The Roman Empire's decline

Many people say that christianity, which was introduced in the empire by the jews was the cause of its downfall.How exactly christianity contributed, or directly helped in collapsing the Empire. Opinions

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Although even Hitler is reputed to have said the Roman Empire declined because of Christianity, it would likely slowly fall anyway...

Very well summed here:

>"In the case of the struggling young Christianity, for example, the Jews, quick as a flash, began hanging onto its coattails. Consider Paul, properly called Schaul, who was a rabbinical student. As a Jew, Paul certainly knew that of all the peoples of the world the Jews, first and foremost, needed their souls saved. 'Go not ... to the Gentiles, ... But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel,' demanded Christ (Matthew 10:56). Paul ignored it. He went to the Greeks and the Romans and brought them his 'Christianity.' A 'Christianity' with which the Roman Empire became unhinged. 'All men are equal! Brotherhood! Pacifism! No more privileges!'… And the Jew triumphed." - Dietrich Eckart, "Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin, a conversation between Hitler and Me" (Eckart was honored in the second book of Mein Kampf)

Rome needed constant offensive wars to maintain their system. Once they became Christian, they waged less wars, causing their empire to decline

Caracalla did for the Roman Empire when he bestowed Roman citizenship on free men; so he could tax them.

G*rmans destroyed the Roman Empire

This. Multiculturalism.

It's actually a complete myth perpetuated by Gibbon in his Decline and Fall. If anything, Christianity had some degree of unifying effect because it was a single state religion (despite all of the infighting between Church factions).

Sigh.... I tire of this debate it's so tiresome

it's the opposite, Rome became so degenerate they adopted a fucking abrahamitic sandnigger cult before being put out of their misery by ""barbarians"", unfortunately the cult stayed



Emperor Julian actually complained that Christians were TOO violent and intolerant, so I don't buy the "Christianity made Romans cucks" argument.

Rome declined because it's military declined (likely due to the social changes wrought by the endless wars of the 3rd Century), which made it dependent on, and unable to defend from the Germanic peoples who had been shaped by 200 years of experience living and fighting with the Romans.

fuck off kike


Trying to say that he isn't a Nazi?

What a fucking moron you are

In a 60 Minutes interview George Soros admitted that he had no remorse for helping the Nazis steal from Jews during WWII.


Now comes the suffering


greed = over-expansion.

death of most empires incl. the british empire


But Rome had more or less ended offensive wars after the Empire came to being with the minor exception of Trajan (a lot of which was lost immediately after) which was 300 years before Constantine's ascension.

What ethnicity was Caracalla?

Get the joke?





Towards the end of the Roman Empire, it had:

>woman's rights
>mass immigration to make up for labor shortage
>religious tolerance
>a huge army staffed mostly by immigrants




They had welfare in Rome the city for since the republic though

Mostly irrelevant. The actual issue was that the western empire was overextended. Most of the buildup was in the east, which was increasingly the focus due to its proximity to Persia. The western empire simply didn't have the resources to stop the barbarians from moving in.

They were also running into economic problems DUE to the wars. The effect on your economy of constantly going out and taking shitloads of slaves is similar to outsourcing labor to the third world.

>Glory to rome
Literally the entire issue with the barbarians was that they didn't give a shit about being Roman. They came in and basically settled Roman land, and Rome wasn't able to stop them.


>it was christianity
nice try kike
>romans currency so shit couldn't use it for FUCKING TAXES
>Welfare state over takes everything
>outside forces take over rome because rome wouldn't fucking pay its debt

>that webm

Read a book.

>this webm

Which empire are we talking about, east or west?

How is a Jew, Soros, A German 'Nazi'? Is he a nationalist? no, hes a globalist, THE OPPOSITE of a 'nazi' Dumbass


Roman empire had become corrupted, centuries of infighting and palace coups had made a fully degenerated patrician caste leaderless. They refused to fight in the legions. Their armies were filled with Germanic warriors, their economy and labor ran on slaves.

The Roman Empire died the moment Caesar crossed the Rubicon. Great as he was, as was his succeeder Augustus, such concentration of power leads to inherent instability, which, once it goes sour, is irreparable.

The Roman Empire didnt fall because of Christianity, in fact, Christian monks are the only reason some Roman knowledge survived the dark ages, and Christianity was the sole reason the Holy Roman Empire under Charlemagne rose from its ashes.

He was raised into adulthood by Nazis moron.

Nazis are globalists at their core, you peasant freak.

>How exactly christianity contributed, or directly helped in collapsing the Empire.
That's easy, your pic says it all. An empire needs an engaged citizenry, and an active military to survive. Christians refused to participate in the military. Their holy book even demonized the very concept of permanent troops.
>Mark 5:8-9 For Jesus had already declared, “Come out of this man, you unclean spirit!” Then Jesus asked him, "What is your name?" "My name is LEGION," he replied, "for we are many."
Legions = unclean spirit
That's a counter-signal, the equivalent of the jew saying, if you want to be a good goy and go to heaven, avoid the legions.
There is even a saint for conscientious objectors, Saint Maximilian of Tebessa.
Christianity was an attack on the martial culture of Rome.

also daily reminder there is nobody Jews hate more than Jesus Christ. Anti Christian propaganda is steered by Jews. And one does not have to follow the commands of the corrupted and cucked Vatican to be a Christian.

nod an argubend

Why do you think he funds Kushner?

Any guesses?

RE was already in decline after Cezar's death.

Christianity didn't really contribute much to it. It was the degeneracy, the decadence that ultimately lead it to ruin.

There was no Jesus you idiot.

He was called Caesarion.

Son of Caesar.

No he wasn't. His parents were German Nationalists, party members? No. You are a liar and a disinformationist.

give em rights they said

>Towards the end of the Roman Empire, it had:


Actually it had less than it had centuries earlier with the grain dole. Italy itself was even taxed.

>woman's rights

Wrong. Under Christianity women had far less rights than under the Early Empire and Republic.

>mass immigration to make up for labor shortage

Mostly a myth. There was no labour shortage whatsoever, and it wasn't because of manpower shortages that barbarians joined the army.

>religious tolerance

Is this a piss take? The formerly religiously tolerant Roman Empire had, by the time of Theodosius, turned into a state in which pagans were executed, temples were knocked down and cults banned.

>a huge army staffed mostly by immigrants

Also mostly a myth based on incorrect premises in the 18th century derived from fashion styles.

Can you back up your claim that NSDAP Germany was Globalist at its core? No I don't think you can because it is a Lie. They supported Sovereignty of Nations (spain, france, etc.) And the world today, as sewn by the ALLIES, is super GLOBALISt. YOU ARE A LIAR SIR.

It's almost like you all enjoy being controlled.
He admits it

George Soros Nazi Jew Hunter Has NO Regrets

Are you feeling it yet?

Your whole life has been a lie

>re is nobody Jews hate more than Jesus Christ. Anti Christian propaganda is steered by Jews. A

Kill yourself

>not wanting the tigh double rotor dolphin vagene


Netanyahu: Hitler didn't want to exterminate the Jews

Roman Catholicism (not Christianity) is what the Roman Empire morphed into when they realized they were falling.
It’s how they maintained control

The Catholics/Romans then killed a bunch of christians and Jews. Then said that Catholicism was Christianity

Christians served in the military, One Emperor remarked that he was impressed that Christians would pray for rain during campaign and actually receive it. the Germanic tribes that conquered Rome also had converted to Christianity.

ahhh total war, what happened

Molymeme did an interesting vid on this subject

Rome was already declining well before Christianity was introduced

There are plenty of reasons to point to its demise such as
>Massive wealth inequality
>Feudalism system
>Army couldn't control the vast amounts of land and morale in the military was low
>Constant attacks from Gauls and Vandals
>Political corruption (More than 20 emperors were assassinated)
>Cities were already decaying

Its pretty much what the U.S is going through right now

You're not supposed to use that meme when OP is objectively wrong, friendo.

To be fair the British empire more ended just because everyone was sort of agreeing not to do the empire thing anymore.

okay but... that ... doesn't... say...

Sigh, take off your maymay flag, you're a leaf aren't you

that is matthew 10:5-6 not 10:56

You are all in for a shock.

Benjamin Netanyahu commends Trump's decision on Iran

They let too many niggers in. Also taxed farmers.

What he reveals in that video is the opposite of true German Nationalist Ideology.

Life is surrounded by lies, but the truth fears no investigation.

>The Roman Empire died the moment Caesar crossed the Rubicon. Great as he was, as was his succeeder Augustus, such concentration of power leads to inherent instability, which, once it goes sour, is irreparable.
The Roman EMPIRE didn't exist until after that. When Caeser was around it was still the Roman Republic.

The western Roman Empire fell for a variety of reasons:

- Latifundia. Huge agricultural estates worked by slaves, which belonged to a handfull of families
- Stagnant technological development
- Sclerotic centralized state beaurocracy
- Cultural development and political power shifted to the east, which was different from the west
- Allowing huge numbers of Germans to settle in Roman lands by promising them rights and freedoms, and then not delivering on the promises
- Slavery was rapant
- Low tax revenue, due to the huge number of slaves

Christianity had nothing to do with it. Some people try to undermine Christianity by making it seem even more powerful than what it was.

>How exactly christianity contributed, or directly helped in collapsing the Empire

It contributed very little. I assure you that the average christian was probably as brutal as your average pagan, The causes of the fall of the Western empire lie in their constant civil wars, loss of economic power of Italy due to competition from other areas of the empire, authorized immigration of germanic tribes and the integration of said tribes in the Roman Army.

In the V century the Roman Army was heavily dependant on the "foederati"(the germanic warriors). The foederati, led by Odoacer, asked land to Orestes, the father of emperor Romulus. Orestes refused, the foederati attacked Orestes'army near Piacenza and killed. Odoacer then exiled Romulus to Capri.

After that Romulus disappears from history.

Everything went to shit after Marcus Aurelius died + civil war during the Third Century Crisis. That's it, really. Christianity and Constantine brought unification and lost territory back to the empire for several decades.

>Christians refused to participate in the military.
Wrong. Christians fought before 313AD and then at the front in Constantine's and subsequent legions. Martial spirit was incorporated into Christian armies for hundreds of years after the fall of the Western Empire.
>Numerous stories of military martyrs date to this time period. Many are unreliable, but many others are written in a style that indicate the accounts were based off of notes taken at an actual trial. The stories of soldiers such as Marinus, Maximilian, Marcellus, Dasius, Julius the Veteran, Tipasius and others are too lengthy to recount here. Their presence, however, reveals some facts about the presence of Christians in the Roman army. The men described were veterans and well-regarded by their fellow soldiers. Some of the men were officers or offered promotion to officer rank. Julius served 27 years, fought in seven campaigns and re-enlisted after his original term of service had expired. In many cases, their commanders were reluctant to act against them due to their exceptional service and offered them bonuses, gave them time to reconsider, or tried to make other accommodations to convince them to make the sacrifice and remain in the service.

Constantine's Army Prayer:
We know Thou art God alone;
we recognize in Thee our king.
We call on Thee for aid.
From thee we receive victory,
through thee we are made greater than our enemies.

We recognize thy grace in present blessings
and hope on Thee for the future.
We all beseech Thee, we implore Thee
to preserve our king Constantine
and his pious sons safe and victorious to the end or our days.

Will there every be something as fucking glorious as the roman empire ?
One thing is for sure, the american certainly isn't it. Nor will it last as long...Sadly, for them, everything when to shit after 1965

and killed him*

>Constant attacks
True, but let's look at some key events that the Romans clearly brought unto themselves, like their sack by Alaric the Goth

>Alaric demanded tribute from Rome
>Honorius paid it
>Alaric sat in Illyria, as per agreement to leave Rome alone
>separate barbarians invade northern Italy under Radagaisus
>Honorius incited the Roman population to massacre tens of thousands of wives and children of foederati Goths serving in the Roman military. Subsequently, around 30,000 Gothic soldiers defected to Alaric, and joined his march on Rome to avenge their murdered families.

lol... Sure pal.

Any idea why the Nazis were do interested in B blood group?

I'll give you a clue - Alexander The Great had that bloodtype and had heterochromia iridium which is in the same genetic category as Coloboma.

Ever noticed the eye of Soros?

Trump on Muslim 9/11 celebrations: "I saw them, I was there"


That's got nothing to do with our discussion

>Persecuted to death and not legalized until 300 fucking years after Christ's death
>Political powerhouse

Ever noticed the eye of Madeleine McCann?

Christianity didn't in any way contribute to Rome during its Golden Age at its peak, and only came in any relevant presence during its fall, therefore it's easy to mistake it as a contribution in any way to Rome.


Listen you small minded peasant, I'm telling you it does.

So start listening.

Germans are truly the trash of Europe

Its Germany's fault we dont have colonialism anymore. If it werent for the two wars started by Germany, Europe could have still had hundreds of colonies

Shut up mentally illbilly

no (you)s for you

Let's see your gymnastics on this one?

Let me guess, rich people just hang out together right?

Rome fell not because of christianity, but because romans became lazy, decadent and hedonists. They gave the military power to foreigners, and then got weak and became cowards, then got conquered. End of story. You need to have single digit iq to not understand such a simple event.

Think it's connected?

The empire was stretched way too thinly. Borders couldn't be protected, people weren't being paid, and outside forces had gotten too used to Roman tactics which were themselves outdated.

Not to mention corruption, ineptitude, and complacency in Rome itself. Christianity didn't kill Rome, Rome just collapsed on itself like all empires end up doing.

The Empire was great until SOMEONE decided to put their own son on the throne instead of the most meritant to the title
Looking at you, Marcus Aurelius.

>dea wh
OK liar. You just make shit up or quote on unsourced and unresearched claims

How about this?
Weinsteins Buy Michael Moore’s Surprise Trump Documentary ‘Fahrenheit 11/9’

Bob and Harvey Weinstein personally bought the rights to the film, named after the day Trump was declared President.

Whatever could it mean?

Muh jews is a much better answer for the simple minded people of pol

>mall minded peasant, I'm telling you it doead hominim attacks. The trademark of a losing argument

Christianity was the Roman equivalent of Islam today.

It was a foreign religion that came in and agitated and revolted against the state until the state eventually succumbed to it and tore down Roman traditions that had been around for nearly a millennia.

You support the jews by proxy while they laugh at you.

To be this fucking delusional
Must be a mason

>It was a foreign religion that came in and agitated and revolted against the state

It was quite literally the state religion you silly nonce.