Well look what popped up in my feed after months of waiting.. IT'S TIME, BITCHES.
Freshly scanned via uselesstenchi.org
Chew on this 'til OVA 5.
(C92) TM!R -If- IV
Other urls found in this thread:
no idea what the fuck this is, but here's a bump OP
Thanks for the bump. In the sprawling clusterfuck of the Tenchi Muyo meta and specifically within the core Kajishima-verse, he periodically releases doujins that can be supplements to already released works, production notes, or promotional/spoiler material that has yet to be adapted proper. The - IF - series is basically TM!R GT but actually canon. Also he tends to give discussion updates of where things are and will go (if he gets funding).
From the other newest doujin released along with this one (not yet fully scanned to my knowledge):
>now to talk about my future works, the fourth part of tenchi muyo is almost finished as of the time of me writing this.
>The response to it was good so it seems were getting a 5th season, but it will have to wait until my novel work is over, there is scenereo and settings already made up (fap note: i think that's what this suggests may be wrong) so next year i will begin to write the plot, therefore it i am unsure when the actual release will be.
>although the content will center on the kenshi's upbringing, Gxp Characters will be theer and Paradise war will be happening on the same time axis, tenchi muyo -if- characters can finally be used so i am looking forward to various things.
I'm starting with war on geminar, what am I in for?
A good time.
>I'm starting with war on geminar, what am I in for?
Well really it is a nice clean place to start.
I would recommend you read this quickly beforehand, if you haven't already, to understand what the fuck is going on before the other world adventure begins.
However, if it's truly your starting point for the franchise then it won't really add a whole lot of grounding for the series to you.
I wish Kajishima did more porn doujins. Other than the one with Tenchi fucking Noike I can't think of any.
Wait, is that who I think it is on the right there?
Also, thanks so much for posting these. I love this series so much still, even after all this time.
>Wait, is that who I think it is on the right there?
you'll have to be a bit more specific
Is the GXP cast still relevant in the overall story of the series?
The GXP novels have become the main series at this point, so yes.
Sorry, I don't really know all too much about the series beyond these little bits of info existing and what I've seen in the shows. Do you know if the books have been/are translated?
There not translated. All that's available are summaries of shitty google translations.
Tenchi doesn't have a child with Washu?
Not yet at least. Everyone is basically immortal, so probably in the future.
Is there any hope of getting a fully translated, comprehensive (and maybe even coherent) summary of the expanded Tenchi-verse? As the first harem series i ever saw, I have fond memories of it, but the sheer sprawling mass of extra shit kajima puts out has made it impossible to follow and sort of killed my interest.
I've always wondered, does Noike actually have any fans? She appears so much later on that I still think of her as more of an afterthought to Tenchi's main harem
I do, but I only watched the series for the first time a few years ago. It's mainly nostalgiafags and especially universefags that have an uncontrollable hatred for her.
I meant I do like her
Disappointment went you continue with the rest of the franchise.
Thanks again for the posts.
I wish Seto was my mommy.
When was the last animated release for the Tenchi series anyways?
September 13, 2017
There's so many shit in the Tenchiverse I won't be surprised if there was a hentai continuity
Kajishima has made multiple hetai that all take place in the ova cannon.
I feel like I've missed a lot of things since that Kenshi series came out all those years ago.
Only 2 things have come out since ISM. Ai Tenchi Muyo which was 50 5 minute episodes by the Universe director, and OVA 4 which was basically just some stuff cut from OVA 3 and tying in the GXP novels and ISM anime into the main series.
Don't worry she can be your granny.
As long as I can shove my face into her thighs I'm fine with that.
I like her and what she brings to the mix. Her intro in OAV3 was nice and I like her back story. Pity OAV3 itself wasn't all that well told. If OAV3 had focused on Noike and the mystery surrounding her, instead of Mihoshi's brothers love troubles, the story would have been much better served for that episode count.
If it helps, Noike was planned by Kajishima as far back as 1993 (pic related). Damn shame AIC, or whoever else was in charge, decided then to stall the OAV storyline into oblivion, and instead focus on one goddamn TV spinoff after another.
Does kajishima ever address what Tenchi's thoughts on his situation is in his doujins/expanded materials? It's hard for me to picture Tenchi as being anything but passive towards his harem
OVA 3 was supposed to be more episodes but got shitcanned. That's why all the stuff with Z and the Choushin was crammed into 1 episode.
Damn shame, that after all that wait, the conclusion to the Choushin War was fucked over by some corporate decision. On that note, I still think that Isekai no Seikishi was actively sabotaged by someone, going by the beyond retarded release scheme they thought up for the series, back when it came out. It's as if they wanted it to fail.
The way they released it was retarded, but they couldn't find a channel that would air it. That's why the episodes are 45 minutes with obvious endings in the middle. They were just 2 tv episode shoved together.
AIC is crowdfunding a new Pretty Sammy anime.
What is even going on in these?
Sasami is pretty cute with short hair.
Sasami is always cute.