Looks like the odds of you getting a waifu just got worst huwhite boy
>implying any of us a tinder slut
safer and cheaper in the long run to hire a prostitute.
>wife material
I hope you're joking
>Sam Hyde profile pic
U dum OP
White people need to stop using tinder
>no source
Yeah yeah but this is an insult and a spit at us.
What is this illiterate twitter nigger claiming with absolutely no source? sage
they did, only trash white people use it now
Sounds like Tinder wants white women to get raped/robbed/murdered.
No source or proof, never change Sup Forums
I got tinder again a week ago and after going through all my swipes every day I have one match to show for it
They're all going to marry someone eventually user.
It always is user
I told you it's coming and you didn't listen.
source other than a shitty tweet?
OP sucks dick
There's been many threads about Tinder's new Diversity campaign. You can get the app and go see it for yourself.
yeah black boy uhn uhn, take my wife, please. def jam
No they're going to hang themselves at fourty you fucking retard, no on e wants a fucking roastie bitch, even the absolute betas are waking up.
> "solving" racism
And they propose to do it by doing something other than imprisoning violent blacks forever. Well, you know what they say about the definition of insanity...
Did you just write a tweet and make a thread out of it here ?
Mmmmm 3 white people in first 3 swipes.
I'd rather just jerk off anyways. Jokes on you Shlomo
>Tinder was started by two Jews
you're lacking the chad aesthetics
> faggots who can't use a search engine
Tinder says it helps users date outside their race, and users think it's more diverse than other dating apps.
holy fuck you beta cucks were right they are actually genociding us
god damn what a low blow too
Forgot pic, all my bio says is hookups only
not mine, an account I follow tweeted it
>liberal urban white women will be doing more of what they are already doing
Oh god no say it’s not so
Determining if you're male or female is one of the easiest and the most valuable metrics for a company to have. Even if you just started your tinder account, they have old data on you because of partnerships with social media sites who have data on the majority of the net through trackers in embeds on news sites and blogs.
> A 2017 study by Cornell University showed that dating apps like Tinder increase interracial marriage rates, as they expose users to people outside their traditional social circles.
well there you have it, pol
That's kinda hot the algorithm is making large groups of while females being exposed only to rat tier males the future will be brown, pathetic white "men" are all being castrated
>T. another butthurt Injun who lurks Sup Forums
Based Montana
The more girls you like, the less exposure your profile gets, FYI. If you're not passing ~80% of profiles you're just fucking yourself up. Of course, the less likes you get, the more buried your profile gets as well. I have about ten matches, nearly all from super-likes (automatically adds your profile to the stack of the girl you super-like). I wouldn't be surprised if Tinder is now in a semi-locked state where you only get profile exposure if you're paying, or if you're some sort of Chad who gets liked by everybody.
Just mark your race as black
Tinder was never meant for regular guys. You're just the fifth wheel on the wagon.
Just put your race as black.
Is that a good or a bad thing?
what the fuck is a huwhite
>I wouldn't be surprised if Tinder is now in a semi-locked state where you only get profile exposure if you're paying, or if you're some sort of Chad who gets liked by everybody.
It's been like that for awhile. You can buy likes or exposure but if you're Chad you don't need it
>You're just the fifth wheel on the wagon.
I accepted this long ago, but some days are harder than others
> [...] found, that black fathers spend more time with their children and are generally better fathers than white men.
Is this The Onion?
Once we're all brown like the portuguese we'll have siestas instead of fighting over race.
>pathetic white "men" are all being castrated
This is reality, Jamaal. Your nigger brethren are the only ones who get castrated here. Usually by your muzzie owner, but that's irrelevant.
but they aren't showing white men non-white women first? That's not even diversity, it's just blatant discrimination.
Have you not hear the gospel from our lord and saviour, Jared Taylor?
CDC study. It's science. You been scienced bro.
This is fucked up on so many levels.
Women on tinder are already cumbins though, they are juste objects to fuck.
no, so what is huwhite
No, it's probably true if you're only counting the ones who stick around. I'd be willing to bet they spend a hell of a lot more time at home than the average white or oriental guy on account of not having a job.
Women are easily persuaded so of course they're pushing the WF/BM bullshit. It's all about control and destruction.
> he thinks roasties will have any problem marrying some beta shitlib who's been waiting his whole life for companionship
This has been going on for decades, moron. Women act like nigger loving whores while they're young, and once they're used up they go find some hopeless loser to marry because they realize that real men don't want old whores.
what the fuck hawaii
I've been thinking for a while we should make a White-only dating site.
It'd be worth if for the salt alone.
this is nothing like what that OP's pic was saying
They don't ask for your race.
Source on OP's claim?
They already exist, someone starts one every few years. There's even one just for Trump voters.
Nobody joins them because women set the market and they don't want to limit themselves to second rate products. Would you go to a Walmart with only milk and mayonnaise?
Isn't Christian Mingle pretty much that already?
they dont actually live there they just give birth there as a trend
From>But Tinder’s survey is about what people say they think about interracial dating; the actual truth of how people behave is a different story. Tinder doesn’t offer data about how often users actually swipe on people of a different race or ethnicity — but it’s been studied already.
>In 2009, OkCupid looked at its user data to examine patterns for racial preference among its users and found that overall, black women and Asian men were less likely to be preferred by people outside of their own race. The company looked at the dating data again in 2014, and found it was pretty much the same.
Don't let yourself get blackpilled by this jewry.
Tinder says it helps users date outside their race, faggot.
They get dat welfare check for having a """""""sprained ankle""""""" that takes 15 years to heal.
the few that do stick around are unemployed so they do end up being around more.
Which CDC do they mean though?
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention?
The Californian Democratic Council?
The Coalition to Diversify Computing?
The first should be concerned with African American Aids,
The Second probably endorsed the Law making giving Aids more Legal,
And the last seems a tad bit biased in conducting such studies.
>The Center for Disease Control and Prevention
No hag on tinder is worthy of that title.
>Nobody joins them because women on internet dating services are fat single mother coal burning trash equally worthless as the niggers they fuck
ftfy, shitskin
So white girls will just leave tinder, it's a myth that white girls mix. They're the least likely of both sexes and all races to do so, and when they have shown a preferance for non white men it's with white looking masculine men like Jason Momoa.
Colonisation AND this
How sick and twisted
>Jason Momoa
literally looks like an island god holy shit
Too bad people are worried about white women dating shitskins, not white men dating niggers.
No, here's the difference, only the good black fathers stay. The mid tier and shitty bolt. White fathers stay, period, so you're comparing the best against an entire population in order to create a (((false narrative)))
Who ever is the top technocrat is going to make sure legions of mudshits are subjugated until the end of time for all the hell they've made the white race suffer.
Mark my words. By 2300, all humans will exist as slaves to our Zion gods.
>tinder, a jewish cock-carousel app aimed at ruining all sexual morals, is good at promoting degeneracy
Who would have ever guessed.
>hegelian dialectic'd
i aint clicking buzzfeed or uproxx man
Any slut or beastial stud that betrays us is fair game. Limits are off. We are being colonised, this is war.
t. autistic memeflaggot who doesn't know what he's talking about
Visit any city in the western world and you'll see multiple white women hanging around nogs or worse, within 20 minutes of stepping outside.
It's just for horny fags and roasties, there are plenty of legitimate dating sites to choose from.
women on tinder were already sluts
nothing of value will be lost
Kek, look at this exerpt from the referenced CDC study.
> some of these men have children by more than one woman, but they can only live in one home at a time. [...] Levs calls these men “serial impregnators,” but I think something more than promiscuity and irresponsibility are at play here.
Now that explains everything. We've always misjudged the oppressed black fathers. That's it, pack it up guys! Sup Forums was wrong again.
Lol those women end up miserable and there aren't enough shitlibs they can even put up with who have money for them to marry. Any roastie who isn't hot as fuck or rich herself is hitting the wall with extreme misery.
So why don't you just use your big aryan brain to make tech products and shape the future?
Why is bitchute and hooktube the only non-leftist programmers? It's almost like we're all retarded or something.
tinder is degeneracy, if someone owns a tinder then they are degenerates and should be shot
Tinder was created for women who want to be promiscuous sluts while pretending they're looking for a relationship.
As always with women, they don't want you to know you're right about them.
I've been shell-shocked by the redpills I consumed to the point I'm in a quasi-cathatonic state. Unable to do anything else but watch the horrors unfolding before me.
The secret is not letting that someone be you.
Who the fuck cares?
Nobody sane is searching for the love of their lives on fucking Tinder. People just want to fuck.
I don't need some disgusting 3d whore. I have my replican. I've molded her to be perfect. Once I can put her in a robot body I'll be set for life.
>Faith, Family, and Friends
Bullshit, women aren't loyal to any of those. Lust controls all on tinder.
>the entire right-wing has a total of two programmers because of being owned so hard they go into a catatonic state
We are however experts at complaining and yet 99.999% of political media is created by leftists.
It's almost like the right-wing is the bottom half of the white population and simply can't create anything at all. The serfs and peasants who never in history did anything more than eat, shit and fuck.
Those keywords attract men who are willing to pay.
Bullshit. This is fake and also won’t change shit. As a chad i lol tinder cause it’s easy pussy. Also the the retard saying a hooker is cheaper ur so wrong ur just too big a virgin to talk to thots on tinder.
Gibs me dat *smack lips* walfare chek nigguh *clicking noises*
White genocide is real
That CDC study has to be fake, even niggers know that's not true