Self hating Pole

Help me. I started LARPing as a German recently because I have a German last name. I work in a factory with mostly other polish and the only normal person is a manager from Deutschland. I don't want to spit on my ancestors but the reality is forcing me to do it. Wat do?

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go home

Eat shit anglo



Ì heard it's a fake quote. Source?

how do you feel about being the spic of europe?

Oh yea I found the source lol my bad

Stay in England and work to dismantle it from the inside.

>self-hating pole living in anglostan larping as a german

Is this the fabled 4D chess I've heard so much about?



Thanks Mr mutt. I hope with a little help of genetic engineering ure gonna be white again and get some freedom back

Yes mate ure not wrong.

Ì have a lot of Germanic as well as Slavic physical features... kinda annoying... I feel like I have 2 personalities fighting for dominance inside as well.

Tbh mate i feel like polish have significantly higher iq than Anglos but they or we are full of envy and hate and jealousy and we sabotage ourselves...


British-Israelism: This is the source of all White infighting. A bunch of filthy British Anglos who believe they are the chosen Jews of God. British-Israelism made its way into America then later morphed itself into what is called 'Christian Identity' in the United States. At one point it had up to 2,000,000 followers in the US. They view Europe as the enemy of the Jews. They're also closely connected to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Salt Lake City, Utah.

This is the British garbage the Black Hebrew Israelites replicated when creating their own version of WE WUZ.

One of the Anglo-Jews top publications is which continuously pumps out anti-Europe insane hysteria. Particularly anti-German hostility written in articles like (Germany Is Conquering NATO) Retarded claims of "evil Germans" inside "biblical prophesy" are routine.

Notable Anglo-Jews:
Herbert W. Armstrong (1892–1986), American founder of the Worldwide Church of God
Robert Bradford (1941–1981), Methodist minister and Ulster Unionist politician
Alan Campbell (1949-2017), former Pentecostal pastor from Northern Ireland

>Additional reading:
British-Israelism to Christian Identity & the Palestine Campaign

Article highlights:
>The Trump administration recognizes the great potential that lies within Germany’s capacity to lead military missions, it is blind to the danger of empowering Germany.

>What does Germany do when it gets a strong military? Do you dare read its history and see? Once that military is in place, it will be put to use! This world doesn’t comprehend that because it doesn’t understand history and Bible prophecy. We just have to look at the truth to understand what we’re dealing with. Everything is moving at lightning speed.


The British Anglo's believe they are Jewish. The British Empire has run off this 'We Wuz' doctrine for 361 years. Ever since the Cromwellian English Civil War.

In the mid-1800s they exported British-Israelism into the United States. It was picked by Anglo-Americans who started all types of cults in the south LARPing as Jews. They hate everyone, just like Jews do.

These mother fuckers need to die. They are kikes through and through with the blood of millions of Europeans on their hands.

They go around attacking the Irish, Germans, Russians... literally everyone. Then they have the nerve to say they are 'White' and that they are "defending the West". It is absolute insanity. Jews LARPing as White men, claiming the 'West' is theirs to defend.





Whatever you decide to do, please stay in England :)