Please explain ancom to me (a brainlet)
Please explain ancom to me (a brainlet)
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what do you want to know?
I think it's like like starting a brand new game of minecraft with friends. You all put resources in the same chests, all take from those chests, use the same smelters, etc. All it takes is one faggot to take the entire supply of iron to realize that it has flaws.
Then someone creates an enderchest to hide their resources, and the economic system shifts.
EVERYTHING. ANYTHING. It seems pretty cool but I'm not sure if I totally understand it.
there is a problem talking about 'ancomism'. you see, insurrectionary communism is not another 'ism' on capital 'market place of ideas', if it is anything at all, it is the end of this market place, it is the destruction of the Spectacle, of all commodities, it is the end of all famous people, all celebs and e-celebs, it is the end of money, of Apple of Google or Amazon. we are used to think of politics as a shopping mall. Bernie sanders, Donald trump etc. this is not the case with insurrectionay communism
I want to know who or organizing and enforcing redistribution
I want to know what is to stop be from behaving capitalistically.
What is the spectacle, my dude?
You know what? Your pretty fucking upset my friend and I think your posting has given me just enough insight into what the fuck your problem is. You see, ever since your mother left, your daddy's been raising you in every regard to be his fucktoy sissy daughter. He works hard to pay for your hormones, makeup, and clothes, you show your appreciation by dragging him to bed as soon as he enters the door.You just love the taste of your daddy's sweaty cock after a day of eagerly waiting for him to come home. The wait is excruciating; yo're horny all day, and your transition is at the point that you can't even cum without his thick rod rubbing against your aching prostate. Often you spend the entire evening licking his gorgeous shaft and drinking his sweet precum. Once he eventually wills it, you sheepishly let go of him and stick your rounded ass out for him to ravage as he pleases. He pounds you into the sheets all night long, his massive member milking your little balls dry as you cry out and orgasm for the fifth time that night.Judging by how closely related you two are, it's almost surprising how his cock is so much bigger than yous! Guess that just goes to show that you were meant to be his daughter all along!
Smash your head with a heavy hammer something like 50 times
Cut your dick with scissors
Get drunk
Smoke 5 joints
Ony then you'll understand and share what ancoms believe
It might work for very small communities I guess.
you mean who will be organizing the redistribution? no one in particular.
think of it like this. a Ghost mall, right? we open it. we use it. no one own it, just like the English language, no one owns it, we only use it. it is common. this is how all thing are after we make it so.
Swarms of niggers killing rich people, gaining money
becoming rich and being murdered by poorer swarms of niggers/ancoms and unsatisfied people
and so on
People go to work to produce Netflix and YouTube, in order to go home and consume Netflix and YouTube. Spectacle.
Retards that's don't understand that free trade is the natural state of anarchy
its a meme like all forms of anarchism
They are literraly "what if communism but without the state dude lmao "
And other retards not understanding minarchism is superior to ancap
So there will be no redistribution and you are unable to stop me from starting a capitalist enterprise.
Please explain how you didn’t just describe ancap.
We had an different system with my friends, we believe in private property so everyone was responsible of their own houses, chests, smelters, etc. But we shared when someone need it something and other had a lot and if we went mining we shared the minerals and rocks equally sometimes giving more to those who worked harder or did something awesome , all buildings exept for homes were public like rail roads, roads, farms, bridges, mines
Its great for small communes, hippies live in anarchist communes and they survive more they are not more than 15 people
It's like ordinary communism, but gulag'ing is done by lynch mobs, instead of dedicated government services.
this is a very abstract proposition. after the fall of capitalism there could be no capitalist. much the same way that one cant find feudal estates now days since this historical form has collapsed. after the abolition of private property and the individual there is only the commons.
you yourself will be transformed by the revolutionary upheaval. right now you are just an individualized consumer-producer, you have pub buddies but at the end of the day its just you in fron of a ATM like a christian in a confessional boot. becoming-communist is about finding friends, real friends and sharing you life with then, this experience transforms you, you begin to understand yourself as common. you begin loosing yourself -so to speak- like in the black bloc. in the black bloc you cant tell who's who. there are no subjects there. its like an orgy, you friends's limbs are your limbs and vise versa
No hierarchies. Worker ownership of everything. It's what communism is in the technical sense, but in the west we tend to use the words more loosly. Basically a pipe dream. As said, all types of anarchy are a meme, but ancom (and affiliated anarchism types) are the most retarded, because
a) forming into hierarchies is natural, and predates humanity
b) removing hierarchies prevents them from being able to do shit like have any kind of military force. Even if ancap solutions to problems like that are bad, at least ancaps actually have solutions for those problems.
If the anarco commune works and produces shit , there will be no reason for someone to but stuff from you when they can get it for free . Nobody would want to work for you because they can get the stuff for free.
Thats what's stopping you. If there's enough for everyone why should they buy or work for it?
Wait a minute if there's enough for everyone why the fuck are we working for stuff? Wtf I hate capitalists now
You could have explained without sounding like an esoteric autist. Also feudalism doesn't exist anymore because it's ilegals by today standars and its kinda like some slavery.
Remove the law and feudalism and slavery can go back again
I would produce something the commune doesn’t produce, like food or medicine.
>after the fall of capitalism there could be no capitalist
There is nothing to stop me, this is classic communism “it just works” retardation.
As far as ancoms have told me they will have worker councils
So basically you overthrow the government to start a working class dictatorship where if one worker convinces others that you dont deserve your food ration you dont and you need to obey them
It's literally the working class dictatorship if you use worker councils
If you are the gift economy type then you're just a retard
ok, lets say you own a business, lets say you are Donald Trump, you own a building, we take it from you in a war, we expropriate it from you. you and your party lost the war... so that's it. you cant start over because we destroyed you. you have nothing, no assets, you are no longer the big Donald Trump, the commodity Donald Trump, the Spectacle Donald Trump.
you are just a person named donald trump, you have no magic about you, you didnt build the Trump towers, the people build them and they have taken them back. Game Over.
That's also basically anarcho-communism. Anarcho-communists don't believe people can't own houses or that resources should just be up for grabs. The difference really lies in cooperative organization. Like, you can't hoard resources to sell them later, and you can't own a factory and hire people to work there. They all get a share in the enterprise, decisions are made collectively.
Don't you think the internet allows for efficient decentralized organization? We've come to a point where something like this is possible.
>forming into hierarchies is natural, and predates humanity
It isn't against any-and-all hierarchies. Just economic and institutional ones which aren't absolutely necessary. Kids still have to listen to their dad. There are still popular kids at school. Some people still have to take organizational positions (though these would rotate whenever possible).
> removing hierarchies prevents them from being able to do shit like have any kind of military force.
Yeah, I imagine having purely professional hierarchies would be necessary in an army setting. But you can do that and still prevent hierarchies elsewhere.
That's a misrepresentation. If you're not providing value to others they stop providing value to you. As simple as that.
Ancoms are just Communists without Leninist vanguard party faggotry. That's it. All forms of communism are essentially the same, they only differ in how they want to achieve this. So really you should just ask what communism is.
Americans have been memed so hard by the "Communism = Stalin" that they think Ancoms are some kind of contradiction, but really communism has always been a form of anarchy. But Marx thought part of the revolution would be that the workers forcefully take over the government, there is a temporary "dictatorship", then the state is dissolved. Lenin then expanded on this with the theory of a vanguard party that leads this revolution. So Ancoms became popular because people started believing vanguard parties are shit tier since they will always end in a state capitalist regime that doesn't let go of power (as its supposed to, in theory). So instead they want a more direct, grassroots revolution without a leadership, so to speak. The major criticism being that they are ineffectual and don't really have any clue how to get this done.
what im trying to say that the insurrection/revolution/civil war brings all those Big Shot Down to earth. right now we are surrounded by angels, so to speak, Donald Trump, Oprah Winfrey, whoever.
you watch a woman fuck on PornHub, say Nicole Aniston, and she has this aura about her. shes untouchable, like an angel, she's a whore, a commodity, we attribute super natural powers to commodities, like when we say "money works" but money cant work, pieces of paper never worked.
the insurrection is about rendering all thing earthly. its about bringing all those "Angels" down to earth, making them common.
>food or medicine
The commune would produce that or have that already. Also we are talking inside the realm of theory, in our hypothetical situation there was an anarchist revolution internationaly, which means the means of production and resources belong the the communes, so they would have food and medicine.
Second there's no money anymore, why would you want to become a capitalist when the stuff you want are for free.
This is hypothetical btw I know it's a pain in the ass to form a worldwide revolution plus redistribution of the wealth plus making sure there's plenty plus how to manage scarcity if it comes to that.
So yeah if your question is, dude its this shit possible? Then no it isn't
u read the etymology of the words and bingo, u have a paradox
It's a dense philosophical concept that tries to capture the effects of capitalist mass media. We're all forced to interact with images that shape who we are, what we thing, what we want out of life, no matter if we want it or not. They get us to buy things we don't really need, turn dumb comic book movies into huge cultural events, allow someone like Donald Trump to become president, replace authentic existence with meaningless semblances, and turn our whole culture into an homogeneous ooze
How would you be a capitalist if you can't accumulate capital?
thats it.
True friends are the most important thing in my life and I know some of them since I am 5 years old. I pity you that you cant even except that real frienship can exist and that friends except you for who you are, with all your individual flaws and differences, your idea of the future is my hell and will luckily never be a reality
>If you're not providing value to others they stop providing value to you.
Yeah I was talking about what would happen in a commune that had enough for people won't need to work for some capitalist In order to get things, they wouldn't have to sell their work to a man for stuff, thats why the idea of burger user of creating a capital enterprise would fail
Who says I couldn't? He already affirmed there would be no redistribution. That means people will have needs unmet and I will have goods unseized.
It's impossible to understand for any mentally healthy person
It's just fucking retarded, it makes no sense. Even ancaps sound reasonable when compared to ancoms.
>everything we want or need is free!
Sorry, but you are fucking wrong. You are assuming people will take it upon themselves, with no incentive, positive or negative, to feed billions of people. Even WITH positive incentives AND charity we struggle to accomplish this, yet you expect it to occur only from charity? And a charity purely of time, since no longer can time be differently valued and allow someone like bill gates to work for a day and provide a year of charity?
Sorry retard, outside of a few artists having a month or so of good nature, people will grow enough food for themselves, their family, and maybe a loved and disabled neighbor, that’s it.
Even if they did grow more, why would they give it away? They can always preserve it for when crops fail or illness prevents work.
You live in a fucking fantasy land and don’t even have a big bad state to force people into gulag if they don’t comply. You are EXPECTING it to work without any reason whatsoever to suppose it would
Nicole Aniston did porn? Anyway my point was that feudalism didnt disappeared just because it an outdated model but because of law, and it can come back if the revolution arent worldwide or they are suffocated and people with enough power will abuse the lack of laws.
I don't see how you're going to set up this enterprise. Can you go through the steps for me? You can't simply conjure up some goods to sell. Where are you going to get the materials? What tools are you going to use?
Nah, anarcho-capitalism is an oxymoron. Private property is an inherently hierarchical institution.
"You get what you need for free" =/= "you don't have to do any work." If you don't work we throw you out of the commune.
i dont think you get the concept of friendship. you see, true friendship is pretty much impossible in this society, true friendship, community is the antithesis of our current society, some people think they have 2000 "friends" like on facebook.
community is only possible with resistance. you cant be an Individual and have friends at the same time. you cant have your own apartment, your own car, your own family, your own work, your own bank account and still have community or friends. you can either be an individualized bubble or a historical force. sure, you can have friends, good friends, people you share some things with but not all of it.
how old are you? do you have a job? so do your friends? careers? how much time is it leaves you together? do you have girl friends? like i said, at the end of the day its each and he's own life.
communism is not like that, communism is about stopping relating to the world as an OWNER.
You are no longer talking about anarchy nor communism then, your commune is your state and you essentially have social slavery.
>you can’t simply conjure up goods to sell
One can grow food, user. I could forage for medicinal herbs, I could domesticate a mare, I could refashion metal into something more useful, I could refashion cloth into something more useful, I could hunt or fish and preserve meat.
Just because you are fucking useless doesn’t mean everyone is.
You know what? Your pretty fucking upset my friend and I think your posting has given me just enough insight into what the fuck your problem is. You see, ever since your mother left, your daddy's been raising you in every regard to be his fucktoy sissy daughter. He works hard to pay for your hormones, makeup, and clothes, you show your appreciation by dragging him to bed as soon as he enters the door.You just love the taste of your daddy's sweaty cock after a day of eagerly waiting for him to come home. The wait is excruciating; yo're horny all day, and your transition is at the point that you can't even cum without his thick rod rubbing against your aching prostate. Often you spend the entire evening licking his gorgeous shaft and drinking his sweet precum. Once he eventually wills it, you sheepishly let go of him and stick your rounded ass out for him to ravage as he pleases. He pounds you into the sheets all night long, his massive member milking your little balls dry as you cry out and orgasm for the fifth time that night.Judging by how closely related you two are, it's almost surprising how his cock is so much bigger than yous! Guess that just goes to show that you were meant to be his daughter all along!
Free in the sense that i wouldn't required you to sell your work 8 hours per day for money in order to buy stuff whose prices are often unstable or change a lot .
In the commune you still need to work but your work will be rewarded with stuff according to your needs.
>no incentive, positive or negative, to feed billions of people. Even WITH positive incentives AND charity we struggle to accomplish this, yet you expect it to occur only from charity?
It isn't charity it's voluntary collaboration between a group in order to survive. The state is gone bucko remember the incentive it's survival and mutual aid
>people will grow enough food for themselves, their family, and maybe a loved and disabled neighbor, that’s it.
Even if they did grow more, why would they give it away?
If a person growns enough for oneself and a few people you have mutual aid there, you just helped people for no reason other than collaboration.
And if they hoarde resources it would be take it away, its fair if you have enough and other who worked needs it more than you then it should be given to him
>You live in a fucking fantasy land
Didn't I tell you this was hypothetical idiot and in my opinion it wouldn't work without some twitches, do you even fucking read nigger
>One can grow food, user. I could forage for medicinal herbs, I could domesticate a mare, I could refashion metal into something more useful, I could refashion cloth into something more useful, I could hunt or fish and preserve meat.
no. ONE cant. somebody must teach you how to grow food, domesticate animals, forge metal, etc..
you did not gave birth to yourself. you are a situated being,
What grammatical diference
is there when I speak of “my brother” or “my part of town,” and when
Warren Bufet says “my holding” or “my shares”? None. And yet one is
speaking of an attachment in the frst instance and of an ownership in
the second, of something that constitutes me in the one case and of an
object I own in the other.
So basically it is an extension of communism, workers will overthrow the capitalist and seise the means of production and instill an anarcho-communist comune.
Notice how commies, unlike capitalists, never care to explain how their system will work nor are they capable of building it; they have to take it from the capitalist that created it.
>One can grow food, user. I could forage for medicinal herbs, I could domesticate a mare, I could refashion metal into something more useful, I could refashion cloth into something more useful, I could hunt or fish and preserve meat.
All that by yourself? Damn son you must be some superman
it worked plenty of times.
did the native americans had a "system" [by 'system' you mean social engineering]? no, they did not have a 'system. did the Paris commune just collapsed all of the sudden? no, it took the army to collapse it.
>An Egyptian writer, a dyed-in-the-wool liberal, wrote in the now-distant days of the first Tahrir square: “The people I saw on Tahrir Square were new Egyptians, having nothing in common with the Egyptians I was used to dealing with every day. It was as if the revolution had created Egyptians in a higher form […], as if the revolution had not only rid Egyptians of their fear but also cured them of their social defects. […] Tahrir Square became like the Paris Commune. The authority of the regime collapsed and the authority of the people took its place. Committees were formed everywhere, committees to clean the square and committees to set up lavatories and washrooms. Volunteer doctors set up a field hospital.” In Oakland, the Occupy movement held Oscar Grant Plaza as the “Oakland Commune.” In Istanbul, no better name could be found, already in the first days, than the “Taksim Commune” for what was coming into existence there. A way of saying that revolution was not something that Taksim might lead to one day, but its existence in actuality, its ebullient immanence, here and now. In September, 2012, a poor Nile Delta village, Tahsin, 3,000 inhabitants, declared its independence from the Egyptian state. “We will no longer pay taxes. We will no longer pay for schools. We’ll operate our own schools. We’ll collect our garbage and maintain our roads ourselves. And if an employee of the state sets foot in the village for any other purpose than to help us, we’ll throw him out,” they said. In the high mountains of Oaxaca, at the beginning of the 1980s, Indians trying to formulate what was distinctive about their form of life arrived at the notion of “communality.”
>they have to take it from the capitalist that created it.
What do you expect they do destroy everything and then build it again
You fucking retard, I already know how to do those things.
>one can’t just do these things that have obviously been done for mellenia
We are reaching levels of delusion unheard of even for communists.
Well, yes. Thank you. More likely I would devote my time that produced the most profit for me and pay someone to do the rest.
the endless cycle of consumerism which feeds into itself
but you keep talking like you are some robinson crusoe while even he had to learn skills from other people before he got stucked on the island
the very fact that you would consider that a good life tells just how much this 'society' imploded.
this is our world. an ocean of 'indeviduals' a sea of "self sufficient" robinson crusoe's who cant even imagine enjoying being together
I'm so sorry that you have never experienced a true friendship. It's quite possible, you just need not to be an unlikable autist
>hundreds of kilometers away from the ZAD, in the nasty suburban sprawl of the metropolis, you find a collective, a commune, inhabiting the disaster and filling it with life. You sit in a living room, drinking coffee, smoking cigarettes, and you watch as the entire commune walks in an out of the collective house all day long. Everything is sharded freely, tobbacco, food, beds, drinks, money, vehicles. Downstairs, people fix the engine of one of the communal cars, getting it ready for the big trip to the ZAD. You are told not to ask for things so many times you begin to feel like a baby.
> A group comes back from the forest. They have been discussing love and cybernetics. When you ask what they have found, they tell you two things. 1:cybernetics wants to know everything. 2: love is what cannot be known. Over twenty people in the commune were involved in coming to this conclusion. But before you can ask them any more questions, you are off to their social center for a gathering of the metropolitan comrades. Everyone sits around a long table as the food is prepared. A few children play in a corner. Two women are pregnant. You cannot tell who the parents of the children are. Everyone treats them the same. In the midst of laughter, joking, and coughing, the entire group makes collective decisions about who can use the cars and what day works best for fixing the new house.
> I would devote my time that produced the most profit for me and pay someone to do the rest.
With what? Anarchist revolution my dude currency doesn't exist plus the communes could also give your workers what they need, unless you can give them more. You have no problem in assuring your survival at least, If you can do all those stuff you can live on your own.
this to be perfectly desu. I would have a king but as soon as he violates the NAP by exercising any kind of authority whatsoever he's getting defenestrated
If you are brainlet, ancomm is designed for you
This has nothing to do with how you can't have a true, genuine friendship today.
Good job copying some text
kill yourself shill rat
I think you have to be sent to the mars for mining work. That's your destiny
>Be me
>Be in a communne
>Live like happy hippies 2 weeks after revolution
>No longer need to work, cool
>Get free food and internet because they are collectivily owned
>Become a total NEET
>Jacking off to Hentai when i heard a gunshot
>Oh fuck not again
>Some african american man shoot other because he distributed more sneakers to himself and don't giving the other man
>Nearly this have become a routine
>First rebels start panicking
>People are stealing from each other
>Others are sniffing bath salts and eating others
>One of the first rebels decides to give his opinion
>Wha-what if we start to patrol the streets, so nobody kill anyone?
>Communal police is formed
>People are starting too also shoot the community patrols because they are "statists"
I’m still waiting on you to go ahead and say everyone with useful skills will be murdered to protect communism from talent and progress.
All your arguments are faggy emotional fits, it’s embarassing.
what, you mean i cant stay here with you guys and drive an Uber 50 hours a week to make minimum wage, drink myself senseless and jerk of to porn like a "normal" person? NOOOOOOO
Currency was invented before, barter will suffice in the meantime.
Who says I would be trading with communes anyways? It’s not out of the question, but there will be more than enough budding capitalists eager to make their mark on the new world,
How do we solve the inherent problems of communism?
>states and classes
Every. Fucking. Time.
That was Stanlin told me
>See guys! Communism works when you can buy things from capitalists and rely on the, for defense and security
oh get the fuck out of here with your Supreme Skills.
ill tell you what. after the Rev you can go on and build a Capitalist Civilization from the ground up, hell you can jerk off as much babies as you like, i bet you have you Skill to self-fertilize like a true entrepreneur, fuck, for all i know you will build a Japanese baby baring cyborg over there
you crazy idiot, those people are in a constant war with the French police
Did they make their own guns?
actually they did. who the fuck you think build Trump towers? Trump?
You don't seem to just be larping so I'll ask a real question
>How does any form of anarchism handle in home conflict such as domestic violence or sexual abuse?
I worked in social work for a while, and I would see children cry out constantly and women (and men) wait to see their kids with black eyes and bruises. How would anarchy deal with this? These are under reported crimes that people hide. There seems to be only a few non government options
>Kill or banish anyone accused of domestic violence
>Ignore it and let the weak beat the strong
>The community can kidnap the victim and end the domestic relationship
>Banish the victim (least likely but still technically an option)
>Another option I'm not seeing?
Mhm, and I suppose they mined and refined iron themselves as well?
>Another option I'm not seeing?
Stop being a retarded commie
>Currency was invented before
Sure, but it does have jack shit value now and you alone won't make currency exist
>barter will suffice in the meantime.
>Who says I would be trading with communes anyways? It’s not out of the question, but there will be more than enough budding capitalists eager to make their mark on the new world.
You see the communes have the means of production, they are the ones producing the goods as food, medicine, guns, etc.
You can produce your own stuff being superman and live independent of the communes sure and other superman can do the same , you can trade with this superman too but you will never produce as much as the communes in order to convince people to work for you.
It's a matter of tools and hands, the communes have the tools and more people working
it might come as a shock to you but those are the fruits of the labor of workers.
contrary to what you might heard, the capitalist class dont dig out metal, assemble cars or refine iron. they usually sit in high rise office buildings and are so dependent on workers that they can barley fix an omelette
Anarcho-syndicalism is Unionism. But what is ancom? Is it based on a party like communism?
domestic violence has to do with the fact that the nuclear family is a historical institution in which some are relegated to the statues of subjects to the whims of the house holder. its a very old thing - stretching back to ancient Greece. the nuclear family is in the process of imploding right now. children are raised more by the microwave and the Xbox then by mothers and fathers who usually work long hours. many people fell very frustrated and take it out on family members. those are symptoms, kill the decease and the symptoms will be gone .
Anarcho-communism is literally the worst parts of the two worst ideologies: anarchism and communism.
Communism without organized heavy industry (which they did fairly well,DESU) and anarchism without basic rights to property, which all else emerges from.
Go to sub-Saharan africa if you want to see anarcho-communism. Everything is shared, except when brigands steal and rape eveeything and no economic growth occurs because they share all their capital. Anarcho-communism is just setting the clock back to 10000 BC.
But even in a non nuclear family there is dv. You get Mom's who hit their kids, single dad's who molest their daughters. Lgbt couples have domestic violence rates higher than heterosexual couoles. Siblings even abuse sibkings. Poly couples have domestic violence and child abuse. I appreciate your answer but domestic.violence happens in all familial structures, not just the nuclear family.
Anarchist have Rousseau tier thinking.
>those are symptoms, kill the decease and the symptoms will be gone .
By disease he means the current way we're living call it the " system ".
The system sorts of corrupts people and only if we live like noble savage(anarchism ) we will destroy that corruption
in a non nuclear the kid has the option the go to an uncle or another extended family/clan member
you see, all the examples you gave are situated within a historical moment, in other societies seriously beating up your children is unheard of. its not an a-historical universal human trait. i think this society and the way people live, the types of pressures they are under leads to this behavior, its just a sympthom to some other phenomenon, like drug abuse or theft, or many "mental illness".
Additionally, domestic violence doesn't just have a financial class it happens in rich families who never have to work, poor families who choose not to work, and everything in between.
Again thanks for the reply but I fear you misunderstand dv. I've personally worked with dv Vics mostly children. The excuses I've heard to why family doesn't want to deal with a raped kid or abused kid would shock you. I've heard petty shit before.
Additionally beating your kid happens all through society. From spartisn times to African manhood rituals it happens everywhere. It happens in the old Soviet Union countries, the middle East, South America. Even native American cultures had domestic violence.
Additionally what if no family member will take them? It's no secret that even today there are extreme shortages of foster homes, shelters ect. Where do we put a raped 6 year old who has behavioral issues under an anarchist system?
fine, it might come to you as a surprise but i dont think that even rich people are particularly happy, sure they can consume alot of Images, spectacles, commodities but this is not a substitute for meaning and community, rich people still has to live within this shit realty, they just wall themselves behind security firms and CCTV and all this shit. but this is hardly an escape
well, manhood rituals are hardly qualify as "domestic abuse" ...
people will take such a child. the lack of foster homes stems from our individualized condition, its hard enough to "Take care of oneself" as and individual without community, so yeah, taking care of a whole other person is a big thing. in a community its not the same story, you are not alone in the world. the commune takes people in.
native american tribes often adopted white children and though them how to live in the world.
Agreed with getting rid of the necessity of commodity.
At least there's something we agree in this thread
>see communes have the means of production
You have made a state of yourself and a lower class of me.
I have defeated communism all alone with only the power of my autism.