>Jean Claude Juncker: We do not want to create a European superstate
>Puts man that is on record claiming he wants a European superstate in charge of Brexit
Jean Claude Juncker: We do not want to create a European superstate
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They flip flop all the time. The issue is Europe has become an ideal worth sacrificing everything for. They think its been the cause of peace rather than America becoming top dog and European states becoming homogeneous and their minorities being expelled or slaughtered. Britain was an important brake but now its gone. The Dutch, Irish, Danish and Czechs will fill the gap you left.
>not wanting to create an European superstate and become more powerful, cultured and wealthy than any other country on the world
They don't work in Europe. Always end in shambles. And Rome doesn't count completely different times. Asia is the future no point huddling in our little protectionist corner
>Become more powerful, cultured and wealthy by surrendering all your power, culture and wealth
Hello Mr Verhofstadt.
Brits always hating on the EU. You done fucked up. Take it like a man, don't cry and shitpost about the EU. Leave it alone.
Brits are like an obsessed ex-gf.
This. They are bitter because they realize everyone is telling them to fuck off. Its like when you threatened to run away as a kid and you did and you get the pit of fear.
Plus we are getting the North back
Literally none countries.
You're never getting the north back either. It's full of proud Englishmen not degenerate Irish terrorists. Why are there no Irish folk songs about all those schools you blew up and children you killed?
thread theme
We subjugated you for hundreds of years and don’t you forget it you little catholic rat.
We ducked you so hard you all still speak English. Get fucked. Up the UVF.
Literally who are you?
why do you care, UK is out of EU
We dont exist and at the same time have a big mark on the world.
No schools were blown up. All other occasions were accidents or MI5 dark ops where they deliberately held civvies back to stoke tensions. The IRA took out Nairac the rat because he was running assassination squads out of Craigavon. Most of the records are under seal because of the crimes the Brits got up to.
They also encouraged to UVF to try kill Charlie Haughey. IRA never deliberately killed civvies. The Loyalists and Brits did. But they act morally superior.
>MI5 dark ops where they deliberately held civvies back to stoke tensions
Nice excuse baby killer. A conspiracy theory that conveniently places all blame square on your enemy.
By the way Ireland invaded England for centuries during the iron age.
i hope verhofstadt dies painfully
you do know those troops had no ammo and no backing from Milošević (he struck a deal with you leadership for you to get out and stop backing Croatia)
What kind of salary do these guys pay themselves?
Enough to fix their fucking awful teeth, Junker is the same.
I love Guy, he is the dude with real bulls in Brussels. And he hates Britain as much as we Germans do.
verhofstadt is bro tier.
They were surrendering and fleeing while we were still shooting at them and eventually caught them.
Thats the reason for high ammount of prisoners,most already surrendered and fled but got caught.
I dont think there was a deal either,we werent that important too for Serbia anyways.
exactly, that's why Milošević didn't back the action
that was JNA action
I'm not wholly anti-EU but power is something that only western sociopaths strive for as an ultimate goal, so you're turning me off of that concept.
Juncker is the devil
Day of rope when?
Honestly though
>Deutschland starts taking over Europe once again
>anglos "accidentally" vote themselves out of German superstate
>meanwhile the usual suspects trying to get into yurop AGAIN
Why do I get the feeling you limey cunts are behind it all?
Belgium is such a fag non-country.
Why can't you kick this ratfaced kike out of the parliament?
Ditto, split up belgium, reunify /greater netherlands/
Groot Leeuwenland wanneer?
>IRA never deliberately killed civvies.
Go fuck yourself. The nightclub bombings in Birmingham, the hotel bombs. You either don't know what you're talking about, are a child who has been brainwashed by elders hiding their past or both.