Anyone else unironically support Mueller?
Anyone else unironically support Mueller?
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He's /ourguy/
Most of us do, it's just the vocal minority of screeching white supremacists that you hear every time his name is brought up.
and no
sinister evil
Mueller is /ourguy/ died with the phony Flynn charges
Speak for yourself maple nigger. Mueller is a stooge and the whole special investigation is a farce.
Just end this already. The most we got is 13 Russian shitposters.
I do. No one is above the law. If Trump did something wrong, he should be punished. Sup Forums seems to have forgotten this.
More fake charges
>supporting career bureaucrats
I hate everyone born after 911
Mueller was head of the FBI during 9/11 and is a deep state faggot. No idea how anyone can support him.
I don't understand how you could not support an FBI investigator. Even if trump did nothing wrong no one should be beyond investigation. People hating on him are showing their partisan
Not to mention the material role he had in setting up the crooked Uranium One deal and burying the investigation into Russia's nuclear industry infiltration plot
This. "ten-year term was given a two-year extension by President Barack Obama, making him the longest-serving FBI director since J. Edgar Hoover"
also, sage
No, the's the principal agent of the Swamp's on-going coup attempt, and he'll trigger armed insurrection before it's all over.
most definitely, bumping this
Oh fuck I haven't been here since this board was made. Sup Forums people are fucking retarded.
He's coming close. Wants to indict more anonymous Russians for hacking the DNC while he has never lifted a finger to investigate Seth Rich or interview Julian Assange or Kim Dotcom, two first hand witnesses to the DNC leaks. If so it will be his biggest attempted lie to date
Yes, because encouraging more efforts against foreign influence in the US government will end up being a good thing in the end. Shitlibs and neocons realize what they're really unleashing.
>indicts manafort
Lol hes chasing ghosts at this point.
Yes I sure love J Edgar Hoover MK2.
>judge forced to recuse in flynn case
>flynn sentencing repeatedly delayed
>no knock raids vs cooperating witnesses
>hiring dirty cop strzok and page with no questions asked
>motion to drop charges on gates
>illegal acquisition of evidence vs cooperating witnesses
>not investigating material facts and evidence already existing related to Wikileaks DNC releases
>none of 13 russians in custody
>zero charges in any way implying let alone proving any Trump - Russia collusion
List gets longer week by week
>Dems ironically go full McCarthy after supporting the Soviet Union and anti-intelligence agency rhetoric for decades
>end-up indicting a bunch of Democrats and exposing Podesta, Hillary, and other top DNC members' shady activities
Pottery. Keep digging your own grave.
He's corrupt fed who sold out his country to globalists.
I support public execution of all current and past FBI and DOJ officials.
No. He’s a fucking swamp creature covering for his Jew buddies. There is no real investigation, it’s all kabuki theater designed to hide all their crimes. They all thought that cunt Hillary would win, and now they are trying to clean up their crimes.
Bump so everyone can see reality and understand what a crook Mueller is
>several MONTHS and the FBI aka the armed wing of the DNC hasn't found anything,
It's clear at this point that this investigation is nothing more than a political maneuver by the far-left deep state and they will stretch it for as long as possible to keep the MUH RUSSIA narrative on life support at least to sway the midterm elections on favor of the Democrats.
Your indictments, Donald
There is a clip of the TV show The View where Condalizza Rice tells Schiff the Russia bullshit is getting old the liberal audience cheers and claps then Schiff made the how dare you eyeball coming out of his head face.
>It's been clear for 7 or 8 months that this investigation is going nowhere.
>It's been clear since November 2016 what Russia did and what they intended (to sow social unrest and infighting in an enemy by spending 1/10,000th of Hillary's campaign budget. It worked.)
>Everyone involved with the Trump administration leaks like a sieve.
>Everyone opposed to Trump in LEO agencies suddenly leaks like a sieve too, even though if it's illegal for them and they're full of moral rectitude, but it's all right because This Is Not Normal
If anything at all was going to be found, details would have been leaked almost immediately, and by Labor Day at the latest.
Jeff Sessions is a cuck. We can find a non-cuck that also hates Mexicans to do his job after he fires Mueller.
>J Edgar Hoover MK2
Is he his reanimated corpse? He does bear a striking resemblance to Frankenstein's monster.
think his invigatesiong should be shut down and he should personally be flipping 100% of the bill for his witchunt
>Mueller team looking into possible United Arab Emirates money into Trump campaign: report
>Major Jewish GOP donor moves into sights of Trump probe
>Robert Mueller said to be looking at Elliot Broidy, who gave George Nader 'detailed report' on meeting with president
>Netanyahu-backer named in new probe into UAE attempts to influence Trump: report
I don't hate him as much as people keep telling me I should.
There's no reason to hate him cuz he's /ourguy/
I heard he's a great actor