Kadokawa's trainwreck

So apparently Kadokawa was lying all along regarding the 3d studio Yaoyorozu and Kemono Friends.
Both Japan Racing Association and Nissin have claimed they had permission for the collaborations all along, as opposed of Kadokawa's statement.

JRA statement
Nissin statement

Also Yaoyorozu's website still down

Just how hard can Kadokawa ruin something to the point of having the partnerships at the verge of breaking? Didn't they learned after the whole Kancolle problem?

Other urls found in this thread:


Pachinko when

Never. They are going to cancel the whole thing before it even happens, didn't they also delayed the new phone game?
Also this whole thing appared on TV too. They fucked up big time

Remember when people laughed at Kyoani for starting to distance themselves from Kadokawa? Kyoani is always one step ahead

Fuck off.

>Kancolle problem
I request a quick rundown.

Have we started the fire?

Kyoani is always right, but people not always believe in them.

It sucks for kemonofags, it's hilarious and sad how such a series went from huge hit to blunder of the century in just 1 day. As expected of kadokawa's ineptitude

How about you hide the thread

Kadokawa actually made the seiyuus to apologize about the situation

This shit deserves a fucking dogeza as minimum

>Didn't they learned after the whole Kancolle problem?

Of course not.

Don't remember the details, but kadokawa handled Kancolle poorly. The anime was a complete disaster, they didn't do a single thing with the game for a long time too (they just announced an HTML5 version this year).

They even had to apologize publicly because of how bad everything was being handled (although it was most likely to just please shareholders)

Do Kadokawa own the game or something? Isn't there an offline handheld console version?

I just remember the anime being super fucking shit and all the different manga adaptations are totally independent spinoffs. The media side of Kancolle is fucked.

t. Shueisha shill

I hope their income drops like crazy so that they can fuck off already. Now they are making seiyuus apologize for their shit.

Yaoyorozu's site isn't down, you just can't access it from non-Japanese IPs.


No idea about the browser game, but that trashy PS Vita game was developed and published by them

Stuff promised day one still isn't in game. They are afraid of angering anyone so no major changes to the game for years only new ships. Idiotic marriage system to pander to lonely autists. Boring shitty events that are the same shit over and over again. All official manga are crap. Anime was crap. Vita game was crap.

It was a franchise loved by everyone and they turned it into a soulless corporate piece of crap.

Used multiple japanese IPs, got this.
It has been like this ever since the announcement

From 2013-2015, they churned out both low budget anime, dead on arrival vita game and forgettable manga that lasted 1 or 2vols.

It wasn't until recently that they decided to push for phase2 in the original game, android port and building real life zuiun model.

>Stuff promised day one still isn't in game.
What sort of stuff?

I like the idea of the marriage system, but the girls need more personality and story arcs.

Do we even know what "pahse2" is supposed to do?

>Kadokawa has discontinued both physical and digital sales of KanColle Kai as of the end of January 2017.

Wow, was the Vita game that bad?

>I like the idea of the marriage system

Then you are a haremfag or an idiot.

It was a buggy piece of shit that was being sold in stores for like 600 yen 1 week after its release. Nobody liked it, nobody defended it


>friends function
>trasnferring current data to HTML5

Oh weird. Maybe it's going down from time to time and I just got unlucky

This is some next level of brainwashed drone.

Kadokawa is a good example of what happens when you let a single corporation have a monopoly over an entire industry! Kadokawa's anti-trust practices have to stop! They are evil!

kashikoi all along

They own everything Kancolle, and changed character designers near the start of the anime. DMM, the service the game runs off of, is Kadokawa's property.


>they just announced an HTML5 version this year
That's actually really nice

So it's nothing.

Capitalism ho!

Nobody wants waifu franchises with self insert shit. There is a reason why GuP or LL are such a hit. Or Kemono Friends for the matter.

I find amusing that is still around

>self insert shit
Okay bud, the only self insert shit in GuP is driving tanks and fucking shit up.

GuP is at their finale stage.

Haha, time for small-time Yakuza groups to scramble for Kadokawa's former holdings. Might be fun.

It still has a strong following in Japan

>Nobody wants waifu franchises with self insert shit.

hes saying there is no self insert shit in GuP, thats why its popular

>reading comprehension

>what is im@s

>reading comprehension

When will people take it out on the street?

>such a hit
I read such shit, my bad.

Eventually Japan doesn't forgive or forget like we do.

>this shitstorm just keeps on going
Fucking hilarious.

The fire keeps burning.

It's getting bigger
They didn't talk about the issue during the radio event and made the VAs say sorry for all the fuss
The japs are livid and have been calling out VA Shield(声優盾) because of it.

I knew this would get even bigger, strap in faggots. we're in one hell of a ride and it's not stopping anytime soon

I'll be praying for Tatsuki and everyone at Yaoyorozu tonight.

Silly Kadokawa. If sorry was enough we wouldn't have seppuku.


So the tl;dr is:
>director for crazy popular and high-selling show is fired because Kadokawa doesn't want it to sell
>the seiyuu are publicly apologizing for Kadokawa
Do I have that right?

Fire only grows

Kadokawa is now caught paying off twitter to bury any hash tags that make them look bad, and having the VA's apologize for them, as though they're the ones that fucked up.

>ip was pretty much dead before the director managed to breath some life back to it
>better fire him in a way that is 100% sure to piss off the fanbase
>what could possibly go wrong?

There is shooting yourself in the foot and then there is blowing the whole limb off just because you got bored.

>Kadokawa doesn't want it to sell
More like they are fucking retards.

This is more like Kadokawa's divine punishment. Someone said that if Kadokawa were to fall then things will get worse for the anime and vidya industry. In short, Kadokawa is a necessary evil. But human morality and calculations are totally irrelevant to divine judgement. I hope I'm mistaken and things will get better from now on.

You forgot the part where Kadokawa tried to make the director look like the bad guy for doing things without content, and then shortly after everyone he made collabs with made official statements that they did indeed have Kadokawa's consent for them

>VA Shield
This reminds me Tales of Zestiria trainwreck

More like they fired him because they didn't like where he was taking the series
They didn't give a shit before because it looked like a dead ip, but now that it's successful they suddenly give a shit

I unironically think that this is the reboot we needed

>director fired
>all staff fired
>VA's forced to apologize
>caught lying several times now
>put out really scummy statement about why they did it, doubling down
>manipulating twitter hashtags

This is a story of a company making a selfish bad call, and endlessly doubling down and lying and out it to spin it, Instead of fixing it

Fuck off.


KemoFure VAs apologizing for all the controversy and sucking Kadokawa cock.
This hurts to watch.

This is the only good thing that came out from the age of social media. Kadokawa would have gotten away with it 20years ago.

Don't even remind me

This happens so often with companies and public figures, isn't it the job of a PR team specifically to prevent stuff like this? I have to wonder if this actually results in less damage to the company in the long run

Reminds me of the Tales of Zestiria situation where the producer, Baba, pretty much forced one of the VAs to apologize at a fan event while he was nowhere to be found.
Typical cowardly jap executives.

oh wow, they did Tesagure? I loved that show

>Tales of Zestiria trainwreck

can you give me a quick gestalt?

>fuck up
>manage to turn something that could had been a manageable fuck up into a catastrophe because of your obsession to keep your face

There is nothing like seeing Japanese corporate autism in action IRL.

They shot themselves in the foot, arm, and dick.

Can I get a quick rundown on what happened?


Kadokawa just went full Konami.

More and more being revealed about how badly kadokawa fucked up, basically

Reminder that former head of the company Haruki Kadokawa was imprisoned for smuggling cocaine.
>In 1993, Kadokawa was accused of instructing photographer Takeshi Ikeda, a close aide, to smuggle cocaine from the United States on several occasions.[4] He was charged with smuggling and embezzling money from his company in order to fund the drug purchases.[8] While Kadokawa continued to argue his innocence throughout the ordeal, in September 1994 he was convicted and handed a four-year prison sentence,[5] of which he ended up serving two and a half years.[1]
>Due to the "moral embarrassment" regarding the incident the film Rex: A Dinosaur's Story, a 1994 summer blockbuster directed by Kadokawa, was pulled from theaters by Kadokawa's production company and its distribution partner, Shochiku Company.[9] Kadokawa himself was forced to resign from Kadokawa Shoten.[5] The new president was Haruki's younger brother Tsuguhiko,[5] who had previously been forced out of the company in favor of Haruki's son Taro.[10]

This is the best shitstorm of official propotions since Kumamiko's last episode

>tfw this could end up with kadokawa president bows his head down publicly

The worst part is that she was his waifu, the reason Zestiria was ruined was because of what was basically a weird ass courtship ritual to her, in having her voice a character with many similar characteristics who everyone adores

Blood for the friends god

Kumamiko had a good finale. People who aren't bully fags need to either harden up or fuck off. It was clearly a show about bullying.

We've been going a while without something fucking insane happening in the industry like the seiyuu bullying incident.

One would think that the main goal of an evil corporation would be making more money, then why they are acting like total retards and risking all that money?


It's not about money, it's about power.
Kadokawa felt threatened by Tatsuaki having too much control over a profitable franchise that they thought would be a complete failure so they fired him.

Because they are total retards who think that the most important thing about a work of fiction is how tightly they control it, not how creatively it is made.

Add to the list
>remove tatsuki name from products

>modern web design in Japanese websites
It looks really empty, don't get me wrong - but it's pleasurable to look at.

Are the Kadokawa higher ups well protected? How much would it take for a crazy eleven cosplaying as Serval to stab one of them?

Found the yuri-fag.

Oh man I didn't know they did Tesagure, I loved it. I didn't watch KF but I guess I will now.

>seiyuu bullying incident
That was just fucking awful

face is more important than money.
remember, yaoyorozu are fucking literal who, they never expected them to resist.

>game is half way in development
>trailer already shown
>everyone expects two certain characters to be MCs
>director has a seiyufu
>sudden decisions to make it a game a dedicated to her
>female protagonist replaced by a character voiced by his seiyufu in a rush to the point they didn't replace items in a shop for original female protagonist
>her character is a badly written Mary Sue and every other character exists to point out how smart and great she is
>actually all the voices were recorded a year before decision
>game's released, everyone mad
>Japs even make a dedicated wikia to tell how Zestiria is a bad game
>Bamco damage controls that the original trailer didn't show MCs, but characters is order as they appear in the game
>mobile spin off calls the former MC girl a MC of Zesitira, even though she's not anymore
>Tales of Festival, Tales of event in Japan
>director didn't even appear
>he made his seiyufu go on all fours and apologize for him in front of audience
>currently he makes mobile phone video game for Square Enix