Why does Sup Forums hate centrists so much? They just want what is best for everyone.
Why does Sup Forums hate centrists so much? They just want what is best for everyone
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>all people are fundamentally equal
imagine being retarded enough to actually believe this.
shit or get off the pot
That fat faggot fuck isn't a centrist.
He's a small moon with his own orbit and I'm not paying for his healthcare.
Because most "centrists" don't stand for anything. They pull the "both sides are the same" copout because they lack the courage of their convictions.
Centrists in a nutshell, they have a thought off the top of their head, never give it any deep thought or debate trying to disprove it, insist it's the way to do things.
>Violence is wrong
>Tax everyone to pay my healthcare at the threat of death
he just said it should be affordable not that you should pay for it ,faggot
Do nazi's even know hot to read anymore?
>confusing centrists with moderates
Centrists have no party loyalty; not necessarily an insistence on finding the middle ground. Moderates insist on finding middle ground.
That being said
>muh horseshoe theory
niggers can die on a cross
Centrism is fine when you're at peace. In war you're another enemy.
That depends on their degree of civility and usefulness.
Kind of, yes.
Would be cool.
Not necessarily.
Because what constitutes a centrist changes all the time and a centrist from a generation ago wouldn't agree with much of anything a centrist today does. It's also just progressivism lite since the debate is always "do we keep it the same or do what leftists want".
Also this , at least a leftist defines themselves instead of being a weak, malleable piece of shit.
>Believing universalist rights
Imagine being so autistic you can't realize that people not respecting rights are the reason they can't ever be universal in the first place.
Making it affordable for people like him means making it more expensive for everyone else.
Everyone hates centrists. Liberals hate them because they don't fight hard enough against Conservatives. Conservatives hate them because they just stand aside and let Liberals destroy the world. Fuck centrists.
Do you fat fucking retards understand math?
This is what it takes to grow up: making decisions from the whole.
>I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I spit you out of my mouth.
Even God hates centrists.
It stands to reason if you set yourself in between two opposing sides, you are simply going to be attacked on both sides as they attempt to get to each other.
Centrists think they're being mediators or enlightened, but the truth is unless they are actually strong in their convictions they're just roadbumps in the fights between actually passionate people.
>Because most "centrists" don't stand for anything. They pull the "both sides are the same" copout because they lack the courage of their convictions.
The perfect summary of Boogie's personality.
They're recycled hippies who would rather prance around, demanding U hand over UR money 2 enable their fantasies than come up with actual plans for improving the place.
Reminder that Sargon literally said this about pedophilia.
>Why does Sup Forums hate centrists so much? They just want what is best for everyone
Being a "centrist" is a misnomer. They aren't moderate on anything, because they believe in nothing.
The more appropriate term is something like "selfish status quo advocates" (not the best term, sure). These people don't have a stand on anything, just that they are left alone to pursue indulgent pleasure. The state of things does not concern them. They encourage others to "not take it so seriously". These people are despised because they are weak and have no conviction other than to quietly indulge themselves in pointless pleasure activities. Most "centrists" just say "hey, want to be left alone to do , if everyone just respected each other and just had a live and let live attitude, the world would be a better place". I guess that's really the crux of it: "centrists" are glutted consumers that would rather ignore a problem and adhere to their passive consuming. It's a pathetic hybrid between cowardice, nihilism, narcissism, and consumerism.
They just want enough ambiguity to be able to retreat on a stance so that no one ever judges them or accuses them of being wrong. It's such a weak character that people who display it actually make me angry. I have more respect for a moronic progressive who unironically worships Lenin and Jeremy Corbyn than centrists; at least the former believes in something.
Well said.
>"All people are fundamentally equal."
Liberals believe in a Harrison Bergeron world where fit people must be shamed and poisoned to make them as fat as the fattest hambeast. Smart people must have their children taught deliberate lies at Public Edjewcation centers to make them as stupid as the dumbest nigger. Those financially successful must have their wealth stolen from them so they are as poor as the poorest nigger. Those who think must have their minds constantly filled with distractions.
The jew is a terrifying engine of destruction. This is their (((equality.))) For the goyim, at least. The jew is never criticized for their wealth; the jew is never criticized for their access to the best schools; the jew is never criticised for their desire to remain ethically and religiously pure in their own nations. Coincidentally.
> why does Sup Forums hate
Thats it, pol just hates. They have no solutions just reactions to other peoples efforts.
Because they are a bunch of faggots who like to cherrypick different political ideologies and think they are smart enough to do so.
>be nice to everyone
>violence is wrong
>anger begets anger
I always wondered- if a psychopath murders 10 people and you jail him for life/50 years or whatever, would that act be "violent"? Sure, it's justified, but can't you argue that locking someone in a room for 50 years, isolated from their friends in family, is considered a violent act?
that fat fuck just said absolutely nothing
how that is centrist I don't know
how it's an idiot blob, I do
>They just want what is best for everyone.
it is therefore reasonable to assume they will never achieve what is best for any one ensemble. falsifiable, so it passes the most basic of logical tests, yet it doesn't muster any historical experience. not a single important person in human history was a centrist, exactly because the truth is binary.
Sup Forums hates niggers, yet they can't even offer a single solution to their intrinsic nature. this is progress of a kind, fellow redditor.
>Be nice to everyone
you are to be polite to everyone, unless they are actively adversarial but you have no obligation to be "nice"
>Violence is wrong
not every time
>Hate is wrong
not every time
>Anger begets anger
circular reasoning, it also gets shit done or destroys everything, depending on how one wields it
>Freedom of speech is important
the only thing I agree unequivocally
>A country should use taxes to provide for it's citizens
in what extend, to whom exactly, with what percent of taxation... etc. Taxes should be used sparingly to create a system conductive to prosperity, not re-distribute wealth
>Healthcare should be affordable
provided the above is achieved the latter will happen
>War sucks
so dose using antiseptic on open wounds, it is necessary never the less in some cases
>Vets deserve benefits
volunteers are supposed to know the risks and rewards before enlisting, throwing them a bone to show your gratitude is demeaning
>all people are fundamentally equal
I challenge him to a race ... all people are to be equal in the eyes of the law, nothing more, nothing less - equality of outcome is evil.
how can someone be so fucking dense ?
centrism means being able to rekt retards who can't form their own opinion and just go on and parrot what the rest of their team is saying.
instead of using critical thinking to form your own stances you just double down on any and all stances your team makes, regardless of whether they're good or bad. being a centrist means you'll always catch flak because you'll always be able to rub people the wrong way by exposing the retardedness of their views.
if I believe in gun rights or death penalty, doesn't mean I'll go around bombing abortion clinics, suck Iraq/Afghan veterans' dicks or throw a hissy fit because some football player knelt during the national anthem. similarly if I believe government should make healthcare and education accessible to all Americans, doesn't mean I have to worship every non-white or support gay parades and trannie bathrooms. If I don't like Trump, it doesn't mean I like Hillary, I'd rather have Pence, Rand or hell even Bernie as PotUS
The lie is the idea that the centre isn't as partisan and ideological as the left and the right.
Because the 'center' moves. And for the past 200 years, the center has been moving in one direction. And that's left left left.
Suppose you are living in 1905 Germany and you're a 'centrist'. So as the enlightened centrist you are, you think the Kaiser is a pretty cool duide - and monarchy has advantages over democracy. Perhaps women should be allowed some more rights, but they definitely shouldn't have equal rights. As a centrist, you definitely dont believe in no fault divorce, importing massive amounts of black people, or LGBT rights.
But see, all of those positions in 2018 would land you only in one place, and that is the extreme right. And this goes on forever... What was 'center' in 1950 was now 'far right' in 2000. What was 'center' in 2000 is 'far right' in 2018. Even in 2008, Obama said that marriage is between a "man and a woman". And he was considered liberal. Nowadays being againts homosexual marriage is not even a conservative position, most republicans arent even principally againts gay marriage anymore. It's now distinctively far right.
So to be a centrist means to be a cuck. Today's center is tommorow's far right.. Yesterday's far left is today's center. You will never get anywhere by being 'centrist'.
>equality of outcome is evil
imagine a sexually broken morbidly obese joke of a man grasping the fundamental difference between difference of opportunity and outcome. now imagine that in an american context.
>no fault divorce
you have no idea what that legal term means and yet you parrot it because you saw others here on Sup Forums use it. same extends to the rest of your post. perfectly describes the mindlessness of your typical ignoramus
I agree with every single one of his ideas from a NAP standpoint. Violence is wrong, but if somebody threatens violence or does violence, then reciprocal violence is justified
I'm talking about the no fault divorce that as that of Ronald Reagan put into place in 1970. And i'm correct in the assumption that anything like that would have been completely unimaginable, unthinkable except maybe amongst the fringe far left in 1905 Germany, as well as the rest of the world. Certainly not 'centrist' by any means.
this but unironically
This, friendos, is what someone who thinks their smart but can't be bothered to actually say something smart looks like.
Pleasing everyone is why liberalism is so fundamentally flawed and dysfunctional