How will White Americans React to Becoming a Minority?
Most are fine with it, it's about preserving Civic Nationalism not ethno-nationalism.
white americans can't bully people just because they are not white.
most white people will disagree with bullying others because they are not white.
having a white plurality ensures that white on non-white bullying cannot occur easily.
This date is made up and probably won’t happen since you need current trends to continue.
They will be bullied in Rural and Suburban areas.
You're right. The trend will probably accelerate when Democrats take over the government.
There won’t be enough people fool all the countries we are taking in immigrants from also have low birth rates as well. Be hard to make the argument
It will remain a non-issue buried deep in their subconscious until they can no longer hide from the consequences of it all, and by then it's likely too late as you'll have the entire globalist establishment pushing to keep you as subjugated as possible. Like South Africa, more or less.
Whites were fucking fools to give up their monopoly on world power.
That they will stop any demographic problem or be beneficial to the economy. The average Immigrant is a 45 year old man after all.
Ten percent of White Elderly are Jewish. Another 10% are foreigners.
>Actual under 18 demographic not just public school students
they will have to be taxed 100% and immersed in an infinite budget deficit xD kek gl ameribros
Thank you, 53%
yup, fucking scandalous, we need an immensely bloody revolution
I'm Jewish
Lol he got BTFO a little too ITT and now this
Hopefully by starting a race war and killing every single one of (((them))).
except only white people and intelligent browns are civnatz.. also intelligent brown still give birth to niggers
After these last few years, minorities can’t be trusted. They almost destroyed the country. I’d rather deport them all or split the country into 2 before it becomes a socialist nightmare.
damn I'm sad for the current and future status of your nation....They won't listen to other whites talking about this problem, but maybe they would listen to some spic like me worried about it.
I mean, I don't think there is someone like me worried and encouraged to talk about this problem. Sad
cant wait for it. as soon as white people are a minority then workplaces will have no choice but to throw out hispanic applications and only hire whites
Whites don’t want to exist anymore, so I guess they won’t care
But not paying taxes and having lots of babies so that brown people fucking starve. I'm training my three sons how to shoot a rifle. We went to the range Friday night. Welcome to the future, darkie :)
They wouldn't listen to you either, is better to you say goodbye to America.
civic nationalism is an oxymoron. Anybody who thinks shithole people will uphold white society is delusional. South Africa is what will eventually happen to any white country where whites become a minority.
Whites will just lecture you about how you internalized racism no matter what you place in front of them. They have their brains scrambled and I don’t think they’ll recover anymore
Awful like they react to anything.
B-b-but they say non whites can't be racist, and not even towards whites.
Civic nationalism from non whites, is non existent. I'm not speaking for myself, but the average non white (specially latinos) carry their culture and manners everywhere they go. They refuse to left those behind or adapt the host country culture.. Don't mix respecting the laws and being an obedient citizen to embracing 100% a new culture
How the fuck do you get 50.3% of a population to be a minority? Anything above 50% means 100%
>tfw not a 56%er
Those are the old population projections. The new projections are predicting whites to remain a majority, reduced, but a majority nonetheless. You see, illegal immigration flattened off back in 2010 with the recession, and the election of Trump has kept that number flatlines by scaring any potential comers. The old projections assume that illegal immigration from the southern border keeps rising and rising and rising without any control. However, again, we've already seen that flatten off and remain flattened for several years. Lastly, the second generation illegal immigrants have their birth control figured out at least better than their parents did.
quiet you, we need to "exterminate" the "problem"