>browse through catalog
>10+ threads about white women being sluts, roasties and racemixers etc
Just shill my board up senpai.
>browse through catalog
>10+ threads about white women being sluts, roasties and racemixers etc
Just shill my board up senpai.
White women are objectively the only women worth sleeping with or marrying
White women
> tattoo with live free
The ultimate state of the West, just fuck my shit up, desu
till you get som exotic fever.
I stopped giving a fuck about women a long time ago. Sex is shit anyway and kids are loud. Humsnity will be doomed through global warming.
the tattoo on 4 is degenerate
I haven't had sex in over 2 1/2 years
had sex last night and this morning multiple times
I haven't had sex ever.
I went for 7 once. The journey may be long and lonely, but don't give up.
The only exposure MGTOW faggots on this board have to women is porn and roastie rage threads. Of course they have a warped idea of women.
100% White women are literal trash. If you find a rotting corpse in the woods, perhaps it is horrific, or perhaps well preserved, but still unsavory. If you find a normal person smearing themselves in shit the type of disgust you feel is far stronger, and different.
That is white women.
Nobody cares
Thanks rabbi I almost fell for the 14 again. I'm glad you where here to set me straight.
Four White Women and a Jew between them
It's much more freeing to let go, I can engage myself in more fruitful pursuits
You're a baby, try 8 years then cry about it, bitch.
It is March 2018... so my last sex was 23 months ago. Wow, I win!! Although I guess my sex career won’t be revived...
You act like that wasn't an expression of bitterness and anger. I'm stating facts. I'm white, I would like white children with a white woman. This wont blind me to the fact that 99.999% of them are either figuratively or literally pozzed to the moon.
So ignore. I haven't been here for months, almost got all smug like "you are here forever my ass". (You *are* here forever btw.) Came back for SA news, there's barely any info anywhere else. And all the roastie threads that were here in Sept are still here. Scroll past.
Girl on the right would be a 10/10 if it wasn't for the disgusting "look at how much of a free spirit I am" tattoo.
Women's rights was a mistake.
welcome to anti-white demoralization tactics
bring a helmet
What’s up with he belly button on the farthest left? Fetal alcohol syndrome or some shit
Sup Forums majority is populated by men resentful that they can't get a girl to like them
this is, of course, in their mind the complete fault of women, not being miserable fucks who are completely unpleasant to be around
Good thing for us is facts are stubborn things.
Well they are voting for open borders en masse, not having children for muh empowerment which is dooming the white race to eventual minority status. The smart ones aren't breeding and are instead substituting a family with a career, which is contributing to dysgenics of the white race. They use welfare to to transfer wealth from hard working men to women, whilst complaining about a welfare gap, then they complain about men not having higher salaries aka where are all the good men at complaints. And they destroy families for their own selfish whims, which contributes to fatherlessness which is destroying white children's potential . White women have been nothing but a destructive force for the last 50 years. They've betrayed us so fuck them.
I haven't had sex in over 26 years.
3 is not even fuckable
Pay gap not welfare*
Tattoo is degeneracy
You know what? Your pretty fucking upset my friend and I think your posting has given me just enough insight into what the fuck your problem is. You see, ever since your mother left, your daddy's been raising you in every regard to be his fucktoy sissy daughter. He works hard to pay for your hormones, makeup, and clothes, you show your appreciation by dragging him to bed as soon as he enters the door.You just love the taste of your daddy's sweaty cock after a day of eagerly waiting for him to come home. The wait is excruciating; yo're horny all day, and your transition is at the point that you can't even cum without his thick rod rubbing against your aching prostate. Often you spend the entire evening licking his gorgeous shaft and drinking his sweet precum. Once he eventually wills it, you sheepishly let go of him and stick your rounded ass out for him to ravage as he pleases. He pounds you into the sheets all night long, his massive member milking your little balls dry as you cry out and orgasm for the fifth time that night.Judging by how closely related you two are, it's almost surprising how his cock is so much bigger than yous! Guess that just goes to show that you were meant to be his daughter all along!
The last time I touched a vagina was when my mom birthed me.
I like your positivity! We hate and love White woman, it's just that sometimes we only express the hate.
I haven't had sex in my entire life. Not even a kiss. Not even a hug. Barely touched a girl in her hand. Falled in love with one, stalked her for a while, caused me a lot of trouble. Fell into huge depression, started to hate everything including myself. Pushing my 40's now, feeling old, I have an incurable illness, starting to assume my life was a total failure and someday I will dissapear and nobody will ever know anything about me.
Just use Tinder or something if you just want sex, or buy a hooker
It's unironically true and if even one man is saved from the stormfag cult of white pussy worship those threads were all worth it
I believe in you.
I don't get matches on tinder
LOL! Even just a picture of some blonds get the most attention on here, pathetic.
I tried user:
Sex coming from lust is degenerate anyway. Kikes have power over you because you can't resist lust like a weak beta boy
Tfw you have only touched your cousin's vagina
make female friends without trying to fuck them, you have to actually start to like women to have one
This pic kills the savage jew
>100% White women are literal trash.
>t. subhuman weeb beta and/or Rabbi Shekelberg
DAMN, that nordic girl is ugly. Meanwhile, this Asian guy with his Nordic girl on their wedding day.
>after 7 years finally decides to get a whore
can you even sit on a regular chair and not break it?
This but unironically. Sex culture dulls the mind from greater things
I am stupid enough to believe in myself sometimes too, even when I have already tried as hard as I could. I am a fool, I still dream witch achieving lots of things, perhaps even find a girl even when my young years are old gone. It's probably just as good, otherwise I would probably kill myself. I am still tempted to do so, because of all the things I hate about myself my self-indulgente is probably the one I hate the most.
Still, I think I got a bit better at life but now it's too late.
Bro, try to train, gain more knowledge, redpill people, protect your country, have fashy style, girls will always like our side (like our ancestors, brave and glorious) keep their path and legacy alive.
all those posters are shitskins who zero attention from white women and almost zero attention from women of their own race
Seriously though user, how many white women have been brought to Sup Forums if (((they))) have to shill against them here for hours on end?? I’d say this is a pretty good sign that we’re reaching the right minds.
Please fix the pic. You shouldn’t be able to see his body below the phone
kys hapa fag
If I had health I am sure I could do great things now with all the knowledge I have gathered. But as I said I have an incurable disease, I probably won't die from it in many years but I will be semi-disabled. I will still try to hit the gym until the end, if not fully at least doing what my body allows me. But my young years are fully gone.
Perhaps I can still try to carry out intellectual activity, but as we know that won't get me any girls. I have two brothers, seeing them happily married still could semi-fill that void.
I am a cripple, mentally, physically...I have to assume it and live with it for the rest of my days. I have failed, but I am not the first nor the last one. And many others had it worse than me. Such is the world we live in.
Good look to you anyways, you sound like a nice guy.
good, good goy. spread the word 1.5 kids per couple is too high for native germans.
>tfw u are not only a race traitor, but you're also shorter than your wife.
White women are beautiful, even if some are sluts.
it's just sadbois who couldn't afford to go on spring break and they see rich Staceys and Chads boozing and banging in Mexico resorts
Exacrtly, Germans need to die out already. Fucking assholes.
>everyone my age having sex is a degenerate whore!!!!
yeah, that, or they're just normal. and you're jealous af
rise up my fellow neets
The big 3 wedge issues shills try to push here to divide the Right are:
>Women hate
>Religion (Christianity vs Atheism & Paganism)
>"muh based Islam"
Always remember to sage & ignore those threads, and encourage other anons not to take the bait.
Hey user, you can and should take into account that you can have a positive impact to those who need help, if you have resources, try some venture or do something you're passionate about - something selfless. You never know, changing yourself and the way you interact in 'your reality' might open some unexpected doors and even find happiness.
>I am a cripple, mentally, physically...I have to assume it and live with it for the rest of my days. I have failed, but I am not the first nor the last one. And many others had it worse than me. Such is the world we live in.
the purpouse of life is not succes. succes is good. Get right with God, belive on Jesus Christ, youll see your purpouse.
is that all?
Girl in black no, the rest I would allow to take a dump on my chest.
i've come to the conclusion lately that gooks and chinks are just as subhuman as niggers, and probably more annoying too
>t. western roastie enabler
I have some projects, I hope my health allows me to carry them out. In spite of all, I am in a fairly good economical position.
girl on the left looks exactly like my ex girlfriend. she's a junkie now living on her friends couch. poor girl, i hope she gets help
Standard kike divide and conquer tactics.
I mean you say that but most of this board are pathetic losers that can only get a shitty Filipino orc woman, and they will self justify their choice and proceed to make Elliot Rodger hapa sons
It's so fucking obvious, if someone actually falls for that shit it's natural selection desu.
>hey fellow whites, the government and media are thoroughly infiltrated by jews to blast propaganda 24/7, right? yeah I agree with you on that, see? I'm your friend!
>white women though are heartless demons, they are your enemies, not the jews! If you breed at all you should racemix!
>shes taller than he is
That guy must have ALOT of cash.
i only dated white women until this year. now im race mixing and holy shit white women suck
Prostitution is legal in Spain.
Go to a brothel and fuck some illegal Colombian hooker it shouldn't be that hard, and take one of those gas station dick pills if you're feeling nervous.
best of luck bro.
white women are all of those things though
Your Congolese ass would know about being exotic.
>2 ½ years
You are like a little baby
Only white knight cuckolds still believe white women are loyal
I could pay myself a 10/10 hooker from girls barcelona or a similar agency. But I don't want to. What is sex going to give to me, at this point? What I would want to have is love. But I wasted the chance, if I ever had it.
The girl I feel in love it...I am still in love with her somehow. I dreamed with her yesterday and they day before. She told me she was not interested in me but we could still be friends. Then she proposed me to take a meal together and talka bit about our lives, as friends. She was very friendly with me, showing a sincere concern. That made me extremely happy, I couldn't believe it. Then I woke up and I was crying. That's how psychologically destroyed I am.
>Be me, fit, self educated, artistic
>Had plenty of sex in my early to mid twenties
>Easily several different women in any given week, fun times
>Getting closer to thirty and the "fun" loses much of its charm
>Begin to focus on more long term goals (career, family, ect)
>Real wife tier women are like unicorns, mostly just roasties or try hards with underlying neurosis and complexes
>Begin really thinking about the "women problem" while cutting back casual sex and ditching porn
>Realize that the sexual power game has shifted due to mass Marxist indoctrination, which preys on women's Eros nature (see Jung)
>The responsibility for men is to become the new arbiters of sexual selection which will actually increase patriarchal power.
>Men must (as always) compete for resources to their best ability and women will always gravitate toward men with high potential in resource acquisition (alongside other positive male traits)
>Women will want to mate with these men.
>Men have to choose to not engage physically with the lower quality and easy women who gravitate to them. Making clear the marriageable traits that they want in a partner. This will shape female behavior in relation to men (not in all cases but in many).
For women to become better, men have to serve as an example of the better and stop placating to providing sex to low quality women.
hermano, cuentame algo sobre ti, aunque yo no sea nadie para ti te prometo que no lo voy a olvidar toda mi vida
Ask ahead, what would you want to know?
you're from Brazil. you've never met a white woman.
which part of spain are you from?
>What I would want to have is love. But I wasted the chance, if I ever had it.
Dude quit the woe is me shit. Really hard up for female touch? Fuck a hooker and be done. Want a connection to someone? Go out and make a friend. You sound like an utter pussy. Unrequited love is the most omega behaviour in the world.
Just be a man. Date this girl ffs. If she doesn't wnat to, find someone else. If you can't get over it, then either kill yourself or go gay. But crying on Sup Forums is pretty much the lowest.
Asturias, but I wouldn't want to reveal everything as I am sure some would love to make fun of me. I plan to publish a book someday where I will reveal all my life, my perception of the world and what led me to take my decisions.
>The responsibility for men is to become the new arbiters of sexual selection which will actually increase patriarchal power.
>Men have to choose to not engage physically with the lower quality and easy women who gravitate to them. Making clear the marriageable traits that they want in a partner. This will shape female behavior in relation to men (not in all cases but in many).
you were a destructive degenerate and the state of women is your blame. you are smart for realizing this and nobel if you feel guilty.
whoremongers create whores.