South Africa Finance Minister: We will print money and give it to the poor to make them rich

>“South Africans continuing to be poor when we can print more money to ensure that everybody has it. Our people are poor because there is a shortage of money in the country. It’s not the shortage of jobs that makes people poor, it is the shortage of money. We have paper and ink, so we will print more money and give it to the poor, and make all of them billionaires if that is possible.” Nene said.

It's actually real


What the FUCK. Are they actually using Zimbabwe as their model?

I actually know a Saffer who moved to Ireland. He's shocked at how innocent and naive we are. Like he's shocked at how houses are unlocked. He literally slept with a gun in his hand in SA. Its like an alternative universe I don't know how they stick it.



I have half a mind to wait until the crash and buy a billion rand for like 6 bucks. I could be a real south African billionaire. Then wait for it to recover when the West poors in aid, and cash out.

it's zimbabwe all over again

Finance Minister doesn't even understand basic economics.


Okay, that works.

Why dont the just buy Monopoly, the game set. Its cheaper than printing money and just hand that out.

It's really sad how we all have to pretend that all groups of people have the same cognitive capacity when there is insurmountable evidence to the contrary.

>The African School of Economics

The sooner you accept that niggers are all just 9 year olds running around in adult bodies the easier this all will be.

This. Had a visit of a Boer lady. They live in fortresses. Her daughter didn't drive her car all the way into the garage one time, so the niggers came and held her at gun-point until she gave up her keys.

She told this story as if it was funny. It was her daughter being stupid for exiting the car outside of their fortress.

How did he get to be finance minister without any idea about how economies work? Is it just a matter of wearing the right hat or something?

Actually hilarious
These nogs have no fucking idea

The thing is we in the west can't even laugh at this because we literally allow third parties to do this with our own currencies. Especially you yanks with your privately owned federal reserve.

And is anyone here surprised at the level of stupidity coming out of their government? They're as stupid as those who voted them in.

wtf is this webm? quick rundown?

>"social justice"
Good, seeing their country crash and burn will open people's eyes to reality.

What you don't understand is that this is all an orchestrated plot by George Soros to collapse any and all non-white countries in order to further mass economic illegal immigration into white countries.

Think about it. If Venezuela, South Africa, Botswana, any islands of economic stability were allowed to thrive, then maybe The Darkening would subside and brown people would stay in their home countries and try to make their countries better.

Instead, any remotely successful brown country turns to shit. Venezuela was thriving economically not that long ago. Then Chavez and Maduro happened.

South Africa was at least hanging in there, and now this happened.

It's the same story all over.

Now, it's easy for us to say "Haha, fucking brown people can't do anything right."

But what if it's actually being engineered? What if people like George Soros know that the stability of brown countries means less brown influx into white countries?

What if it's all an elaborate plan to destabilize brown countries to completely destroy white countries?

Because even if there isn't a secret society master plan at work here, that's exactly what's happening.

Maybe they're doing it on purpose, specifically to cause another mass migration of darkies across the globe...?

niggers don't understand basic economics

I believe it's from Brazil. Guy duct tapped a firework launcher to his bike and used it to get away from cops.

True. Its common knowledge not to drive completely into your driveway. Hijackers pull up behind you while you are waiting for your gate to open (we all have electronic gates). We wait in the road until the gate is completely open whilst scanning the road for any vehicles that look out of place. The White South Africans call being aware at all times "paraat". If youre not paraat you die. Simple as that

Fake news

ending apartheid was a mistake

My new favorite thing is just to send this gif to leftists whenever I see shit like this. They know it’s true and they never really have a retort.

I am ded.

No fucking way


It's a matter of being black. He has all the right pieces of paper.
>Nene holds a B.Com Honours degree in Economics from the University of Western Cape (UWC). He also obtained a Diploma in Marketing Management DMS; an Advanced Diploma in Economic Policy from the UWC; a Certificate in Economic Policy from the University of South Africa (UNISA); and a Certificate in Macro and Micro Economics from the University of London. He also attended a Course in Evaluating Macroeconomic Strategies in 2000 at Williams College (CDE), MA, USA.

Holy shit niggers are so god damn stupid who the fuck could think that ending apartheid was a good idea?

Don't. Think about what the fuck you are doing and look into it first. Do some fucking research.

> ITT: Sup Forums is too stupid to recognize a joke news site
Are we gonna react to The Onion articles too now ?

I guess the ability to learn from other's mistakes (i.e. Zimbabwe) is giving black people too much credit

I wouldn't. The west didn't save the Zimbabwean dollar, so it won't save the Rand

Why the fuck do these africans even have a government? Corrupt dumb niggers only know violence and shortsighted bribery.



That sounds like an oxymoron. Africans don’t have schools nor economics

This is the kind of solution that you'd hear of you asked a 3 year old how to make everyone more wealthy. This is a preschooler brained man. Does he dress himself?

It's not CNN.

This is as real as it gets.

Niggers are dumb lmaoXDXD

This is the absolute state of lefty economics

Mind blown

Eh, I give this guy credit for at least having the guts to say he actually believes this. Most leftists believe this at least to a degree, they just try to hide it and rephrase it because even they know it's fucking nonsense.

wow, dude hasnt heard of inflation?

Expropriating land that they won't be able to cultivate.

Printing money to "make people rich"

Niggers are just hopelessy fucking stupid. This guy is incapable of reasoning more than 5 minutes into the future as to what the consequences will be.

Your guys

isnt this what zimbabwe did

actually dont, this is fake news

thats fucking genius... i take back everything ive ever said about niggers being retarded

>african countries shooting themselves in the head

what a surprise


South Africa is desperately trying to become a copy of Rhodesia (I can't call it by it's nigger name). Hyperinflation here we come!

Why do you continue to want to live like this? That sounds absolutely horrible.
t. haven't locked my doors ever

If he wasnt already I would recommend him to the communist party.


>absolute state of lefty economics
lefty economics + nigger logic


holy shit, best webm I've seen in a good while.

why are you guys surprised? these primitive beings never figured out civilization on their own. why would you expect them to suddenly figure it out now?


Source looks phoney. You have another decent source? When i google the quote i can't find anything...

you know how retards dont know that theyre retarded? well turns out we were the retards all along.

Around blacks never relax. Don't know why anyone would unironically want to live in a country run predominantly by nigs.

Please let this happen.

This. May be fake, wouldn’t surprise me but let’s be honest South African saying this isn’t far fetched.

Anyone with an old "Monopoly' game is a multi-millionaire, according 2 this deep thinker.

I knew one who was working illegally here, ended up going back after his brother was stabbed 20 times in a house invasion

the non-african white countries which pressured them into it. they pretty much waged psychological warfare against white african countries to subvert and destroy them.

Sure, but if he actually said something this stupid more sources would be talking about it. which isn't the case. So at this moment i'm saying this story is made up. I could be wrong tho.


This is a fake site you fucking idiots
>This is a fake site you fucking idiots
This is a fake site you fucking idiots
>This is a fake site you fucking idiots
This is a fake site you fucking idiots
>This is a fake site you fucking idiots
This is a fake site you fucking idiots
>This is a fake site you fucking idiots
This is a fake site you fucking idiots
>This is a fake site you fucking idiots
This is a fake site you fucking idiots
>This is a fake site you fucking idiots
This is a fake site you fucking idiots

>people who pass basic maths in western countries are literally more qualified than African finance ministers
Fucking kek

It's the SA equivalent of an Onion news

This. I couldn't find any real evidence.

this isnt real
there is no way that this is real



theyre at ground zero for economics. never thought theyd make it this far. i want to see the negro version of keynes, hope i live long enough

>fake disinfo
fake disinfo
>fake disinfo
fake disinfo
>fake disinfo
fake disinfo
>fake disinfo
fake disinfo
>fake disinfo
fake disinfo
>fake disinfo
fake disinfo
>fake disinfo
fake disinfo

Oh my fucking god this is hilarious. South Africa is going to be, because black people are dumb as shit

>Zimbabwean dollar
You still buy these on pic related on e-bay for fun

genuinely curious. Did the zimbabweans put the stacked rocks on their currency because it was evidence of their super highly advanced pre-colonial culture? A culture that figured out how to stack rocks?

Lmao, SA, you think this is a joke? Get out in the next week/month or you're gonners.

Spotted the nigger

Of course it's fake, it makes you subhumans look bad



just saying..


That is the most aweome webm i saw in my life.

About the thread... I feel sorry for those niggers. They just need to understand their own retardation before is too late.

This is clearly retarded
>but they do the same thing with (((quantative easing))) in the (((US))) and elsewhere
Except its all given to the (((banks)))

How can I short South Africa in the market. I want to make money on this retardation.

So this is the power of african economics...

its literally fakenews

there is no other website on the internet claiming this

Disturbing picture

This is the real redpill

Adapt or die. Stuck in middleclass. I do not have the resources to get out and I cant convince my Dad to see the writing on the wall and liquidize assets(I think he want to fight the blacks again, hes ex police). Ive studied criminal modus operandi in a wide range of crimes that might affects us. The knowledge gets shared among our folk. Its imperative.
My father has been shot and my brother has been hijacked twice. Ive been followed home a couple of times (I drive a high risk vehicle). I spotted the tail and lost them ( they are reluctant to act if they know you have made them)


>Have a client visiting from Capetown in NYC
>Delayed a few hours
>He tells us his uncle was murdered in his bed and he had to deal with police matters for it and apologizes for the delay
>He then casually goes about his business in NYC and goes back to Capetown after two days

Like I don't even know. There was just a whole non-chalance about it.

>"Yeah, a man who might have wiped my ass as a baby was murdered by niggers in his own home. No biggie"