Killing Morph

Oh my rubber edge

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Guest appearance by Ted Bundy


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Don't hurt him! He dindu nuffin!







ITT: characters that remind you of yourself

For me it's this guy - intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor


What, no Dahmer?

He wasn't mentioned. I take it your a fan of his?

That's it for the first chapter anyway

Thank you for my daily dose of edge.

Thanks user

Damn why does the blood look so bad ?

This girl is cute, I want to rape and mutilate her tenderly.

She probably wants it too.

Why can't I find any info about this on the internet? Is this some super secret mango?



When did this came out?

given the timing, is bag-man the love interest?

End of last year I think

name? D:


eh, she looked like a slut anyway


>Hoop earnings

Nothing of value was lost.

Killing Morph duh

i enjoy violence but this is pretty empty. 44 pages of diddly squat.

did he not kill her because he sensed a kindred spirit, or because she wasn't a slut?

he was about to kill her in this pagespeedreader

You don't have a collage of serial killers like Ted Bundy and Gein and leave out Dahmer

this guy was a spree killer not a serial killer please get your terminology right


From reading the second chapter it makes it look like he can teleport lol

It's weird cause there's six heads but only five names too

That's the term they used tho

any idea what chapter they're up to in Japan?

>dangerous murderers appear in society
>All star American murderers

The fuck? When did any of them go to Japan?

It's a little sad none of Japan's serial killers seem to have had the star-power to be included here

So thoughts on why Leatherface over here started spree murdering all of the sudden?

Also, those girls were extremely nonchalant about the whole thing after it happened. Like it's just another normal day for them.

They should have included Tsutomu Miyazaki

>all these white people

makes me think


>Ted Bundy
Well, he was one of the greatest of all time

I dunno why, but I suspect he's possessed by something that might be able to pass from one person to another.

Also, I thought the girls were frightened once they realized what was going on. In the hospital, they just seemed relieved their friend was OK

what is this dumbass shit

That's my thought too - she's likely going to become a killer. Though I'm not ruling out her being like an 80s slasher movie protagonist

Haven't got a clue desu

American ones are more noteworthy

>another murderer manga

When will Japan have a manga about school/spree shooters? There is so much fertile ground to cover and so many cases that can serve as examples.

Not counting that one chapter in Wolf Guy

eh, spree shooters tend to be one-offs. So once they've shot some place up, they're either arrested or killed, and their story's over.
I guess they're also generally less-interesting than serial-killers

I don't know, I could see it working. It would have to be a more serious work, a slow build up to the shooting itself. A book about the daily suffering of some kid who gets hope spots here and there, but ultimately dives into despair and takes one final act of revenge on his school.

Someone like Oshimi could write it, he would just have to figure out how a kid got access to a gun.

Why is this manga still not on baka updates?

>10 victims
>not 17 like the Akihabara massacre

Step up, Senpai.