Your granddad married at 18
Why aren't you married yet user?
They could buy a house for 8 grand, Can’t even wipe me ass with 8 grand now without putting a loan out.
Millennials are a lost generation.
So what you're saying is that the only thing between you and marriage is a house?
Cuz women want to try to get a chad before they hit 30 and then they want to settle with the other 99% of men. At that point, I don't want them. I'd rather die alone. Sad but true.
Yes. Yeap. Totally.
>Your granddad married at 18
I actually have no idea when he married but he died at 30 of a cancer. His father though married when he was 30 to a woman half his age and they had a dozen kids. I've plenty of time.
Because you have to be a Chad
>Your granddad married at 18
I married at 19. 19 years later I have five children and hope to be a grandfather well before I'm 50
t. Ulster-Scot
Are you SURELY suggesting I get married whilst living in a rented flat? I want my children to roam in the back garden for god sake.
In the US marriage is a scam. Even with a prenup the woman can still take most of what you own, regardless of circumstances.
Keys to prosperity in America:
>finish high school
>don’t make babies out of wedlock
>get married
Shit still works
You can't really be propserious in America unless you went to an Ivy League school, and by that I mean the top three ivys so Harvard, Yale, or Princeton.
Oh and you have to pick a good one too.
No city girls or pagens
And “cultural Christians” are basically pagen as well
Also this. I have yet to meet a woman who wasn't at one point a complete degenerate fucking whore.
>tfw current gf is 23
>in college she was regularly DP'd, blacked, and gang banged at parties
>has massive 12 inch vibrating dildo toys
>vageen and ass are both gaping caves
This isn't the norm, obviously, but it's damn near impossible to find a girl who hasn't done at least half of these things past the age of 16.
Women won’t look at a man who isn’t independent and confident in it. A house, a good paying stable job and a culture that confirms these values is what young men need and what has been taken away from them.
Like chickens? I think you should let them in occasionally. Birthdays etc.
>Why aren't you married yet user?
Too clever to be a wage slave
Too stupid to tart my own business
I need to fix my brain first pham. Going all in on cleaning up my room.
LOL cope. You just need to be Chad.
My requirements are not even super narrow.
>not a nigger (eliminates about half the population in my city)
>healthy weight
>my age or a few years younger (mid-20's)
>acceptably attractive
>never been a slutbag
>able to match my values in terms of money/kids/etc (politics doesn't matter since all women eventually grow to match their partner's views in my experience)
>be someone I generally get along with
It's still a pretty small pool of people, even if I was in a point in my life where I was able to dedicate serious time to dating it would take a while to find someone like that who I hit it off with.
In my whole life I've only dated one girl who I seriously thought had potential to be a wife and things didn't work out with her for various reasons.
The fact is, in the modern world, establishing a relationship that can turn into marriage takes a lot of time and effort. Fortunately as a man, your "market value" only goes up and up until your late 30's or so, as long as you take care of yourself. By then I'll snag me a church-going college girl or something.
Start a business in a small town where the economy has nothing to do with the costal academic industrial complex.
They usually got married before they went to war. Some didn't return. Guess they didn't want to die an unmarried virgin.
Fuck off Paddy
Couldn't even pay for an engagement ring nor the wedding. Don't have a car, don't have a steady job. I have 2 MAs btw. Also, other people bring nothing but trouble in my life, I just want to be left alone, I have no energy for women.
What kind of woman would marry a man without his shit together
Granddad got married under a Fault Only divorce regime. Where 100% of his assets and custody rights were protected as long as he kept his end of the bargain.
Kek, no. So they can keep fit as i did when was a child knowing every kid just stays in on their iPhones listening to big shaq all day.
>tfw you remember the smell of earth on your clothes when you was a kid from playing outside
Nothing screams failure more then bringing a child up in a flat. Just sayin.
My granddad married very late, I think he was 48, my father was born when he was 55.
My wife didn’t need an engagement ring. She realized it would deplete the nest egg needed to start our life together.
We live minimally, and save everything we can. She just lost her job but we’re not hurting because we budget and have shared goals. She stays at home now and things are actually better.
>shared goals
Don’t marry someone if they want different things out of life than you do
>Tfw engineering degree from Columbia
I'm Native American actually.
>Why aren't you risking 50% of your wealth and property in a marriage where your wife could divorce you at any moment and society/the law will almost always take her side instead of just having kids with a girlfriend who has no power over you
I'm married and you seem kinda ignorant. Our granddads married at 18 because back then an average man's work could sufficiently take care of 1 wife, 3 kids, 2 dogs, a house and maybe a fishing boat.
Women also were much less liberated with not enough platforms to flaunt their booty on, which meant there was no plethora of choices, finding that one provider was sufficient enough. Nowadays? Thanks to suffrage and shit, BOTH people have to work to be able to sustain half of what a man did 50 years ago, sometimes on opposite hours which means barely time to see each other, frustration, doubts, no personal time and the wife complaining that she has to work too much.
Get married and we'll talk again, clueless OP.
>because it isn't a war and us males don't feel the need to marry the first woman we see so we can have children to throw at the ZOG machine
Lol the fuck? This is b8 right? Why the fuck would anyone date someone like that
A garden is great fun for a kid. True.
Good for you but I can barely provide for myself. And it's not really for me, I want peace and quiet, women require way too much maintainence
If you have kids with your girlfriend and you break up the same thing can happen.
Hold my phone while I go make beautiful babies who will grow up and become free farm labor within 10 years.
Also kids are cheap if you don’t buy them trendy shit. I grew up playing outside with sticks building forts and shit and they will too.
What is your incentive to be with her? Only to say you have a gf?
They married non-degenerate women. We choose between whores and whores.
born ugly in the face with crooked features
>just work out ano-
i did. im ugly
>well if you just be confident and talk t-
I have. the rejection hurts trust me
You should probably add "mentally stable" to that list user.
I had a nice girlfriend once, she ticked every item on that list, but she had a lot of problems, like anxiety/depression and shit.
Only 5 kids in 19 years? What went wrong? You could easily have at least 15.
My Granddads both married when they were around 30, but okay.
Because I'm already divorced from a roastie.
He didn't
why do you like trump then?
>5/10 face
>poor social skills
>general uni fuckup
Oh gee I fucking wonder. I wish I could get /fit/ but I dont know how nor will I ever step inside a gym
One of my grand dads married at 20 and had 7 children.
No they didn't. At 18 they were enlisted in the army. Came back home at 23. One married at 25, the other at 30. And everything turned out fine.
>I dont know how
do 3 series of 20 (or a lower/higher number, depending on your fitness) pushups ever other day
I bet they were virgins until they were at least 24 KEK
You don’t need a gym just one kettle bell and watch pavel on youtube
my granddad was 21 actually
my grandma 12
good old times
I genuinely enjoy spending time with her and we have good rapport. It really is hard, though, to know that she's a massive fucking whore. If I had a better option I'd take it.
Plus, it’s a chance for best friends to come round see how the interact with them. Plus plus, family gatherings can happy easier in comfy summers and neighbours will want to join us. Strengthen the family, strengthen the community, strengthen the nation.
My grandpa drove a truck, he bought a brand new house, bought a brand new car every 5 years, had a stay at home wife and 5 children, no debt
I work in the trades in the oilfield and can only afford a 2 bedroom condo
because I don't have the energy to flirt and pretend to be nice and all that garbage
I'm marrying my white gf this summer
I'll do my best to be like glorious Hector
Yeah, sure. My father also did, and my grand-grand fathers were even older, they married after they got a good position in their careers, and married significantly younger women. This was not at all unusual for the middle and higher classes. The lower classes had smaller age differences, and the men in them married sooner.
No one comes back a virgin from the army
>I'll do my best to be like glorious Hector
lol, good luck with your aspirations, I hope they come true
What? THey didn't have girls in the army back then
>im marrying my white gf
yea me too. Also fuck nyc, this has to be ground zero for degeneracy. Most girls will do anal on the first date.
It's been repeated here time and time again by the same idiots like you who use terms like Chad to refer to nebulous and abstract concepts of ideal men that not even "Chad" settles down in the end, and since this is a thread about marriage and commitment that seems to have gone over your head. Not surprising considering your flag and the annoying cunt way you type.
Explains why you're so stupid
I like my money and freedom, and wasn't dumb enough to cum in a semen demon
Maybe one of these far right Gen Z girls I keep hearing about but never see will be worth it, but I see them being the french dip of roasties from what Ive seen so far
You're a fucking idiot who clearly hasn't been blackpilled. Browse r/braincels
Shut up RACIST
f-fuck you, Hector was cool guy
You know there's at least 18 months between conception and the moment they need to be able to play in the garden right?
im 17 bra, im getting married as soon as possible.
Go and do that and stop posting here then
No. He fought and killed communists in the front until he was 22.
Fucking NERDDDDD who in highschool thinks about that shit. OH AND UNDERAGE B&
>revealing you are under 18
Enjoy your ban
My town is literally 75% male and I don't know how to talk to women.
Marriage shill again. Where are you fucks coming from?
Yeah my granddad also divorced before he was 30, married another woman, got her pregnant and then divorced her (nobody ever talks about this wife or the kid from that marriage but my grandfather did at least provide financially for the kid), and he then married another woman who was 20 years younger than him and a model(nice I guess) who he then had two spoiled as fuck kids with who are both about my age.
I guess what I'm saying is, that while my granddad is a successful rich guy, he's definitely not an embodiment of traditional values. He cheated on his wives and in business but he also has more than enough to show for it. I think he regrets some of his behavior now. He actually didn't really have much to do with me for a long time but he's been recently trying to reconnect which is nice.
I think he is full of regrets. Everyone he was ever close to is now either dead or wants nothing to do with him. The only people he has close relationships with now are people he pays to be around him.
He's spoken about his regrets before, such as cheating on my grandmother and ruining that relationship. I guess he's a pretty interesting guy who I can learn a lot from.
I don't know where I'm going with this, I should really stop day drinking.
The only pro-marriage shills here are clueless LARP’ers who wouldn’t know a criminal court from a family court if it hit them in the face.
get high serotonin levels by not being a looser, and your body language will attract females by its own..
learned that from jordan peterson crabs..
Environment is everywhere. I hear the neighbours scream at each other every night in this shithole, i do not want my children in this environment.
My father was born when my grandfather was almost 40.
Is everything*
i was about to break up with my gf until i read this
Yeah I remember one time he told me to break up with my long term gf because "user a man will always want to spread his wings and stray". I think it was kind of his way of describing what happened with him.
>Your granddad married at 18
>getting married after graduation
Boy you need checked
You don't have to settle for such damaged goods. Somebody with a record of decisions like her will inevitably betray you, kick her to the curb you dumb cuck.
Eh as long as you keep your options open that's cool. It's easier to find a new gf when you already have one anyway. Just don't accidentally start trusting her with anything serious.
>married at 21
>first kid at 23
>first house at 24
>second kid at 25
>third kid on the way (27)
feels good to not be a lost millennial
How is that a bad thing? You fuck whores, not many them
At least you're doing the right job. I can't even get erections in the morning. How often do you have sex? I have hypogonadism.
>being poor and/or ugly Amerimutt
>complain about how girls get chads regularly on a Vietnamese wood weaving forum
boy I wonder why women don't like me
Because i´m ugly as fuck