Kemono Friends

The Age of Tanoshii is over. The Time of Sabishii has come.

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Time to hop timelines

Yeah, you guys are pretty much done.

Along with kuyashii, kanashii, and natsukashii, all because of kibishii.

user don't despair yet, there might be light at the end of the tunnel!

Thank god this overrated shit is over.

That made me hit the desk.

You know guys, this series already gave me everything I wanted and even more with all the shorts.

I don't even want any continuation, the KF is perfect as it is now for me, I never wanted it to become regular thing. I have reached Manzoku if you would say

No. Seriously. How do we save Kemono?

We need to make these beta ass Japs to go riot and set things on fire in front of Kadokawa's doors. For fucks sake.

It won't help. She lost her soul

KF is dead.

Most animal friends die young. Can't save them now.

Has anything new happened since yesterday?

Thank fucking god this thing crashed and burned

>Not the user who wrote it, just spreading the message

Hi all, I'm a fun of Kemono-friends, from 2ch.
In the thread of Kemono-friends, it came out that we want you all, kemono-friends funs in , to help Tatsuki.

"Cool Japan", it is being pushed on by Agency For Cultural Affairs Government of Japan.
However, the actions by Kadokawa must disgrace the project by ACA.
Moreover, creators in Japan are oppressed, you know.
The project by ACA must be collapsed if affairs that Tatsuki removed be left, because it is a structural defect in Japan.

That's why we decided to report the affairs to ACA.
Since there is English pages and accept English comments in ACA, please help Tatsuki with us.

In this web-site:

Click to the link:
> 映画以外のメディア芸術の振興に関すること[マンガ,アニメーション,ゲーム,メディアアート等](About Promoting the Media Arts other than Films)

It would be good that your messages include about Tatsuki, Kemon-Friends, Cool Japan, Internatioal, etc.
And please spread this to other SNS.

Thank you watch this.

Long live KF.

I don't get your approach, 2chfriend.

You want a random ministry to do... what... about Kadokawa owning and using their copyright privileges?

And just how does a ministry fix structural defects in Japan anyhow?
Do they have the power to change everything required without your cabinet, national diet and maybe the monarch?
You know what to do.


The big thing is that they lied about their reasoning to fire them, and doubled down recently and forced seiyuu to apologize for what Kadokawa should be apologizing for. The firing thing is pretty serious, though I'm not sure if Japan has some sort of protection against wrongful firings.

Stay at home and cry, Nippon style?

Demonstrate alone and get ignored by everyone as a faggot that disturbs the peace?

Make a rape porn involving windows from KDKW's buildings and start a new genre of building windows rape people in houses?

There was no "firing". They can't "fire" a studio. They just didn't hire them again. It does seem like their press release lied about the reasons though.

Depends what yesterday is by your time. Do you know about the seiyuu forced apology?


Kadokawa raped my dreams

I did not. Last I heard they were having a board meeting and shit. Also the VAs were posting goodbye animals.

>They just didn't hire them again
That's the same as being terminated especially when said studio already had S2 that Kadokawa wanted from them.

I know what it feels like to be raped now.

It's pure disgust and helplessness, like some faceless powerful man took something innocent and precious from me that I can never get back.

Kadokawa raped me.


> legal system partly inspired by USA, partly homemade by old rich fucks for old rich fucks
> political power squarely with old rich fucks
> even fukushima / tepco levels of wrongdoing and public attention do not lead to compensation payments worth speaking of, most promises broken

> nobody will hire you again if you sue or raise a ruckus

At least that's how I see it. Maybe it's not fully accurate? But it seems to me this route is not going to lead to anything.

How can they even hope to make money now? The entire world hates them now.


Looks like people are going after Mine now.
So what about you?

Now I just want to see Kadakowa apologize.

Mine did nothing wrong,


It takes a lot to break the japanese.

Would you sacrifice Kurisu to save Kemono Friends though?


How long time would you be willing to sit in the jail for killing persons responsible for this?

Hi, people over at an asian discord have made a website capable of sending petition letters to KDKW related entities easier.
A full letter explaining circumstances is already provided

More details here:

This was intended to be way for people of different nations to join the petition together. Please consider it a chance to voice your concerns

Those "Friends" don't think so.
Well all the caps are here.

It's dead, Jim. #FucKadokawa.

Back to plumbing you subhuman shit.

jap jails or american jail?

I still can't believe Kemono Friends is dead.

What happened in the last 8 hours?

thanks I'll do what I can.

So Kadokawa fired Tatsuki to have more exclusive control over the KF project right?

This is fucking bullshit.

Remember Japan is big on shame culture.
If the Japanese government is hearing that this incident is making Japan look bad it'll be increased pressure on Kadokawa

Kemono Friends, dare I say, metakino?

violence is never the answer

Kadokawa made the seiyuu apologize for them
Seiyuu Shield is trending on JP twitter

>untranslatable phone screencaps

>giving up
Come on you apes, don't you love KF?

And they'll turn it into your generic anime like everyone else, expect fan service, overused tropes, and other focus group approved sameness

If ACA treats this as an issue of law, Tatsuki could have an advantage.


Kadokawa Dwango is like a beetle dung compared to Tepco. 200 billion yen in revenue against 6,000 billion.
Also the strategic importance and government backing of a power company is fucking huge compared to a fucking book and anime publisher.

What do you mean made?
How do we know they were forced to do it on Kado's behalf and not just to deescalate the situation?

Looking through tweets @yosRRX there is hardly anything directly attacking him. Yaraon blowing things out of proportion as usual.

I do but it's hard to do much when there's a language barrier.

Those fucks are just twisting the knife now.

>what is soft geopolitical power
and more than ever with the Olympics

we wont stop till the whole world is Japari Park

Poor girls.

Litteraly the Japanese Sankaku Complex. Ignore it.

Now that kemono friends is kill what do we do now?

Thank you, friend. Good luck!

You're saying you think they apologized because they personally wanted to? That's absurd.

Keep watching anime until we die, what else?

Are they trying to censor that too?

By being sincere and positive, it makes them look above the situation they're in. I highly doubt Kadokawa would care about personally telling the VA's to apologize.

there's like zero chance theyll sell the IP right? that's the only way i see this coming around

Wait for another underdog story

This time with Aniplex instead of kadokawa

Maybe 0.1%.

Hopefully they'll realize they'll never be able to profit off the IP anymore and give it to JustPro as an 'apology'.

Then S2 can happen assuming they find a decent production company. It'll mean less events and merchandise, but atleast KF will be back.

Wishful thinking of course.

Seems like people are asking him questions because of this article.

As far as I can tell though the guy is just saying there was a difference of opinions between Kadokawa, who Mine Yoshizaki works for, and Yaoyorozu who Tatsuki works for rather than saying there was direct conflict between the two.

It seems like most people tweeting at him aren't directly attacking in any sense though just asking him questions and wanting a statement from him. The thing is he is really in the exact same position as the voice actresses. If he wants to keep his livelihood and working on his manga and such he can't say shit.

Can another company buy the IP from Kadokawa?

can? yes
kadokawa will sell it? probably no, those stubborn fucks

My gut feeling tells me they either don't want to, or aren't formally capable of doing this.

The government of Japan is almost entirely market liberals and conservatives (tiny group of communists under supervision can't do shit). It's 95% employer friendly. The other 5% stop employees from being processed into Soylent green when they complain, but you're probably just fucked. And yes, this will reflect in ministries.

>I highly doubt Kadokawa would care about personally telling the VA's to apologize.
You don't know much about Japanese business practices then. It's absolutely expected that the company would apologize for the existence of a scandal involving them, regardless of their role in it.
The seiyuu are there to speak for their employer. It's their job.

Not unless both the creator and the IP owner agrees on the terms.

The #フレンズ笑顔プロジェクト tag (Friends Smile Project) on twitter is nice.

Its good to see a bit of positivity from some fans trying to not be entirely negative and down in the dumps and trying to support other fans at a hard time.

It feels like that kind of attitude is fitting with the whole ethos and feeling of the Kemono Friends anime Tatsuki made and the community that was built around it.

then I guess kemono friends needs to change the entire dynamic of how japanese society functions.

Tatsuki would probably do it seeing that he likely just wants the fans to be happy again.

It's nothing compared to the nuclear industry, user.

Shame culture is for rivals and disposable underlings to take the fall, not really for easy use by the public against old powerful men. Right?

But then Kadokawa isn't their employer.
We are looking at Bushiroad and Just Pro.
If bushiroad wanted to apologize their VA can do that. People are saying Just Pro is not at fault because its connection to Yaoyorozu. Why should Ono did it?

I've been seeing this story pop up over the last few days, and I've yet to get any clear information on what seems like basic facts of the story.

1. Did Kadokawa issue an official explanation for their releasing of Tatsuki from the project, and if so, what explanation did they give?
2. Who were the staff that resigned in the wake of his departure, and what reason did they give for their resignation?
3. What did the voice actresses do that people are now citing as Kadokawa "using them as a shield"?

I apologize if any of this is obvious/trivial information, but I've been trying to look for stories on the subject, and I keep getting articles that are solely about the fan-backlash, or rage-filled screeds whose veracity I doubt.

Tatsuki is not the creator.


I know Mine is. And you know damn well he feels the same way.

Kadokawa is employing them to work on Kemono Friends and could easily ruin their chances of ever becoming successful VA regardless if they didn't apologise when asked to.

Rocker wasn't in the stream? Did she quit because she already knew all this?

. Did Kadokawa issue an official explanation for their releasing of Tatsuki from the project, and if so, what explanation did they give?
They basically said he was releasing things without permission I think, which was proven wrong when their advertisers proved that everything was signed off on properly. Everything was released properly, and Kadokowa was caught lying again by their advertisers.
>2. Who were the staff that resigned in the wake of his departure, and what reason did they give for their resignation?
They were let go, not resigned
>3. What did the voice actresses do that people are now citing as Kadokawa "using them as a shield"?
Publically apologized for the company, on behalf of the company.

Rocker is dead user

1 Yes, they argued that tatsuki has too much control and did collaborations that were not authorized by the committee with nissin and the horse thing (later both of the came and told kadokawa to fuck off that it was all by the book)
2. all the animation company, Yaoyorozu and the parent one JUST so the VAs that are affiliated are probably also axed.
3. the used the VA's that they probably axed to apology about the shitstorm

I can't believe.

It's not like it never happened for a new VA to turn down jobs at public events. If Yaoyorozu is going to break up with Kadokawa then their Just Pro should have followed to back up their boss.
I don't buy the idea that Kadokawa is strong enough to force Just Pro to bend over, but couldn't get Yaoyorozu to show up and talk.

Yaoyorozu is a studio with around ten employees.