You know shit is bad when even the NYT admits their is a problem.
You know shit is bad when even the NYT admits their is a problem
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>hand grenades
How the hell do they get grenades rather than guns?
>Heavy weapons
>like hand grenades
bullshit. thats for small arms ranges.
Europe. Guns good fag? Explosives easier to get a hold of
Same way they got to Sweden in the first place.
Swedes have already loose assholes from gay sex so they can easily smuggle grenades.
>hand grenades
The absolute state of Sweden
Yugoslavian caches
>be European, get hand grenaded
Wew, lad
Gosh I'm so upset that people who vote for International Socialists are finally getting a taste of what that means.
lol. beautiful
Just look at this pic
they need grenade control duh.
these aren't your standard grenades. They say grenade attacks because saying what they actually are, IED attacks, is far more scary and has certain implications
>hand grenades
Something tells me that Soros is supplying them with arms.
Why are Svens fighting each other in the streets?
Wait wait wait
How can that be real?
I thought that guns were illegal in sweden!
I don't really disagree with them, but what makes Jew York Times a Sweden expert?
It took until hand grenades for msm to report on anything. Holy fuck the state of Sweden. Hopefully this will open some eyes though.
>niggers and Muslims responsible for 95% of the crime
>show a white people Christian wedding
Sweden needs to pass a law banning hand grenades, declare Sweden a grenade free zone and teach boys about toxic masculinity
>Mistakes a funeral for a wedding
Jesus burgers you make it to easy sometimes.
there, there, fucking there*
>gang violence
Same like "workplace violence" amirite. How's about fucking nigger violence. Fucking savage goatfucking subhuman sandnigger violence. Fucking disgusting Jewish PC sugar coating, I don't think I can take much more of it.
I feel Swedes are like a dormant volcano getting ready to blow. Once they erupt there will be an orgy of killing, every shitskin will be rent apart, the blood will be ankle deep.
It will be beautiful.
pozzed faggots. I hate cityniggerkikefags.
how was your day, sweetie?
Heres a very unpopular opinion here but the NYT is actually a pretty good news agency.
That nefarious-looking doggo sums up the mood entirely.
More rape in Sweden
Seriously, why are they only a problem in Sweden? Surely they would be a big issue in Baltic countries.
If only. But everyone has been expecting them, and the Germans and the Brits to finally get fed up and lose their shit and do some justice for years now. If it hasn't happened yet, it probably isn't going to happen ever.
You know what? Your pretty fucking upset my friend and I think your posting has given me just enough insight into what the fuck your problem is. You see, ever since your mother left, your daddy's been raising you in every regard to be his fucktoy sissy daughter. He works hard to pay for your hormones, makeup, and clothes, you show your appreciation by dragging him to bed as soon as he enters the door.You just love the taste of your daddy's sweaty cock after a day of eagerly waiting for him to come home. The wait is excruciating; yo're horny all day, and your transition is at the point that you can't even cum without his thick rod rubbing against your aching prostate. Often you spend the entire evening licking his gorgeous shaft and drinking his sweet precum. Once he eventually wills it, you sheepishly let go of him and stick your rounded ass out for him to ravage as he pleases. He pounds you into the sheets all night long, his massive member milking your little balls dry as you cry out and orgasm for the fifth time that night.Judging by how closely related you two are, it's almost surprising how his cock is so much bigger than yous! Guess that just goes to show that you were meant to be his daughter all along!
>People are only talking about immigration because the hand grenade attacks are spreading to rich neighbourhoods
Jesus fucking christ what is wrong with liberals
Once the Self preservation circuits fire in the Swedish brain it will happen, its human nature.
>shooting massacre
ban guns
>grenade massacre
ban grenade
>acid massacre
ban acid
>rpg massacre
ban rpg
>suicide bombing massacre
ban suicide belt
>truck massacre
ban truck
>knife massacre
ban knife
Why would they be a big issue in Baltic countries? Estonia, Lithuana and Latvia are pretty peaceful.
I doubt they mean "fragmentation grenade" when they say "hand grenade." They probably just mean an explosive device with some sort of trigger that was put together in a garage using readily available ingredients. Fairly easy to make.
Yugo war left overs....
Sweden had some special law that exempt explosives from the "dangerous goods" list so you could pretty much import hand grenades at will...
He meant Balkan. Blame the American education system.
How do people get killed by grenades in Sweden? Aren't they illegal? If you make them against the law that means people can't get them right?
Anyone have all those memes of the press laughing at Trump for calling Sweden a riot zone?
You just bring um' with you.
Oh no, the champagne liberals have to bear the brunt of their retarded policies instead of pushing it all onto the poor? I feel so sorry for them(!)
Close enough. European is European.
>Look out window, sipping from my #WhiteTears mug
>See Svens running down the streets as explosions go off around him
>The mail man is darting between cover as he makes his rounds
>There's an actual fucking sword fight going on by the flaming refugee center
>"You know... maybe I should write something about this..."
This is an invasion. They are being armed and funded. There are weapons cashes all over Europe.
Forgot pic
>its ok if it happens to the poor
Grenade control now!
I hope all of Europe burns
People have become so distant from reality it'll take at least a couple thousands bodies for someone to address any sort of problem
Fuck even than It's still a 50/50 on body count
considering how fast people forget an attack
Is that the number?
They'll probably say it's due to wyte supremisss. Nvm ISIS headquarters in no go zones, nothing to see there.
Remember when they found that warehouse in Spain full of guns and ammo? Do you think that is the only one in Europe? And do you think the government is not aware of it?
Never gonna happen.
Swedes are the most cucked nation in the world. Even ahead of UK. They'll deny everything, just like when their women were raped a few New Years ago and they'll forbid their press from reporting on it.
Then the Swedes will go back to being happily cucked and will remain cucked until there aren't any ethnic Swedes left.
Finland is the only Scandinavian country that has a hope of combating the Muslim hordes. Maybe once the rest of Western Europe is brown, they'll be able to at least restore some semblance of Scandinavian life before the Slavs eradicate the shitskins.
>he doesn't have a hand grenade for self defense in case of a grenade attack
Does this mean Swedes can get grenades themselves? That's a nice way of repaying the immigrants. Throw a couple grenades in their apartments here and there...
that would be racist
>Sweden had some special law that exempt explosives from the "dangerous goods" list so you could pretty much import hand grenades at will...
Oh wow that's a heardy kek. The government didn't realize that Muhammad with grenades is bad.
>be Swedish
>ban guns
>yay we are safe
>be victim of grenade attack
>one instance of violence is nothing
>be victim of acid attack
>"there's no problem"
>be victim of truck attack
>"At least we aren't ignorant Americans"
>be American that isn't in: Jew York, commiefornia, or Illinois
>Muslim,nigger, or spic tries to jump you
>fill them with lead
>talk to cops
>slap on wrist
>go on your way
I will send you guys guns if need be. I'm about to start doing it for boers in South Africa.
I know y'all hate your diaspora with a burning passion, but come on
P.S dutch decent. So everything I've said goes double for nederlands
Douglas Murray talks alot about this. He calls a soft landing versus a hard landing. And I think he is right, the more you let this stuff go on , the harder the landing will be.
He always brings up the point that in France Le Pen "only" got 47% of the vote. That is quite a bit actually for a far right party. He calls it dodging a bullet and thinking everything is fine. Europe wont keep dodging bullets.
My range frowns on grenades,
In America it's
>>shooting massacre
>ban guns
>>grenade massacre
>ban guns
>>acid massacre
>ban guns
>>rpg massacre
>ban guns
>>suicide bombing massacre
>ban guns
>>truck massacre
>ban guns
>>knife massacre
>ban guns
It's literally the best American news source. And they have opinions from people ranging all over the political spectrum.
That ruling was something that pre dates the invasion of sweden... It was a ruling for the far north part of the country and all the /out/ guys where people actually needed explosives as a tool. Just like Alaska or northern canda, sometimes the ice is so thick you have to blow your way through it.
In a homogenous society nobody thought about Jamal and Abdul throwing them at each other in a city...
no its more like:
>50 years into the future
>Sweden has collapsed on itself due to the brown people they imported being lower class rather middle class
>its too cold and theres no heat sp they just leave
>"whites" from other places flee there
>cycle starts again
Ahaha, get fucks swedes. Holy shit i was tired of seeing you guys patronizing us about how tolerant you are towards muslims by letting them put their scarf at school, giving tons of gibs, etc.
I really hope your race disapear in this timeline.
Fucking cucks.
user, I...
It's much easier to get them because they are easier to conceal, are smaller, weight less, ...
Also, even a terminally retarded somalian should be able to manufacture a basic explosive device. Making a gun from scratch doesn't require much (a bunch of goat fuckers in central Asia can do it with makeshift materials) but the bar is still too high for many of our dear refugees.
It's mostly niggers bringing down the majority of those statistics and it's hilarious.
i doubt they have militairy grade explosives in some shack outside of town
you can get atleast 3 recipies for handgranades on /k/ and only 2 will kill you
>be American
>get shot
>be European
>be white
>go extinct
There won't be anything, Swedes are cucked beyond belief. Average Swedish xir would rather die rather than be considered racist.
They all deserve and are going to die.
Dont worry Dutchbro youll catch up soon enough now that your minority population has arrived!
Trump was right
Are the baltic countries full of Muslims?
Why don't they just ban hand grenades?