Does anyone else feel like they're being forced into liking Saber? She's just so... bland...

Does anyone else feel like they're being forced into liking Saber? She's just so... bland. Everything about her is fucking boring. She feels robotic. I guess I understand why no one in England really liked he. Thats another thing, the fact that they turned my country's mythical patron King Arthur, into some boring cunt that everyone likes for some godforsaken reason I don't even understand, is just insulting and infuriating to myself.

On top of all that I'll say it, she's not even cute.


Is just everything b8 to you? This is an opinion I hold straight from my heart.

Saber is a boring lifeless cunt, with the appeal of Hillary Clinton, yet she's everyones waifu, and I have no idea why.

>yet she's everyones waifu, and I have no idea why.

No choice since 90% of the characters are some sort of saber clone.

wouldn't mind pounding her ass tho.

You do know there are other heroines in Fate other than Saber, right?

I also thought she was very bland at the beginning but she grew on me. I can't explain it either. She's not waifu material, but she's my favorite out of the 3 original F/SN route heroines.

Yes I know its clear as day Rin is an infinitely better grill, yet for some reason I can't figure out Saber gets the most attention.

Probably because Saber doesn't go around pleasing old men for jewels.

I think she gets a pass because being bland and "robotic" is the core of her story, she's still unlikable tho. And I hate how they specifically changed the gender to appeal to more people

>she's not even cute.

You're full of shit.

I respect your opinion but fuck you. She is everything I could ask for.

>says the fan of a boring christmas-cake that likes to get fucked by even more boring teenage boys

Saber is stoic but she does show emotion. For example she's sarcastic towards Lancer when they first meet.

thats not Jeanne

Her personality is boring, you can't see her body most of the time and when you can its noticeably average, and she has a mannish face. What is the appeal?

anons fantasize about trannies

>not wanting to fuck a japanese ginger sword autist

She's a gaijin female. Inseminating gaijin females is a fetish of every Japanese man. As long as said gaijin female is well behaved everyone will treat her as object of lust regardless of any other quality she may or may not possess.
There, that's Seibah's entire appeal and why all the otaku scum ate the waifubait up ignoring her entire character.

Rin is a better main heroine than Saber. She isn't the official main girl even though she fits perfectly in the role, even better than Saber, who at this point is just a poster girl.

And that's what makes Saber Alter great, a tragic king acting as she should.


Rin is boring. She takes up too much screentime even when it's not her route. By the time UBW ended, I wished that Luvia or anybody else was the main heroine. Thank god the next one animated is HF, regardless of Sakura being good or not. UBW should never had two anime adaptations.

Daily reminder.

I like her as a character, like, the whole being forced into the role of a king, being robotic, being so "perfect" that everyone betrays her, etc etc. The whole oh-so-noble punished monarch king. It also helps to punctuate Shirou's whole crisis about his ideals, another possible way he'll end up if he keeps going, and whether or not he chooses to endure that. And the whole mechanic of how she's "looping" the throne of heroes is cool.

I just don't really see the appeal of her as a waifu character, aside from being cute I guess.

I agree. She's extremely bland and has the most generic personality possible, I sometimes wonder if she even has a personality. It feels like the writer just shoehorned her in and tries to force the audience to like her because of his obsession with blonde haired blue eyed women. She has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

To make things worse Arthur is supposed to be a wise king yet Saber is a fucking retard with the emotional level of a teenager. Her goals make no sense. I'd be okay with a genderbent King Arthur if the character was well written with well written motivations. Saber is not well written nor are her motivations well written. She's a terrible character and I agree with OP, I can't see why people like her.

I like Rin but Rin in Prisma Illya is honestly shit and super bland, it basically just takes her interactions with Luvia from hollow ataraxia, removes all context for it, and then makes that her entire character.


This is largely the fault of the character designer being a giant Saberfag. That bastard can't stop making Saber-likes, genderbents and traps. The entire Fate universe is restricted into these categories which sucks. It also makes Saber retroactively bland because there's a million versions of her. Not to say she wasn't already boring enough but I did find her seriousness clashing with her cute design endearing at some point.

>Worth? Priceless
Why does Luvia always drag down Rin into the mud in the anime, on the boards and even the polls ?

>That is amazing!

>She feels robotic
Yeah, because it's one of her character flaws and one of the reasons Britain fell. Did you just start reading the series?

What would Gilgamesh do if he actually persuaded Saber to fuck him?

What can I say, rhinos love playing in shit.

The same as with all his other treasures. He'd stuff her in a vault and use her as a projectile.

>She takes up too much screentime even when it's not her route.
That is because Rin is servicing two Shirou. She needs twice the screen time to accomplish that.
I know that you are a sakurafag but why do you want Rin to go anyway that badly? I thought you guys are so confident that Sakura is the true ending. What more do you guys want?

Saber is without a doubt the worst girl in all of Fate. Maybe she's made so that yurifags can ship her as a seme especially with the suit design and even then, she's still boring as fuck.

>is just insulting
Oh, fuck off.

>What more do you guys want?
For Sakura to be finally be rid of the wormslut meme that's been perpetuated by Rinfags since the very start of the franchise.

>yet she's everyone's waifu
More like husbando, futadick and all.

>I sometimes wonder if she even has a personality.
That is to harsh of you.Of course she does.
>She has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
She tries her best . Don't be so hard on her.
>Saber is a fucking retard with the emotional level of a teenager.
I think you like demoralizing her.
>Her goals make no sense.
I have an idea of her goal but not really sure so what exactly is this goal of her that does not make sense?

He would lose interest. Gilgamesh only wanted Saber because she didn't want to fuck him.

I'm not a Sakurafag. Even so, I'm not even a huge Saberfag compared to Sup Forums standards. I just think that she's a bit more thrown in your face compared to the others.

Another thing about Rin, her Ishtar form is pretty okay, but Ereshkigal is by far the cutest thing in Fate for quite some time. I can't wait for her to be included as a servant.

> You've always been my goddesu
The Goddess of transmuting old men pleasure into coin!

Forget about that Luvia. Just think of her as a trash that sullies Rin whenever she gets near her. The only purpose of her character is to drag Rin into the pits

What you are talking about? They already have a child.
Well, some say that lilly is the one in this pic. Who is that lilly anyway?

superior saber

I've heard other people waiting for that too. I've also seen her together with Ishtar Rin. Who is she? And why are they together?

>female knight

That makes any character at least an 8/10 automatically.

>that dress
What a slut.

> He needs a woman to protect his kingdom
No wonder Britain fell.

Why Saber is such a womanlet?

>She takes up too much screentime even when it's not her route.
It's not her fault being the true main girl and the most important heroine.

kek and I thought sakurafags were delusional

>mini skirt =/= slut
Not everybody looks great in wearing one. If you are saying that she is a slut for wearing one, that just means that you find her attractive.

> slut(n.) - Promiscuous woman who isn't having sex with ME

Miniskirts aren't inherently slutty. ZR, however, is

Is it cucking if it's your future GAR self?

I liked this about her this kinda robotic feeling. Also it's gay to admit but it's first and only anime character I started liking from the beggining because of looks.

>triggered sabertrash
Read the definition of main female character. It's suits Rin the most, it's not my fault that TM has a blonde fetish.

That is probably why some men prefers to marry a sex doll rather than a real woman. Or even their anime waifu for that matter.. Some even go as far as marrying the Eiffel tower or a cart on a roller coaster.

Well robotic is maybe too much I just "quoted" OP.
Shes a medival knight/king it's because of that I guess.
>That is probably why some men prefers to marry a sex doll rather than a real woman. Or even their anime waifu for that matter..

That's creepy/disgusting

I find the Eiffel tower thing more alarming and thought that you would quote that instead. I myself think that they are exaggerating as well. There is nothing wrong with Saber. The OP is just saying those stuff because she is not his waifu plus a couple of gender bias..
By the way, this is mine together with her husbando.

I like her. I've always been surprised by Sup Forums liking her though. She's a tremendous moralfag.

I find that appealing though.

For me its Emiya Kiritsugu.


Of course.


>blonde knight waifu who will always protect and love you no matter how autistic you are
There's a reason she's so beloved in Japan and Asia in general.

>She feels robotic.
This is one of the reasons why her story in FSN was so "tragic". I don't remember much of what she, Gil, and Iskandar talked about in their meeting in FZ, but it was probably along the lines of how everyone expected her to lead Britain and yet she screwed it up somewhere along the way which led her to kill a lot of people including her own spawn, Mordred. Who, by the way, boasts of her own rightful claim to the throne and points out that daddy isn't fit to be king. (Sorry, I don't watch Apocrypha so I don't really know the rest of what's up with Mordred.)

I think this is also the basis and a mirror for Shirou's own inner demons, especially in UBW where his future self literally warns him that he will meet a dead end should he pursue Kiritsugu's dream.

>I don't remember much of what she, Gil, and Iskandar talked about in their meeting in FZ
They were talking about what it means to be kings. They concluded that Arthur's idealist autism made her a poor leader and unworthy of being called a king. People look to their king for inspiration, Arturia did it the other way around and was a disaster as a result.

I never really liked her that much but she was ok. Yeah Eiffel tower too but I was sticking to board theme.
I must finally play VN and see those characters in closer look.

I ain't reading this shitty thread
but I just want to say that I agree with you 100% user

> My only regret in life, was that Arthur never stepped on me
This is what Saber's blind ideals can't understand.

Hay Lancelot how's it feel your daughter is "everyone's kouhai"? :^)


Didn't they only have one scene together, or am I forgetting another?

I don't know feels like she's being shoved down our throats more. Given that she literally has no motivation for the grail other than 'Muh Sakura'.

I'm a saberfag because of the tragedy angle. Arturia sacrificed everything for the sake of duty and morality, and her reward was to be relentlessly shit on. Even if she was misguided or commited the sin of hubris, that's kind of fucked up karmically. But she does kind of get a tiny reward - she has a 'nice dream' just before death, of meeting a kind boy who is a justice autist just like her and have a brief and awkward but genuine romance and love.
The robotic side is intentional, thats the excessively reserved and 'correct' facade that Shirou eventually breaks through, and Gil wanted to smash becsuse he's a jaded ass who gets off on tragedy.

So Saber is a masochist and Gil is a sadist. They should really be together. Saber probably like it when she got tied with both hands restricted and bending over while being sexually assaulted by caster in UBW. That is really HOT.

That is probably why Lalatina in Konosuba is a masochist too. She is most likely modeled after Saber of the fate series.

You have enlightened me. I know now that Saber is only for Gilga. She knows that the more she resist him, the more he likes it.That is what turns him on and Saber is leading him on.

My eyes

I unironically have no idea how Saber is so popular. I get that she's Takeuchi's waifu and the face of FSN but other than that, I don't understand how she's the most popular girl in the entire franchise, hell Type-Moon in general.

This made me doki doki

>2018-1 in the year of our lord
>not liking Saber

May our king reign forever.

>People look to their king for inspiration, Arturia did it the other way around
The people that served Artoria loved her. In fact, they loved her way too much and excessive love largely contributed to Camelot's downfall. Take Lancelot for an example, the reason why he and Guinevere committed adultery is because they share the same distress about Saber (worrying about her condition and such) and Lancelot even admitted that he loved Saber far more than he loved Guinevere. And the reason why it seemed like Saber was BTFO during the Kings' discussion is because she already had doubts about herself in the first place.

>That is because Rin is servicing two Shirou
Sorry, Rhinofag. Ever Archer belongs to Seiba (yes, even the nigger version)

>the face of TM is a jobber and a loser

OP didn't post Gilgamesh though.

I'm glad someone else said it. I agree.

>Does anyone else feel like they're being forced into liking Saber?
No. But you, Fate zero babies etc etc probably are.

OP already said he didn't read the VN.

>doki doki
That is the heart speaking. Everybody can have Shirou while he is still mortal. Shirou is fated to be Archer no matter how low the probably is. Rin (Heroic Spirit TOHSAKA or Goddess Ishtar) & Archer (Heroic Spirit EMIYA) is the true END GAME. Some say that Archer is only for Saber but I could not find any lead to that besides her relationship to Shirou. Rin has more flags because she is connected to both Shirou.

Saber is already Gilga's slave. I don't understand why people making Saber jump to Archer too. I can't even find an art with them cuddling together. Contrary to that, I found tons of art with Saber and Gil together. Saberfags should just let Rin have Archer alone. Saber should just savor the time she has left with Shirou and move on to her master Gil after.

Lurk more faggot.

>Shirou is fated to be Archer no matter how low the probably is
No he's not. Any Shirou from the 3 routes will never become like Archer. Though Fate route Shirou probably looks like Archer in Last Episode.

>Some say that Archer is only for Saber but I could not find any lead to that besides her relationship to Shirou
It's probably because Nasu confirmed that Archer came from a failed Fate route.

> Unlimited Blade Works BD set II: Q: What was the Fifth Grail War that Heroic Spirit Emiya experienced in his lifetime like? Was the Archer summoned there also Emiya?
> Nasu: It was a world where the conditions at the beginning of the war were mostly the same, but something was missing. Shirou summoned Saber and fought until the end, didn't save Saber's heart but understood her, and they destroyed the grail together and parted... that's the image I have.

And it is heavily hinted that the Saber from FGO is the Saber that Archer summoned. She even remembers the Lion plush he gave her and sleeps with it every night.

Sorry, rhinofag. Even Niggermiya fucks off with Saber Alter to eat burgers with her.

Saber is the foreign beauty/mother-waifu which is essentially a cultural cheat code in Japan. She's basically all the best parts of Asuka and Rei in one character.

Saber? More like gayber. Gaybar gay more like gay!

>she's not even cute
I could have forgiven the rest of your shit slurry of a post, but this is one step over the fucking line.

The point of that scene isn't that Saber is wrong. All 3 of them have a different view of kingship and each view holds merit.