One Piece 880

Pudding edits the cooks' memories and starts making the cake under Sanji's lead.
Brulee finds another mirror from which to attack the Sunny
Luffy tries to break the mirror but is stopped by Katakuri
Nami and Luffy make contact using the broken mirror shards
He tells her to break all the mirrors on board
'Hurry and break them! All of them! The enemies are coming in from that way, I can't stop them by myself! Let me focus on this one guy!'
Those on board the Sunny attempt to carry out Luffy's instructions but the situation changes.
BM gives soul to the ocean and creates a massive wave that tries to engulf the Sunny

'Hello? I'm sorry Luffy, we... might be done for.'

>WB uses quakes to create a tsunami
>Big Mom uses her soul to create a tsunami
>Kaido can probably create a tsunami with his bare fists
>Luffy has to rely on Nami to create a rain cloud.

Luffyfags BTFO

>Nothing happens
Why does Oda keep padding away when he only has 8 chapters left to conclude the arc and so much to deliver?

If Sanji doesn't get a good fight and the Germa storyline isn't properly ended he's going to lose a lot of credibility again.

Only the cake can save them now.

Yeah, I doubt we'll get Wano this year honestly.

I'll also be pissed if Judge just get away with everything. Guy's an asshole who clone people and use them as meatshield, what the hell.

Stay mad Wanokid.

Why is Oda wasting more time on
>More Mirror
>More Pudding dissociative personality
>More cake
We already saw enough of those.

Judge is probably being pummeled by Oven or Daifuku as we speak

Well, the cake making is necessary, the other two not so much, especially mirror shenanigans

Why haven't you dropped this manga yet if you're so deadset on thinking that nothing happens every week?

Let's get real, there is not a single chapter where you admit something happened because you're a biased fuck.

It just won't feel right until Sanji actually beat his face.

Fucking retarded OP to start the thread with, it was already established a few chapters ago Nami's mirror was the only mirror on the Sunny. Please refrain from creating threads in the future.

You should know by now that nothing will ever happen in this manga.

Break next week status?

>fake spoiler in the OP
This is just like last week, why do you do that?

Someone will attack them while they bake the cake and Sanji will fight them off.

Luffy is leaving for the Reverie with the Germa 66.

I really fucking hope these are fake,BM being able to manipulate the ocean is fuckign retarded and it goes against the main rule of DFs being weakened by water,it would also fucking mean that the fight with Katakuri is interrupted even though the sole point of the past chapters was for them to fight without any interruptions,
If these spoilers aren't fake then fuck Oda,why is this fuckign cunt keep finding way to prolong this arc as much as fucking possible,what a fucking piece of shit.

Probably not, and if not there should be an early issue next week; when the chapter was released on thursday, it would have come out on wednesday. Now, thanks to the spoiler providers going under cover, we don't know.

You realize that's not always the same person posting this meme, right?

Stop posting this fake garbage you cunt,i really hope the real chapter will be mainly focused on Luffy vs Katakuri.

>it goes against the main rule of DFs being weakened by water
It only goes against your imaginary rule. I never understood why people tought that. Fucking Aokiji proved that wrong years ago.

Remember when last week Ichiji fought Daifuku? No, wait a minute-

This arc is fast as fuck, do people that complain about the slow pacing started reading One Piece last week? This is a godsend compared to Dressrosa or even Zou.


>user posts retarded fake spoilers purposely to make One Piece look bad
>Oda dick sucker still unironically defend it
This is when you know it's time to get off the dick riding bandwagon.

They are just Wanofags. Don't mind them they suck.

Why can't we get a chapter that's just Katakuri vs Luffy?


Except it's not fake, moron.

>gives soul to the ocean
Why doesn't she just give soul to the air and suffocate everyone.

The motherfucker is made of ice and can freeze shit so obviously he can also freeze water you dumb cunt,being able to literally put a piece of your soul into water makes no god damn sense since that soulis only able to leave your body thanks to your devil fruit,the moment it reaches the water the DF powers shoudl stop working.

Naisu. Who's the blond one? The legendary character from the wano special?

>another chapter of LOL BIG MOM CHASING THEM!! RUN!!! so that Toei can pad out the anime version
it's Punk Hazard all over again. fuck off.

She can only gave life to a chunk of water, not the whole sea. Same goes for air.

It's a fake spoiler, why do people still fall for it?

>pointless mirror shattering yet again when Luffys action made it clear the bit with the mirrors was over
this is so bad that it might aswell be true

Anyone else feels like the 2 years ellipse was like a few chapters ago?

I still feel like they went to the new world very recently.

Why doesn't she give life to the Sunny and have it kill them? Why doesn't she give life to the air around the ship and kill them? Why doesn't she give life to one of the crewmates and possess them?

So are the spoilers confirmed or not?

>BM gives soul to the ocean and creates a massive wave that tries to engulf the Sunny
And completely ruining her precious wedding cake? Sounds legit

It's real spoilers, retard.

Because most of the fags int hese threads are autistic underage faggots,it;s your fault for expecting anything resembling logic or intelligence from these mouth-breathing failed abortions.

Confirmed Fake.

>The motherfucker is made of ice and can freeze shit so obviously he can also freeze water you dumb cunt
>The big bitch is a soul woman and can give her soul so obviously she can also do that to the sea
Doesn't work like you think. Never did. It only affects DF users when their main body is submerged. The whole thing has always been about not being able to swim. Now, get the fuck out, headcanonfag.



Must be hard having ADHD.

Shokugeki no Sanji

Nice try.

Oda's pizza delivery guy here, these spoilers are fake. The tidal wave is actually caused by Big Mom slipping on the candy slug and falling into the sea.

Seriously? Le more mirrors instead of focusing on the fight? That makes Luffys action of breaking the mirror less iconic. Fucking Oda i swear to god i hope the spoilers arent real

>literally not from 2ch user nor pinned on tieba
Fake shit, so nice try to you.

>he enjoys Run Away Piece

Eat a bullet.

It is from 2ch.

Spoilers here from 2ch

cover page uholica goes on a rampage with baby 5 swooning

luffy uses color of king to pass out all people inside mirror

katakuri "you're more dangerous than I thought"
luffy grin and red hawk katakuri also punch

ichiji tired and niji losing versus daifuku
yonji wish he can fight but carrying judge

sanji notices them and tells pudding to go on ahead, he promise he will come help the cake he must first take care of business

pudding very tsun says come back safe

sanji flies in runs past genie and kicks daifuku

pudding chiffon arrive and start baking cake

big mam rampage, you lied perospero, perospero scared

luffy bloody

katakuri says luffy will lose, his crew will die
luffy say he will be pirate king, gear 4
no break next week

Fake, for fuck's sake it's like people still didn't get the memo about famous spoiler providers getting arrested due profiting from them, while smaller spoiler providers who just released info on twitter got scared went low profile.

Actual spoilers only come now in the form of RAW providers sometimes posting 2 page scans early, it's more reliable to wait for that now than trust in any text you might see before the actual chapter is fully scanlated.

Oda, where's my nigga Zoro?

>implying Mom didn't possess the cloud that started raining above the ship

Nope spoiler user only posted the ToC.

Not as hard as digesting every single thing Oda shits on a piece of paper,If you don't wnat fights then stop reading a motherfuckign battle shounen you retarded cunt,this is a series where everything is based solely on power and every single conflict or issuegets resolved with physical strength.
You're the only stupid cunt here if you read this series for good storytelling,just kill yourself.

Yeah, from the guy who used to leak One Piece spoilers before the last guy (who quit recently).


Shut the fuck up.

These are the fake spoilers from last week,fuck off.

Hang yourself you fucking spastic


ADHD is tough.

>Fightfag is mad

No they were posted by spoiler user just now

It was alright up until "you're more dangerous than I thought".
Luffyfag detected. Prepare that anus because next chapter is gonna hurt.

>Complaining about retards who wants fights at all times means I don't enjoy fights
Sasuga hackposter.
>If your opinion is not against Oda's decision, then you're an Oda shiteater.dickrider!
Sasuga hackposter.

>You're the only stupid cunt here if you read this series for good storytelling,just kill yourself.
>I can't tell a good story telling even if it hits me


Kill yourselfs


Big Meme is going down


don't get it

>luffy pounds kata in brulees pot
does kata get more solid the more times hes folded?

cancerous forced meme attempt bullshit only reason I cant wait for wano is for half of this garbage to go away. at least the new shitposting will be fresh

>10 chapters of the strawhats running away while they are saved by bullshit plot convenience and asspulls
>good storytelling
Kill yourself you hackapologist.

Kill yourself/yourselves*

Hang yourself

>If I don't like it, then it's an asspull
Sasuga hackposter.

>sanji flies in runs past genie and kicks daifuku
You had me until this part

>implying nothing impactful happened
Just stop reading this manga or kill yourself.

Fucking this.

Jobposting was gone but came Hackposting, runposting, and shipping faggotry which are way worse.

Oda, where's my friend Zoro?

user, what are you doing?

You're not allowed to have an opinion that is not against One Piece. You're only allowed to call Oda a hack otherwise you're an Oda cocksucker.


Man the fuck up and say "NIGGA" like you used to.

I want to hold hands with Katakuri and watch him blush!

Yeah these chapters are a fucking waste BM should have caught up with them ages ago,but she conveniently forgot that she had Zeus,her going on an autistic "muh cake" fit is also Oda's way of nerfing her down.
Horrible arc with a horrible one dimensional villain.A fuckign Yonko beign reduced to a screechign landwhale that only cares about stuffign her fat disgusting face,even Kuro and Krieg were better written villains,the only one who needs to hang himself is Oda for being a greedy cunt and milking the shit out of his series.

>but she conveniently forgot that she had Zeus
Just like how you conveniently forgot that both Prometheus and Zeus got lost in the forest just a chapter ago.


That's hilarious considering back in Dressrosa people like you were complaining that the fight against Doflamingo was taking too long, make up your mind faggot.

>conveniently got lost in the forest just a chapter ago

>Got lost because Nami distracted Zeus with black cloud balls and Prometheus tried to chase him


cover page: Sai and Baby-5 wedding
Katakuri taunts Luffy into showing him the form he used against BM in the wedding
Luffy goes Gear 4th
Katakuri can't predict what's happening
Gear 4th: Hungry Hippo
Big Mom uses Napoleon agaisnt the Sunny but misses
Perospero speeds up the candy slug
the strawhats don't have enough Cola for a second coup the burst
Franky: "Actually, it can also run on fish oil"
they all look at Jinbe

I just want Robin back

>In SBS Volume 73, a fan provided a joke rendering of Ryokugyu's appearance. Oda found it quite bizarre and noted he had already designed the admiral, mentioning that they were "super-duper cool" and that he couldn't wait to draw Him.

When the FUCK is Oda gonna finally introduce this guy?

>Why doesn't she give life to the Sunny and have it kill them?
The Sunny has a spirit
>Why doesn't she give life to the air around the ship and kill them?
How exactly
>Why doesn't she give life to one of the crewmates and possess them?
Her power explicitly can't put souls in people

Needs more Katakuri.

Gear 4th: Fighter Man when?

Uh huh
me too user