Is Ippo going to lose this one too?

Is Ippo going to lose this one too?

He'll win but he'll feel bad about it because he actually cared about winning for once and he's going murder his opponent. Everyone will give him the stink eye because MUH PRO BOXERS AREN'T JUST THUGS WEARING GLOVES!

Even though everyone else in the gym was literally just an asshole who used to fight people in alleys.


He's going to kill him

There was a long ass talk with Takamura about leaving humanity behind. Ippo's character must develop to progress; I don't really buy a boxer simply "loving to box". There must be a degree of agressivity, of violence in the sport in order to reach the top.

Maybe I'm wrong though, but I'd like Ippo to confront that.
And to grow as character because he's been a wuss for a thousand chapters now.

I want him to stop dating Kumi or to consummate the relationship more often. It's just not going anywhere.


The manga isn't going anywhere. This fight, and maybe Takamura's fight, are a major chance for Morikawa for some developement. If that happens Ippo might as well fuck Kumi

When you traverse into the land of the monsters, the transition is never smooth.

I'm so fucking sick of this stupid goddamn formula.

I hope Ippo either accidentally dies from tanking shots with his face or kills his opponent and gets charged for murder.

Best case scenario:

>ippo takes three of those retarded downs and loses by tko
>takamura wins but has to retire because of his eye
>kamogawa has a heart attack and dies
>aokitadakimura do whatever and the manga ends

Any deaths in official martial arts bouts are treated as accidents, unless you mean Ippo just shanks the fucker down in some alley.

Jesus christ fuck this mangaka at this point. This is just ippos comeback fight against some no name guy to show off to the world and it takes 30 chapters with constantly dragging it out?

Fucking god damn japs, this is why I hope North Korea wipes these gooks out.

What if Ippo goes into a rage fit and punches the downed enemy screaming
until his opponent is dead

Best case scenario is Morikawa dies and the series actually fucking ends

The series would actually end that way. Anyway either he rushes the series or dies before finishing it

Please no

How soon til the ending you think?

I hope so. I'd be the best ending ever.

At least ten years at this pace

Was in HnK.


I fucking wish Ippo got severe CTE.

Or just win without struggling in EVERY DAMN FIGHT.

I thought this fight was really strange how we were finally going to see Ippo smash a guy in one round with the new Dempsey and his ultimate power boost.
But it's just been one delay after another and after seeing people mention this as a possible end to the fight I 100% agree.
He's gonna kill the dude, there's no other way he'd be torturing Ippo otherwise. Making him lose would effectively end the manga.
I wonder who's going to bring him out of his ''I killed someone" ptsd before he goes full Joe Yabuki and cant punch without seeing Guevara's face in his subconscious.

>wonder who's going to bring him out of his ''I killed someone" ptsd
Oh, great, another 150 chapters of not-boxing; that's perfect for this boxing manga!

Nah he'll just miss the next training camp or something while he sulks around about it until Takamura/Miyata/Kamogawa/His Mom brings him out of it.

You seem to massively overestimate George's competence. Did you forget the "this won't take long" that was proclaimed right before the fight began?

George is writing this week-to-week, no two ways about it.

Why can't this fucking fight end.

>it's a hippo gets detroyed for chapter after chapter but then he finds the oxygen in his muscles and bullshits his way to victory episode
>it's the 257th episode like this
Fucking stop this madness

Its gonna be his first points win

Hopefully Ippo dies soon.

>The manga isn't going anywhere. This fight, and maybe Takamura's fight, are a major chance for Morikawa for some developement. If that happens Ippo might as well fuck Kumi

>Be sendo vs ippo title fight
>Liver blow + Gazelle Punch + Dempsey Roll = perfected form
>x fights later
>dempsey counter counter
>∞ dempsey roll

While everything else has developed the whole concept behind ippo's fighting style and the dempsey has devolved into stupidity.

>long ass talk with Takamura about leaving humanity behind
It's gonna happen



Predictions for what will happen after this arc?

Nothing, same thing as every other arc.

Miyata will continue being in some slump, ippo will continue trying to PROVE MY COACHES BOXING IS THE BEST, takamura will continue winning fights using his toe, the loser duo will continue not achieving anything while hinting at retirement.

I can't believe this is still running

To be fair, at this point the fights are so tedious, i tend to just be waiting for the next between match segments

spoilers for 1194 has a short chapter apology and this shit fight still going. at this point i dont care if he wins or loses I just want to move on from ippo. it's like morikawa just doesn't know what to do anymore. i wonder if diotagaki will also go through some long drawn comeback match even though he could control time before getting cheesed in the corner.

>hurr hurr

Maybe George will explore Manabu's homicidal tendencies next time he's in the spotlight

You're *literally* more than two weeks behind. We have 1195, as well, and now the manga is on break.

wasn't that miyata who left some dude foaming in the mouth after a counter? i only recall itagaki wanting everything ippo has moments but too "nice" to take anything from him.

>the manga is on break
Fuck me everything I like is either monthly, stopped translating or on break.

I'm talking about when Itagaki almost strangled Ippo from behind

Where do you guys see the raws?

He just wants to test his fists against senpai

We don't. We get spoilers, because Morikawa is a Jewish asshole. Morikawa does not allow the company to make a digital release of the manga, and the publishers exclusively aggressively pursue the people who post spoiler pages of Ippo online (presumably, on his or his editor's orders). So, spoiler sites tend to, at most, post a single panel or so from the new chapter as evidence that they are telling the truth, and then just write the rest in text.

>I fucking wish Ippo got severe CTE.

There is no way he doesn't have it

He will just pull off another Joe. And honestly that might be a good thing.

i'd be pissed just because it's been done already and you'd think this fucker wouldn't drag this out for almost 1200 chapters now only to pull a copycat.

Then we get best end.

Hajime no Ippo is by and far my favorite anime/manga, but that's only ignoring all the bullshit Morikawa threw in when he had nothing else interesting to add about boxing.

>Whoever holds their breath longest wins!
>He stands square, he's so hard to hit!
>Woli is an unbeatable prodigy monkey
>My foot is fucked, better spin like a top
>Loose gloves

And we all know there's tons more. I've acutally been hit while sparring by someone doing that stupid Steve Fox/Bryan Hawk sway, and it had plenty of power on it, rocked me good, so otherwise i'd call that out too.

but you've got good shit like
>Martinez doesn't telegraph his jabs so they're impossible to predict by sight and near impossible to counter
>Right-hand southpaws who have tremendous power in both hands a bit more naturally
>Ruling the ring with just your left/lead

and tons more too.

Seriously though, fuck Woli. We need Miyata to demolish Ippo and end this farce already and have Sendo and Miyata fight for the title.

To be fair, Kung-Fu Jesus is on a different level and isn't afraid of himself like Ippo is.

Also for your consideration, Kamigawa's original VA is quite well known for another voice.

RIP Ken-oh who has returned to the Heavens.

>cared about winning
But he isn't. He's just making the same stupid mistake that helped cost him the match against Gonzalez, where all he's thinking about is showing off the boxing Kamogawa taught him.

They're going to give him the stink eye cause he's a retard who isn't trying to win and just wants to show off his cool moves. Ippo is a disgrace.
