What was kotomine kirei's goal?

what was kotomine kirei's goal?


Kiritsugu's penis

He wanted happiness but he had no idea how to obtain it, so he wanted the grail to show him what made him happy.

be the best character of a lame franchise


find the worlds spiciest tofu

Why didn't he just kill everyone else? Then he'd be the happiest man on the planet.

something something angra mainyu

babysitting angry manjew

anti-abortion activist

>priest character wants to stop an unborn baby from being killed in the womb

how did i never think about this

That's not true though. He realizes he's fucked up and he wants to know if it's ok to be who you are. Fate zero was all about him trying to act normal and failing.

Self discovery.

nudes of gilgamesh

reaching peak edge

He wanted to summon Angra Mainyu (evil personified) to find an answer to the question of whether a living being that is evil by nature should be allowed to exist. Kirei had come to terms with how fucked up he was and knew there was no way to fix himself so he wanted to meet another being like him and ask him if it was okay for someone like him to exist.
I think Angra Mainyu does give an answer to that question in Hollow Ataraxia, though by that point Kirei is deader than ded.

This. You don't even need to grasp at strands, it's canon.
>"if you won this holy grail war, then everything you see around you is what you wished for"

The lulz

>make mapo doufu the other day
>it doesn't really taste spicy at all, it just makes you sweat

Kotomine was in the right, there was no way to be sure that Angry Manjew was going to be 100% evil.