Is carnism the most degenerate widespread practice in our modern society?
Is carnism the most degenerate widespread practice in our modern society?
Yes, but good luck getting a carnicuck to admit it.
The practice of eating animals isn't degenerate. Promoting your food to some higher level where it needs rights and activism is degenerate. Get a job
>Animals have rights
Says who? The animals or the self-righteous vegans?
Only in the carnist of society could you give a Nobel peace prize to someone with a body count.
The murderous practice of plant consumption is even more widespread.
I like animals, but i still eat meat. i just give the animals i have/had good lives.
If everyone stopped eating meat it would essentially be the end of farm animal. Farm animal have no place in our world if we are not eating them. Farmers are not gonna raise them for free and they have no natural environment anymore.
Animals aren't people.
user, some people arent people. like these veggieniggers
is the kind of thing prey animals say
Animals are property, no matter how cute they are
I just hammered down pork belly eggs benedict and hash browns.
OP consumes large quantities of live meat
Wtf is a carnist? Lmao!
I'm an omnivore bitch.
If you don't know what that means look it up. I'm sure you'll have to.
>Vegan soy boy degenerate talks about how meat eating is being degenerate
>Completely shits on own ancestry, basically saying he's the son of a degenerate
>Doesn't understand the concept of irony
We evolved eating meat, and have a high powered functioning body.
Meat gave us:
-the best intelligence
-our canines
-front facing eyes of predators
-hunting skills of predators
-Pattern recognition for tracking prey
-The best endurance in the animal kingdom to track relentlessly
You can choose to genetically stray from the group. You're just being a edgy teen rebel on a Darwinian scale, friendo
Sage these cucky shill threads
>We evolved
The missing link is still missing. We didn't evolve from shit.
Donno...dont really care either desu...gonna have a steak tonight for dinner your honour...
>Unarguable that eating meat is highly unethical
>I dont care about ethics
feels good.
Animals exist to serve man. I protect dogs because I choose to protect dogs, not because I must. Just like that spider who killed all the ants in my bathroom last year, he was allowed to live. He had no rights.
Why do you think you have incisors and canine teeth, vegancuck? humans evolved to eat meat and hunt.
And here we have a vegan proving that abortion is murder
Do yourself a favour and go hunting, kill the animal, cook it, eat it.
There is nothing more pure and right than that.
And you'll feel it right in your soul that you're finally home on mother earth.
Chickens, pigs, and cows, would be almost unknown and nearly extinct if it wasn't for domestication. As a species, these animals are doing amazing by being domesticated.
Tell me vegans, why would farmers keep any of these animals if we banned animal consumption?
What if they applied these rules to other carnivores and predators?
i never knew eating meat could sound so sexy
>Animals exist to serve man
Prove this statement or gtfo
if you threw a human baby into the feed trough of a pig it would eat it bones and all in minutes
so why shouldn't we extend the same favour?
Prove they have any other practical function on earth or gtfo
All morality is about muh feels anyway, and it doesn't feel wrong to eat meat. Humans care more about humans than about other animals, and there is nothing wrong with that.
Ah, cultural marxists attacking tradition and history again.
I never said they had a practical function
certainly nowhere near so dreadful as utopianism
Good luck eliminating carnism from nature. Vegans don't care that others eat meat, only that others see that they're not eating meat.
>an animal selectively bred over centuries to provide food for people
vegans lol
I like meat, I don't give a fuck about any of your feelings on the matter.
God made us in his image and gave us power over all the lands and everything that lives on, under, above and around them.
I would kill a cow for a single fucking burger and wouldn't really have too many qualms about eating you if I had to, in a survival situation. Not that there'd be much nutritional value in such a tiny little faggot.
What practical function do humans have?
Farming animals
Animals do not have (moral) agency, so it's okay to kill them. It's also acceptable because they're not a part of our species.
Fair question
To glorify God.
We failed miserably
>muh moral
Don't bring retardness to debate the retarded veggies
In that case, would it be justified for an advanced alien race to genocide humans?
Stop murdering plants... Oh yeah, all kinds of animals are murdered during the harvesting of plants. FUCK OFF.
God put everything on this earth to serve Man
Also, why does every single vegan own one or more carnivorous cats?
Yes, but it would be perfectly moral to defend ourselves too.
I would die without meat, if I can't eat livestock I would have to eat people.
If animals didnt want to be eaten, then they shouldnt be made out of food.
Bugs arent made of chicken. Only chickens are made of chicken. Bugs are smart.
Aliens dont exist. Space is a meme and a money laundering vehicle.
You need to make them understand the difference between man and animal, because their whole argument rests on it. You see it in the phrasing in the pic op OP, they put animals on an equal level with man and conclude they have the same rights. So a whole "retarded" dimension needs to be introduced that veggies leave out. And then of course they turn around and claim to be morally superior.
>we are natural born predators
>its a leftists care more about animals than terror attack victims episode
yes I suppose carnivals are quite cruel to animals more often than now.
a fetus is an amalgamation of cells, it is not "another" person, retard
never seen carnivorous human ever before, are vegans started to hallucinate out of lack of protein?
More and more people see through the lies of big ag and big government, reject meat propaganda and switch to a plant-based lifestyle, which is much healthier and better in many other ways. It's only just starting.
you're just a amalgamation of cells too, a refuse of your parents. Let me abort you with this gass
your statement is trying to ironically invoke an argument that doesnt exist;
my fetuses arent my children until their born, but they are my property???
whats so hard to understand about this.
sure im a bunch of cells, but I've at least been born, and am another "person"
you virgin loonies are something else, you know that?
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. This body is merely a vessel for my immortal soul. I project my will in this physical plane and if you fuck with me I will destroy this physical plane.
>I've at least been born
Not an argument, what difference is there between fetus and you being removed from uterus. By your own words periods are monthly murder of another "person"
I do think that humans are supposed to eat meat, fascism needs the survival of the fittest. I think that modern farming, however, is not at all a manifestation of survival of the fittest. The people who scream about “muh meat” are overweight goblinos who would be trampled in a 1v1 fight against a cow.
>when you care more about some random retarded pig being slaughtered than you do about your own species being murdered
wanna know how i found out that all vegans have autism?
>animals have rights
Tell me when animals become moral agents, and then they can get rights.
I'm sure as shit not eating niggers
>only in our carnist society could a "personal choice" involve VIOLATING the bodily rights of others.
Oh, you mean like abortion right? You're consistent in not murdering both unborn calfs AND unborn humans, right??
Shut up and eat your soy.
plants have souls. They can talk and water can emote.
> breatharian here
I had to get my canines filed down pic related