63 years ago, a boy named Emmett was lynched by pathetic racist cowards like the ones here in this cesspool of idiocy where you spend your pointless lives. Never forget that
63 years ago...
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I agree OP. It's a shame black people were brought to America. So much needless suffering. Should have kept it pure white.
>never forget that not so long ago, people used to get what they deserve rather than welfare
Thanks for the reminder user.
>63 years ago
Virtue signaling faggot. No one on this board was even alive that long ago.
>Louis Till (February 7, 1922 – July 2, 1945) was an American soldier. He was the father of Emmett Till, whose murder in 1955 at the age of 14 galvanized the Civil Rights Movement.
>A soldier during World War II, Louis Till was executed by the U.S. Army in 1945 after being found guilty of murder and rape. The circumstances of his death were little known even to his family until they were revealed after the trial of his son's murderers ten years later, which affected subsequent discourse on the death of Emmett Till.
Like father, like son. I’m so glad we killed that filthy vile nigger.
>63 years ago
How about we talk about modern day crimes?
That was the culture of the South, bts if a white boy whistled at her he would've gotten his ass whipped. Sure bc he was black it was worse but there were codes in the old South similar to places like Afhganistan. Its not like a racist white guy killed a black kid for no reason.
t. pic related
They should get a medal. They turned that northern darkie into a good nigger.
Uhhh, you know that it was democrats doing the lunching?
Also, progressives have banned the book about it from schools because it is racist because it implies all blacks are rapists.
Multiculturalism has failed.
if blacks acted half as bad back then as they do now, they deserved every bit of it.
They did nothing wrong
>63 years ago
Compare the number of blacks killed by whites in that time frame with the opposite. What do you think you'll find? Why do liberals always have to reference acts which occurred many decades ago when they try to demonize whites? Why not look at more modern examples, or better yet statistical trends?
He shouldn't have whistled at that white bitch
He turned into a rare Pepe?
The racism never stops, niggers should just go back to Africa
A quien le importa lo que yo haga
A quien le importa lo que yo diga...
Reminder that any white nationalist who attacks someone of another race is a embarrassment to their race and should be ashamed
Youre here as well retard
>"The woman at the center of the trial of Emmett Till's alleged killers has acknowledged that she falsely testified he made physical and verbal threats, according to a new book."
>"Historian Timothy B. Tyson told The Associated Press on Saturday that Carolyn Donham broke her long public silence in an interview with him in 2008."
damn they fucked him pretty good lmao 10/10
There used to be consequences for behaving like a nigger.
He hit on a white woman (not a crime) but when she refused, he started getting forceful and tried to drag her out of the store (which is pretty much attempted rape). If she had a gun and shot him then and there, that's justifiable homicide in today's standard.
Is he /ourguy/ now?
The media spins the news so much today I honestly wonder how true events like this were.
And if you read into how the "author" tracked down the woman, he basically stalked and harassed an old lady until he gave her the story he wanted.
dude..the Führer got attacked 73years ago and everything you are talkin bout is pointless.
don't cry like a baby,take that hijab off and get your brothers we have jews amd their semitic niggers to fight.
Think of the thousands of murders committed by niggers against whites each and every year. Never forget that and never forget it is the niggers who are far and away the more violent of the races. Therecould be be a thousand Emmet Till murders each year just as revenge and it would not even the score.
Fuck you, Jewboy.
This is your friendly reminder that the number of American blacks who were lynched between 1865 and 1965 was only approximately 4000 which is itself approximately what blacks do to one another on an annual basis. And do we even need to get started on modern interracial crime stats? Also, do we even need to get started on modern interracial crime statistics?
Once you get away from the Hollywood "history" and popular symbolism of a few anecdotal cases, the red pill is waiting for you like the center of a Tootsie Pop. And it doesn't take that many licks either.
>Ever going to the South
t. New England resident
We don't blame you. For all the fun we have with each other here, if all the blacks suddenly disappeared from the south then southern macro statistics on every issue, except for perhaps obesity, would skyrocket up. We do indeed have some fat fucks down here.
Seriously how many niggers do niggers kill every year in America? 6000? 8000?
Wow I guess I forgive the 32,000 white on black rapes per year and the tens of thousands of murders and assaults against whites by blacks, now
Official FBI stats are always a couple of years behind because the data is so expensive and it takes so long to compile. But it's several thousand homicides and several thousand more attempted homicides annually.
white deaths at the hands of blacks in a single year probably outnumber the amount of blacks killed in that period by 100 to 1000 times.
Die in a fire surrounded by your loved ones, faggot.
Niggers usually kill around 500 whites a year in the U.S.
You know what's ironic about this post? The boy was lynched because a white woman was 'offended' by him in a grocery store. This is literally the exact same direction sjws vouch for when they get offended by white males. History will repeat itself if we let them take control.
Why did he move? This is really another example of how stupid blacks are, the cop on the left that shot him was in the right. The black dude could have been reaching for a gun.
Oh no, a nigger rapist got lynched? That's just terrible!
What's that you say, he cousin insisted he dindu nuffins? Gosh, that's really new.
What's that you add, that an antiwhite kike "historian" said a dead person once came for a private interview and "admitted" Till's attack was all a lie, but nobody recorded it and there is no corroboration? Gee, what a novel event!
So we all know what happens today when a nigger niggs out, it is basically the dindu nuffinTyrone comic.
>1. nigger does something stupid(Mike Brown)
>2. nigger pays a heavy price for stupid action(gets shot)
>3. media creates lies and generates outrage
>4. the guy that stopped the feral nigger justifiably gets off scot-free(Darren Wilson)
>5. black outrage(Ferguson riots)
>6. jews prop up some black empowerment group(BLM)
>7. change in laws which benefits blacks but hurt whites(to be announced)
Notice this is exactly what they did it in the civil rights area. So my question is, what exactly happened to Emmett Till? Was he an actual good boy dindu nuffin or did the media back in the day manage to spin some sob story and maybe he actually did something horrific like try to rape the woman in question?
Well he certainly didn't do anything worth being murdered over. But the extent of his behavior during the incident in question is...much debated. There certainly was a media campaign to portray him and his family in the best possible light and with the greatest sensitivity.
now that's what I call crime prevention
>Emmett was lynched
Some call it preventive maintenance
>All this damage control
The boy was 14, there’s no excuse for what happened. Also, read the testimonies, the murderers were blatantly racist. It was a hate crime, plain and simple
Fuck off shill, what about white baby's shot in the face while in their stroller? Wheres your thread for that? you fucking piece of shit
The ONLY way Democrats maintain any kind of power is by keeping black people pissed. It is the foundation of the Left. It really is all they have.
This. Thanks for saving me from having to post that.
He sexually assaulted a white women and the men of the community did their duty.
63 years ago an attempted rapist named Emmett was accidentally beat to death by a combined gang of black and white vigilantes.
White guy being shot by a white cop
>Fucking blacks so stupid
Are you retarded?
The white man does not sink as low, mutt
so what? niggers lynch niggers everyday in africa
Oh shut the fuck up, fag. Most US Sup Forumsacks want an ethnostate and want nothing to do with 'dindu nuffins'. That's why you should support a white ethnostate too.
They are martyrs and should be venerated.
I’ll disown Dylan Roof when the media reports on the farm murders in South Africa or the fact that almost all interacial rape in America is male nigger on white human females.
That’s not to say Dylan wasn’t foolish, he was, but you won’t see me feeling guilty about it.
The food is so fucking good though.
I went to Seattle recently, those cucks have so many Southern restaurants. Google “Biscuit Bitch”. That particular place even tries to market itself with this weird, trailer park kitsch.
It’s not just Seattle doing it either.
>a soldier in WW2
>punished for murder and rape
Kek. Americans murdered people and were raping German women left and right in 1945. They figured they better punish someone. Why not the nig?
He made advances on a white woman and tried to drag her out of a store.
Not an argument faggot.
63 years ago white people still had balls
deserves it for being a dirty poopnigger
kek, you're the one that brought up an unrelated case. The white man uses violence as a last resort. We are neither niggers nor animals
like father like son
No, it's because this woman lied about Till's "advances"
I agree diversity causes tension, that's why it's morally wrong to spread it as "equality".
Thanks for the feel good story.
More like nignog tried to muhdik a wite wommin and lynchings served their purpose, to keep nignogs in check, now they run wild without them
I agree 100% you have to go back to yurop
Honestly racism is faggotry. We're all equal, however, it's best to keep each race seperate to help prevent a race war and keep peace and happiness between each other
don't forget that two can play at that, if the media gave black on white crime a spotlight it wouldn't be good for the likes of you OP.
Look at his right hand. He's holding a gun already.
jew mumps
also, most african males do not live past age 70 anyway,
assuming this monkey is over 10 years old, then this would certainly put his age well over the limit
so he would be dead either way anyway
Get a tight-knit group of people together and don't create a name for your group so it works completely in the shadows. If a negro stands as political opposition you send a team out to gather and observe information. When the daily routine is concrete you pay an anonymous person within the group. If you had enough people this could all be done on a raffle and nobody would know who was doing what.
You would have weed out undercover first and use an initial incident with evidence as leverage.
>projecting the fact that you're a beta male faggot
Leftists never change. Remind me of why we should care that some nigger got killed decades ago when niggers kill white people everyday
Eat a bullet
Turning that picture into a meme would probably piss off the left to no end. It's one of their sacred images.
Sadly the only cure for racism is ethnostates, we must create a black ethnostate in the South.
Never forget Emmett Till!
This sounds like a case of #MeToo
thats terrifying wtf
How many slave ships were there?
Because it could be irrelevant if only 15 out of hundreds of ships were owned by jews.
>like the ones here
It's safe money that no one here as ever lynched a little nigger child, so no.
wew, it's always (((them))).
Do anyone has any idea if they were also involved in the South American slave trade?