countries it's a legal duty of those who hold public offices of responsibility (such as parademics, etc.) to assist those who need it. Bystanders can walk past, but a doctor can't ignore someone who needs assistance.
It's not retarded at all. Think of the potential risk people go through to save lives, climbing or going to perilous places, going out to sea, being in dangerous or hazardous areas, etc. This is one of the reasons why suicide is a totally selfish act.
Because lol drugs lmao, I have no idea. State interference only goes so far and can't overreach too much where nobody will listen anyway. Injecting chlorine into yourself is probably perfectly legal, but so few people would do it that there's no point making it illegal. Suicide is a very common problem in many countries, particularly among young men.
Barbiturates aren't illegal, they've just been replaced by benzos because they're both GABA agonists and benzos are much harder to overdose on.
Phenobarbital is still common, though.
To help you. Suicidal ideation is a disorder.
Also you're a shit troll. Kys.
>17 posts already
Woo lad.
It's only illegal to fail.
There's not precedent of a person going to prison for killing theirselves. As a matter of fact, the opposite happened as some people got out of jail after killing theirselves.
Think about that for a second.
The jew decides when you're allowed to die.
Wait I didn't even read your post properly, I don't understand what you're getting at?
>Yes, but WHY do they want to legally intervene? Nice bait btw
Because those who hold legal public duties are morally and legally obliged to save life. This is a stupid question.
you're a shitty trolll
and im not thinking of suicide. I was wondering this as a legal case.
oh my fucking sides......
thanks user.
>Manslaughter or something else. It's illegal but certainly not murder. Murder is when you plan it out to get away with it.
Murder: the pre-meditated killing of another person.
Manslaughter: the killing of another person without pre-meditation, by varying degrees of culpability. Self-defence, accidental, etc., are all manslaughter.
These definitions are readily available by using your favourite search engine.
Suicide is not illegal in the United States.
It is illegal to encourage or assist others to commit suicide.
What you may actually be wondering about is why the state is permitted to intervene in the case of a suicidal citizen. The answer is that there are a number of mental states which, once they are identified by a medical professional, make a citizen unfit to make decisions for himself. When this is the case, certain rights of that citizen may be abridged IN THEIR OWN INTERESTS, ostensibly without offending the constitution, because that citizen is 'sick' and must be restored to health before they are able to freely exercise their rights again.
This is obviously quite useful for certain states: advanced dementia, psychosis, drug-induced delusions, etc. Persons afflicted by these obviously should not be allowed their full and intact rights.
Unfortunately, one of the states that permits you to be detained as described above is a desire to end one's own life. A suicidal person, like the delusional or neurotic, is considered NOT TO BE IN THEIR RIGHT MIND. After all, what sane and healthy person would want to kill themselves? Therefore they can be detained without consent until they are 'healthy' again.
They are morally and legally obligated to save the lives of important people, they are morally obligated to REFUSE help to those who can't survive on their own. Social darwinism
You should rethink that.
Suicide method that is hard to fuck up and has no likelihood of harming first responders.
Are they legal? Strange, I thought I read they were made illegal specifically because of suicides. Maybe it's just a specific type.
*tips kekistani stahlhelm* praise kek shadilay brother xD
I prescribe barbiturates all the time. They're certainly not illegal. They ARE contraindicated in patients with a high suicide risk. But that's not a legal issue except potentially a malpractice lawsuit.
>After all, what sane and healthy person would want to kill themselves?
If they get fired obviously that.